As the crucial underlying infrastructure of a public chain ecosystem, the mainnet’s performance determines its development. Since its official launch on February 25, the IOST team has consistently pursued innovative approaches, conducting multiple version updates and optimizations. The IOST Mainnet has witnessed rapid growth in terms of DApp count, mainnet accounts, and transaction volume, positioning itself as a globally recognized Top 4 DApp public blockchain platform.

We are happy to announce the launch of Mainnet Olympus v3.11.4 today, which is a non-compatible upgrade. The majority of our block-producing nodes have already completed the upgrade process.

For those block-producing nodes that have not yet upgraded, we strongly encourage you to do so promptly to ensure a seamless transition. Non-block-producing nodes are also recommended to be upgraded for enhanced performance and compatibility.


  1. In the transaction pool, native transfer transactions are given priority over JavaScript contract transactions in this version. This significantly enhances node stability in scenarios with a high volume of inscription transactions.

  2. We are implementing filters for transactions sent by bots.

  • To learn more about the details of this update, please refer to

How to complete this upgrade?

Follow the instructions published on the IOST developer documentation.

Following the successful execution of the upgrade, hash, and version scrutiny can be effectuated via the following command:

  • docker exec -it iserver iwallet state | grep -E “codeVersion|gitHash”

The result should be as follows:

  • “gitHash”: “0b791ae0f6d2ccb5913f00a613427db72abdef73”, “codeVersion”: “3.11.4”

About IOST

IOST is committed to building a developer-friendly public chain platform. In the future, IOST will continue to innovate, upgrade, and optimize the mainnet, bringing more powerful underlying infrastructure support and a good development experience to all mainnet ecosystem users.

From here, we would like to thank the IOST development team and developers worldwide for their unremitted efforts and welcome developers to join our developer community.

  • IOST Developer Documents

  • IOST Developer Community

If you would like to hang out with the IOST community on social media or discuss product development, we have something for everyone:

Telegram | Twitter | Facebook | Developer Community | LinkedIn | Medium | Reddit


IOST Mainnet Olympus v3.11.4 Official Release was originally published in IOST on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.