According to Foresight News, Vitalik Buterin has outlined the criteria that celebrity crypto projects need to meet in order to earn his respect.

Firstly, beyond making celebrities and early adopters wealthy, there should be some kind of public benefit. In fact, it should either be an art project, a charity favored by the celebrity, or a combination of both.

Secondly, the project should have some interesting mechanisms, not just token trading. Despite his dislike for token voting DAOs, Buterin acknowledges that they at least provide 'something' for people to engage in activities and organization. DAOs should not completely dictate the agenda, but they can have some influence.

Lastly, the project should produce something that can last for more than 10 years, rather than popping up for a few months and then being forgotten.

The guiding principle should be: even if all the tokens involved in a project eventually become worthless, the ordinary people involved should still be happy they participated. Regular businesses and charities have been achieving this goal. This is a low standard, but what we build should also meet this standard. In conclusion, this is basically the same as the views in the article 'What else can a Meme be?'.