According to Odaily, Token Terminal has released data related to the top 20 protocols that have generated fees in the past 30 days. The key points from the data are as follows:

Out of the top 20, 5 are L1 blockchains, and only 1 is an L2 blockchain. All other protocols outside of L1 and L2 blockchains belong to the DeFi category. Ethereum generated the most fees among the top 20, approximately $180 million, while Base generated the least, around $6 million. This indicates that L2 expansion is taking effect, considering that activity on Base has already surpassed Ethereum L1.

Lido generated twice the fees of Jito, but Jito's growth rate was faster. Uniswap DAO generated the most fees among DEXs, while Uniswap Labs generated the least in the same category. MakerDAO and Ethena dominate the category of decentralized stablecoin issuers. It's worth noting that Circle and Tether were not included as their current earnings and income are off-chain.

Aave is the market leader in the lending sector, with a gap of about $30 million from Morpho, which ranks second in the lending market. In the past 30 days, only Ethereum, Tron, Bitcoin, and Lido generated fees exceeding $100 million.