It took me 4

few years in crypto to learn these lessons, but you can get them in just 2 minutes: 😎✈️

1. No matter the market ups or downs, 8% of people will always hold all 21 million Bitcoin. It’s a constant.

2. Skills are everything: Managing your finances, capital, and risk is 100x more important than just knowing technical analysis or doing crypto research.

3. Earn passively: There are many ways to make money in crypto without constantly trading. Think long-term!

Bitcoin’s history speaks for itself—it’s grown over 100% per year on average for the last 15 years. Yet, most people don’t profit because they want fast cash. If you can't dedicate 4 hours a day to crypto, stick with the basics: focus on Bitcoin and Ethereum (ETH). Aim for a 70% BTC and 30% ETH portfolio.

➡ Be cautious: Trusting others blindly only leads to disappointment. Learn to make your own decisions and own your mistakes. It’s the only way to gain real experience.

➡ The true purpose of investing: It should make your life more meaningful. If crypto does that for you, great! If not, reconsider your approach.

Crypto isn’t just about tech anymore; it’s now linked with macroeconomics and global financial markets. People may tell you not to buy Bitcoin, but remember, once it’s widely accepted, the opportunity to get in early might be gone.

Invest wisely, make choices that matter, and let crypto be your path to a brighter future.

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