We know that Trump is a big crypto supporter, but what could happen to the crypto space under the US leadership of Kamala Harris?

Harris' Crypto Stance: A Blank Slate 🧐

Kamala Harris has not taken a strong public position for or against digital currencies, tokenization, blockchain, or non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Her neutrality on these topics stands in contrast to President Joe Biden, who has made his views on crypto clear during his time in office.

Potential Policy Continuity or Change? 🔄

Harris’ political journey has been closely tied to Biden's, suggesting she might continue his policies if elected. This continuity could extend to the current administration's approach to digital assets. Given her connection to Silicon Valley, there’s speculation that her administration might be more tech-friendly, yet cautious about cryptocurrencies.

The Political Calculus: Pro or Anti-Crypto? 🤔

With razor-thin margins in voter support between Trump and Biden, Harris may need to quickly secure additional support to solidify her candidacy. The critical question is whether adopting a pro-crypto stance would benefit her campaign against Trump.

Trump's Pro-Crypto Position 📈

In contrast, Trump has shown support for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. His upcoming appearance at the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville on July 27 might further clarify his stance and influence the crypto market.

Conclusion: Crypto's Future Under Harris? 🔮

While Kamala Harris' exact views on cryptocurrencies remain unclear, her potential presidency could either maintain the status quo or shift towards a more cautious or even critical approach to digital assets. The coming months, especially as the election race heats up, will likely provide more insights into her policy directions.

Stay tuned, follow @Professor Mende - Bonuz Ecosystem Founder and keep a close watch on how these political dynamics unfold!

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