According to U.Today, Robert Kiyosaki, renowned for his book 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' and his active investments in Bitcoin and other speculative assets, has shared his insights on Bitcoin and other 'fast track investments'. He believes these investments, which include Bitcoin and a new asset, lithium, will be highly profitable and in demand in the near future due to their environmental benefits.

Kiyosaki uses his business to educate budding entrepreneurs and improve their 'financial IQ'. He has developed a 'cashflow boardgame' that he sells to his customers, which he believes helps investors enhance their financial intelligence. He likens the game to real-life scenarios, where individuals 'graduate' from the 'Rat Race' to the 'Fast Track'.

Kiyosaki has been investing in these 'Fast Track' investments for over 30 years. He believes they are 'much more fun' and require a higher 'financial IQ' as they involve more risk but promise higher returns, provided the entrepreneur and their team are savvy in this area.

In a recent photo taken in Canada, Kiyosaki and his partner Marin Katusa are seen sitting on a vein of lithium worth $5 million. Kiyosaki reminded his audience that lithium is a 'hot new precious metal', with companies like Tesla having a high demand for it to make electric batteries for its e-vehicles. He believes that 'Lithium helps save the planet', making it a perfect investment asset for him.

Despite his interest in lithium, Kiyosaki has not forgotten about Bitcoin. He often repeats in his interviews: 'Gold, Bitcoin, Lithium'. Earlier this month, he made a bold Bitcoin price prediction, stating that BTC may reach a staggering $350,000 by August this year. However, he clarified that he prefers to buy BTC directly and will never invest in a spot Bitcoin ETF.