According to Odaily, the implementation of the EIP-4844 blob has led to a significant reduction in L1 costs for most L2s. The data, shared by crypto data analyst Kofi on platform X, shows a decrease of over 90% in L1 costs. It's important to note that L1 costs consist of the gas and blob fees for batch publishing transactions, as well as the gas fees for transaction verification.

Due to this substantial cost reduction, L2s have been able to lower the gas fees charged to users. Consequently, the cost of conducting regular transactions, such as ETH transfers or Uniswap transactions, on most L2s has also decreased by over 90%.

However, it's worth mentioning that Manta, Orderly, Lyra, Hypr, and Aevo have chosen to publish batches on Celestia, instead of using the EIP-4844 blob. This decision by these entities indicates that while the EIP-4844 blob has been beneficial for many, there are still some who prefer alternative methods for their operations.