According to Odaily, Fetch.AI has officially released its V0.21 version, announcing significant updates to Agentverse, AI Engine, and DeltaV. The updates aim to simplify the development workflow. The changes include a restructuring of task groups and service groups in Agentverse, replacing them with Functions. The 'deployment' tab has been repositioned to centralize the management and deployment of projects.
A direct link to DeltaV has been established, enabling seamless testing and deployment. It is now possible to import local agents into Agentverse. Use case examples in Agentverse now resemble local agent code. This update allows you to use AVCTL to download and run these examples locally.
A lifecycle process for publishing functions has been introduced, providing a clear path from development to deployment. These updates are expected to streamline the development process and enhance the functionality of Fetch.AI's offerings.