Would you advice your Crypto Friend to hold onto his or her🙎‍♂️🙎‍♀️ €170💶💵 of Notcoin$NOT in 2024 which is worth 0.01534 for 9 years to come#NOT🔥🔥🔥 #Notcoin👀🔥 #InvestSmartly

That's interesting! In that case, I'd still advise my crypto friend to carefully consider the following factors before deciding to hold onto the €170 worth of Notcoin:

1. *Market capitalization*: How large is the market capitalization of Notcoin compared to other cryptocurrencies?

2. *Liquidity*: How easily can Notcoin be bought and sold on cryptocurrency exchanges?

3. *Development activity*: Is the Notcoin development team actively maintaining and improving the coin?

4. *Adoption*: Are there any notable use cases or partnerships that could drive up demand for Notcoin?

5. *Price history*: Has Notcoin shown any significant price movements or trends in the past?

If Notcoin has a strong foundation, a dedicated community, and a clear use case, it might be worth holding onto for the long term. However, if it's a relatively unknown or struggling cryptocurrency, it might be wise to reassess its potential and consider diversifying your investment portfolio.