We have been sold a lie. We have been sold an illusion
It isn't a flex to have many women. The inevitable result of too much pleasure is pain. Getting STDs after sleeping around isn't a flex
Aborting kids coz you don't want them isn't a flex
Partying with drugs and drink is more temporary pleasure that doesn't result in lasting happiness
The devil doesn't come to us in a scary twisted form, he comes offering all the pleasures of this carnal world
Oscar Wilde said, "I can resist everything but temptation", that was most definitely not a flex
Degenerate hiphop culture has been used to programme the youth for decades
Famous musicians decades ago used to sing "I wanna hold your hand", now they sing "bend over bitch back it up on me"
We must deprogramme ourselves from all the filth that has been implanted into our once pure minds
We must all return to God. Will you choose the easy path or the hard path of suffering and pain?
Follow the greats who came before you. They showed us how to walk the righteous path
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