The question on every crypto investor's mind is, "Could Shiba Inu (SHIB) make a 1000x return from its current price?" To answer this burning question, I turned to Google's experimental AI for insights. The AI's analysis provides a nuanced perspective on the potential price targets for SHIB in the next bull run, ranging from modest to highly ambitious.

Google AI's Analysis

According to Google's experimental AI, the price predictions for Shiba Inu in the next bull run vary widely:

  • $0.00001 and $0.00005: These are modest and achievable targets, even in a bear market.

  • $0.0001 and $0.0005: These are ambitious but achievable in a strong bull run, requiring significant market share gains.

  • $0.001 and $0.005: These are very ambitious targets that would necessitate SHIB becoming one of the most valuable cryptocurrencies.

  • $0.01 and $0.1: These are highly ambitious and unlikely, requiring a massive market share.

Factors affecting SHIB's price include market sentiment, community support, utility, and competition. The AI suggests that while it's difficult to predict the exact price, SHIB has the potential for significant gains, but investors should weigh the risks and rewards carefully.


The possibility of Shiba Inu making a 1000x return is a complex issue with multiple variables at play. While Google's AI doesn't provide a definitive answer, it does offer a framework for understanding the potential risks and rewards. The key takeaway is that while a 1000x return is highly ambitious, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility, especially if SHIB can differentiate itself from competitors and continue to develop new use cases. Therefore, investors should keep a close eye on market sentiment, community engagement, and utility developments when considering an investment in $SHIB .