Notice the huge difference between the bulish wave e in 2021 vs the bullish wave in20231 This is why I dubbed 2023 the recovery yeur Last year many Altcoins produced a nice wave, a recovery but definitely not a full blown buil market. Of course, the are always exceptions to the rule

The full blown bull happen next year-2025

The accumulation phase after the bear markut (long term correction), lasted 530 days

This type of very lung accumulation phase drives mi nany people away from the market, By late 2023, not many people were around to enjoy the bullish wave that ended narter this year.

A small bollish wave in 2023 (compared to 2021), ending early 2024, wil be followed by a short accumulation phase

The next accumulation phase won't be as long an befure -The next bullish wave small as before be a

The next bullish wave will be huge set to experience massive growth