🚨 Binance is Now Allowed to Invest in US Treasury Bills!

They published an article 48 hours prior to the announcement but no one even noticed.

Binance silently pumping $100 Billion into RWA T-Bills 👇🧵

Key Details

- Court Approval: On July 19, a United States court granted Binance the approval to invest customer funds in US Treasury Bills.

- Investment Conditions: Binance can invest only through a third-party investment manager and must ensure that it does not invest back into the company or any of its related entities.

- Efficient Investment Method: The most efficient way to make such investments is to use Tokenized T-bills, which Binance recently mentioned.


- July 17: Binance published an article about T-bills.

- July 19: Official court announcement allowing the investment.

This move is set to silently pump $100 Billion into RWA T-Bills, and certain coins will potentially see a 100x increase.