⚡️ @Hemi_xyz has announced the closure of its $15M strategic funding round

Hemi Labs raises $15M in funding led by @BinanceLabs, @BreyerCap, and @BigBrainVC. The investment was also joined by @Cryptocom_Cap, @Web3com_VC, @HyperchainC, @AlchemyPlatform, SALT Fund, Kelly Investments, Sunflower Capital, DNA Fund, @Gate_ventures, @Quantstamp, @Trgcapi, BTC INC, Artichoke Capital, @Cypher_Capital, @SNZholding, C6E, IBG Capital, Protein Capital, @Monprotocol Ventures, SV5, and Impossible Finance, among others. The firm plans to use the fresh funding to launch Hemi Network, its modular blockchain network built on #Bitcoin and Ethereum.
