According to Foresight News, Ethereum's Layer 2 scaling solution, Starknet, has introduced a Simple Decentralized Protocol Proposal. The proposal aims to enable the community to initiate a simple and complete decentralized Starknet protocol candidate solution, allowing for maximum simplification of the protocol under the assumption that over two-thirds of the stakes are honest.
The simplified protocol will consist of four key components:
1. A proof-of-stake-based leader election to determine the timetable for block proposers;
2. The creation of a Tendermint-style consensus protocol for the proposer network to reach agreement on each block;
3. A chain-based proof mechanism, requiring each proposer to prove the previous block, ensuring decentralized proof;
4. Scheduled L1 state updates to periodically migrate L2 states to L1 while merging chain-based proofs.