According to Odaily, Union, an interoperability protocol driven by ZK, has announced the launch of its public testnet. The protocol has also initiated tasks on Galxe to attract users to join. Union is described as a modular interoperability layer designed for general message passing, asset transfers, NFTs, and DeFi.

The protocol's primary function is to facilitate communication between different blockchain networks, allowing for seamless asset transfers and message passing. This includes the transfer of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and the operation of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) applications.

The launch of the public testnet is a significant step for Union, as it allows users to test the protocol's functionalities and provide feedback before the full launch. The tasks created on Galxe aim to encourage user participation and engagement with the new protocol. This move is expected to help Union refine its features and improve its performance based on user feedback.