Last weekend, French authorities detained Pavel Durov, the CEO and founder of Telegram, at Le Bourget Airport, sparking widespread international concern. The arrest has sparked strong condemnation, including from the TON Society and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates.

Both entities have called for Durov’s immediate release, citing his vital role in championing freedom of expression and user privacy through Telegram.

France Faces Backlash Over Durov’s Detention Amidst Encryption Debate

The TON Society, representing the community behind The Open Network (TON), described the arrest as an assault on fundamental human rights. Their statement emphasized that Durov’s detention goes beyond legal implications, striking at the heart of online privacy and free communication. The group has urged global institutions, including the United Nations and the European Union, to intervene and challenge France’s actions.


“Lastly, we call on all tech and social media platforms to resist baseless and extra-judicial orders that violate the rights of their users, which must be defended at all costs,” TON Society stated in their open letter.

The UAE’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also expressed concern over the arrest of Durov, who is an Emirati citizen. The ministry has requested that the French government provide Durov with urgent consular services.

“Prioritizing the welfare of UAE citizens, safeguarding their interests, and providing them with all aspects of support is a key priority for the UAE,” Afra Al Hameli, the Director of Strategic Communications at UAE’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said.

French authorities have accused Durov of serious crimes, including conspiracy in illegal transactions, child pornography, drug trafficking, and cybercrimes. Additionally, he is charged with providing unauthorized cryptology services and refusing to allow French authorities access to monitor certain users on Telegram.

Many view these allegations with skepticism, seeing them as a pretext to undermine encrypted communication and user privacy. Critics argue that Durov’s arrest is a significant overreach and could set a dangerous precedent for the future of online privacy.

The lack of transparency surrounding the investigation has fueled suspicions about the motives behind the arrest. Some even suggest that this is an attempt to weaken Telegram’s strong privacy protections.

In response to the growing international criticism, French President Emmanuel Macron asserted that Durov’s arrest was not politically motivated. Macron emphasized that while “France is deeply committed to freedom of expression, communication, and innovation,” these freedoms must operate within a legal framework that protects citizens and respects their rights.

“The arrest of the president of Telegram on French soil took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. It is in no way a political decision. It is up to the judges to rule on the matter,” Macron affirmed.