The level of 57.25% in Bitcoin Dominance was the support zone of 2019-2020 levels. This region was a strong resistance at the moment, but it throws it on it and falls back in this way, it gives a little hope to see if there may be a deviation. Of course, it should be watched, it would be wrong to enter such an idea in the first move, it is necessary to see continuity, it is reinterpreted in the following days according to the situation below the resistance zone.

I'm sure of the ETH/BT pair that everyone is following it this way, and I'm following it this way. There is a falling channel it has created since 2022 and it has been progressing in that ratio, there has been no loss of the channel yet, it has not been able to break the top even though it has tried a lot permanently, so we are following the right thing. The upper band of the channel needs to be broken.

This is how I follow the Others Dominans side, first a wedge, an upward break, a rising trend, break the rising trend and makes an intermediate decline and returns to the real uptrend. We have 1 example, our current example is similar. In case of a possible comparison, up to 28% should come in the current cycle, my follow-up is like this.

In general, I don't share it because everyone follows and shares the same things, but I follow them in this way in the background, let me share it because there are people who ask.

#bitcoindominance $BTC