According to Odaily, the infamous phishing group Pink Drainer has reportedly fallen victim to a similar scam. The founder of SlowMist, Yu Xian, revealed on platform X that Pink Drainer was targeted by a phishing group using similar wallet addresses. The Pink Drainer's associated address transferred 10 ETH to a fake address.

Pink Drainer, known for its notorious activities, was duped by a group using a similar modus operandi. The group used wallet addresses that closely resembled those of Pink Drainer, leading to the transfer of 10 ETH to a fraudulent address. The real address of Pink Drainer is 0x8980ab6d185af9bcc10292d4e91ae4c0b4f14213, while the fake address used in the scam is 0xEfF0eCD2eB275C3CEE4A17D9B8f101551d58f58A.

This incident serves as a reminder of the persistent risks in the digital currency space, even for those who are known to engage in fraudulent activities. It underscores the importance of vigilance and the need for robust security measures to protect against such scams.