According to BlockBeats, the European Central Bank (ECB) is anticipated to lower interest rates multiple times within this year. This information was conveyed by the ECB's governing council member, Centeno, on July 2nd. He emphasized the need to adhere to a strategy of making decisions on a meeting-by-meeting basis. This approach allows for careful consideration and analysis of the economic situation before making any significant changes to the interest rates.

The decision to lower interest rates is typically taken to stimulate economic growth by encouraging borrowing and investment. However, it can also lead to inflation if not carefully managed. The ECB's decision to potentially lower rates multiple times this year indicates their commitment to supporting the European economy amidst global economic uncertainties.

Centeno's statement provides insight into the ECB's strategic approach towards managing the European economy. By making decisions on a meeting-by-meeting basis, the ECB ensures that each decision is based on the most recent economic data and analysis. This approach allows for a more responsive and flexible monetary policy, which is crucial in navigating the complex and ever-changing global economic landscape.