--: Trading Advice for September :--

$BTC September month is usually a red loss month, in the historic performance of Bitcoin , stocks and financial assets.

Why ?

Its a back to work, back to school month.

People have business expenses , Operations expenses , administration expenses. Hiring , spending on supplies, etc..

Well , somebody will get those expenses as income and buy Bitcoin in October + November.

Then we repeat the holiday cycle in second half of December 😁😅😀🙏

Huge BUT , if the #FED or other central banks lower borrowing rates, degen Investors will borrow, make structured margin package with price limits, then buy Bitcoin on leverage with covered stop loss options , etc...

Basically , BTC will dip a bit 3-20%, BUT if the FED lowers interest rates the traders will gobble up the dip.

IF the volatility is low and we slide sideways. Then there will be a dip at the end of that slide, when people get spooky. Buy there, if you must. Its usually a 2 step dip and then step pump like there is no going back. Sometimes the dip and pump will occur is September and the month is net zero or similar.

Basically its a waiting for the drop and buy month. IF I am correct. Its not a pump and crazy month. Then again watch the FED and large financial funds, they know when the FED will pump the market.

Financial funds are sitting on the cash , they are friends with the FED. They are just waiting for the signal to start pumping their preferred asset. They sold Apple and Nvidia to prepare cash , they know they will invest it in something , otherwise they would not sell and pay tax.

No panic sells or panic buys please !

Those are for November 😃😆😀😅😁

Think for YOURSELF !

I do like tips, good comments and meme coin toss in the wallet. Drop those at my profile , IF you found value in my writing.