Warning: Don't fall for this scheme!

You see plenty of influencers or communities that say "Don't sell (Insert random shitcoin they probably have a load of), the whales want you to sell, if you sell you lose". Or something in similar context.

Anyone who says this is fundamentally deceptive. This is not an opinion. There is a logical flaw, which indicates that they don't care about anyone else but their self interest.

Now, if you have some kind of critical thinking, you can easily realize their argument is just complete nonsense.

If everyone should hold and never sell, then why did they buy the coin in the first place? Does that mean they will hold until their grave? What is the point of buying and holding? There is nothing to be gained.

Reality that explains everything: The one and only motive for anyone buying these shitcoins is to make profit. You "invest" USD, do some magic and get more USD. That's it.

How to achieve this goal? You buy at a relatively lower price, and sell high. Meaning you just need someone else to do buy higher. Your entry price doesn't matter as long as you sell higher. The new buyer will have the same goal as you but they will be your exit liquidity. And the cycle repeats...

But.. you are usually never the early ones to buy. And even if you are, then you still need someone else to buy higher. And that guy is thinking the same thing too!

It's a zero-sum game, like tossing a bomb to the next guy, and it gets bigger everytime until it blows up. When? That's unpredictable unless you set the fuze. What is the chance that you, a retail investor with zero insider info or any significant capital, have any chance in this game where the winner's profit is equal to the loser's losses?

Stop falling for this, it's honestly impressive how the same trick works every time. Tagged coin is purely random and coincidental, nothing related here.

