🚀🔋Bitcoin mining company Core Scientific is bridging the gap between AI and crypto by modifying its infrastructure to host CoreWeave's high-performance computing operations. A match made in heaven, or a collision of over-hyped industries? You decide! 💥🤖

🤔While Bitcoin's energy use is a hot topic, the energy demand of AI seems to be flying under the radar. Goldman Sachs predicts data centers will use 8% of the U.S.'s total power supply by 2030, with AI being a strong driving force. Where's the outcry? 📢

💰💼The answer might lie in the hundreds of billions of investment capital pouring into AI. Big companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta are backing AI, bringing with them influence and respect. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is still seen as the wild west of investments. 🤠💸

🎨🌍The worst-case scenario for AI? It becomes sentient and takes over the world. For Bitcoin? It collapses and some people lose money. Or it succeeds and topples the Federal Reserve. Either way, the stakes seem higher for AI. What's your take? 🤷‍♂️

👩‍💻🎭AI's utility is obvious to everyday people, making concerns about energy use less pressing. Bitcoin's value isn't as clear-cut, hence the focus on its energy consumption. But are AI and Bitcoin really that different? Let's discuss in the comments! 🗣️👇

#DeFi #Web3 #AI #Bitcoin #EnergyUse