In one thing I am almost certain: many people have goals that are too high.

Listen, no matter how I feel about the hope that your dreams will come true after a few successful deals, you probably don't want to hear this, but don't lose touch with reality.

Predictions about BTC rising to 200K-300K+ and average growth of 20x-30x in altcoins are extremely unrealistic goals that, instead of providing a concrete shift in your life, are more likely to lead you to despair.

And even if you acknowledge that these goals will be achieved, you are likely to never realize them.

It's a cursed cycle where your expectations are constantly being fueled.

In the coming years, those who will win are the ones who will be increasing their profits by "chasing" favorable R/R levels.

In this general context, patience is the most difficult skill to master, as staying away from the market without feeling the need to rush into any position is something few can do because it seems like you are constantly missing out on opportunities.

Lions wait for hours, hidden in the grass, before pouncing on their prey.

Do the same.

Furthermore, I have seen that some people live solely by trading. Constantly worrying about how the market is behaving, destroying their real life due to anxiety.

You will never achieve anything good if you have such an attitude.

Your mind should constantly be in a state of calm and peace regardless of market conditions.

For this, it is crucial to have a life goal, go to the gym, and take care of your relationships/social life, as they are all part of what I call "food for the mind and soul."

Don't save every penny by giving up vacations because you need to invest; you are not wasting money.

You are buying memories.

And these memories, combined with strong self-care, will lead you to happiness and harmony – key factors for working in the market.

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