According to Odaily, MetalCore, a blockchain-based game, has announced that its game token, MCG, is scheduled to launch on the X platform on June 28. In addition, players participating in the early closed beta testing are required to complete the final task to bind their wallets.

The launch of the MCG token is a significant step for MetalCore, marking its integration into the X platform. This move is expected to enhance the gaming experience by providing a seamless transaction process for players.

The requirement for beta testers to bind their wallets as a final task is seen as a measure to ensure the security and integrity of the game's financial transactions. This step is crucial in preventing potential fraudulent activities and maintaining the trust of the gaming community.

The launch of the MCG token and the wallet binding requirement for beta testers are part of MetalCore's broader strategy to enhance its gaming platform and provide a secure and efficient gaming environment for its users.