According to Odaily, a global summit titled 'Web3.0 Reshaping the Financial Future and Broken Bound Global Innovation Ecosystem Release' is set to take place in Macau on July 30, 2024. The summit aims to bring together top financial and technological experts from around the world to discuss the cutting-edge developments of Web3.0 technology in reshaping the financial ecosystem.

Broken Bound will showcase its latest BVP cross-chain protocol and how to achieve capital appreciation and efficient allocation through the node economic system. In addition, the conference will cover multiple popular Web fields such as Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Health Finance (HealthFi), and Game Finance (GameFi), providing in-depth analysis on how to share the growth and benefits of the Web3.0 network by participating in the Broken Bound node economy.

Broken Bound is a platform dedicated to cross-chain financial services across all platforms, focusing on providing liquidity and promoting market efficiency. Its innovative Bondless Value Protocol (BVP) cross-chain protocol supports seamless interoperability between EVM and BRC20 assets, and enhances asset liquidity and financial inclusiveness through the node economic system and MEMECoin market maker model.