It took me 5 years in the crypto market to realize these things, and you only need 2 minutes to read: ⏳

1. No matter what happens, no matter how bad the market is, one thing will never change: 8% of people will share 21 million. 💰

2. Financial management skills, capital management, and risk management are 100 times more important than technical analysis skills and crypto research. 📊

3. There are many other ways to make money in the crypto market while you sleep. 💤 Don't focus solely on trading. 🚫

1. On average, #Bitcoin has increased more than 100% per year over the past 15 years. 📈 But why do so few people make money from this market? Because no one gets rich from anything instantly; jumping into crypto to get rich quickly is the common mentality. 🤑

If you can't spend at least 4 hours a day on crypto, don't buy any other coin than Bitcoin & ETH. 70% for #BTC & 30% for ETH. ⚖️

Don't trust anyone blindly. When you put your trust in others, you become prone to hope, disappointment, and errors. 🚫

Learn independently and take responsibility for all your buying and selling actions. 📚

This is how to get the ultimate minting experience! 🪙

The ultimate goal of investing is to make life more meaningful. 🌟 So whenever the results from crypto investing can make life truly meaningful, do it right away. Otherwise, don't do it! 💡

Crypto was born from technology. But now, this is a financial market, not a technology market. It is very difficult to use technology thinking to invest in a financial market. 💼

Cryptocurrencies are increasingly connected to other mainstream financial markets. Macroeconomics also increasingly influence crypto. 🌐

No one objects when you buy land, buy gold, or buy diamonds. But when you buy Bitcoin, there will be people who prevent you, look down on you, and avoid you. 💎

It's okay because once someone accepts something, the opportunity may no longer exist! 🚀 Or it is already overweight! ⚖️$ETH