$DOGS ✅ The French authorities extended Durov's detention by 48 hours, and the country's president does not see any political motives in this case.

Telegram called all accusations against Pavel absurd, stating that the platform's creator is not responsible for how it is used ✈️

Monday's news:

✔️ On the day of listing, the DOGS meme token price dropped by 20%, and trading was accompanied by disruptions on CEX and DEX

✔️ The head of the Bank of China resigned for personal reasons 😄

✔️ Rumors: India is also investigating Telegram

✔️ The total market capitalization of stablecoins reached $168 billion

✔️ Toncoin liquidity provider sold 356,545 TON ($1.98 million) in 4 hours

✔️ IBM will lay off 1,000 employees and close research centers in China

✔️ Semler Scientific bought an additional 83 BTC

✔️ Financial Times: 15 leading arms manufacturers worldwide expect orders to double by the end of 2026 – $52 billion 😑

✔️ Elon Musk unveiled a new AI training center at Tesla headquarters in Austin

✔️ The Shiba Inu meme token team announced the start of building a DAO

#dogs #Shiba #telegram #ibm