🔥 @dappOS_com is an intent execution network that enables chains and dApps to be intent-centric for value-specific operations. By establishing a two-sided marketplace, it transforms intentions into on-chain results. On the supply side, service providers stake collateral and choose to run one or more execution services. Additionally, it gives developers the ability to satisfy user intents on the demand side.

Who Is Ty Shen ❓

🔥🎥 @dappOS_com was founded by Ty Shen.Co-founder of Alchemy Pay and former CTO · a two-time founder of the watch-to-earn app JiHao (300K DAU at its peak) and VR (Tsing Visual, acquired in 2016). • Major in Mathematics and Software Development, Tsinghua University graduate.

#dappOSTheFutureofIntents #DappOSTheFutureofIntents🔥 #BinanceWeb3Wallet #dappOS