$GFT /USDT is currently priced at $0.02235, marking an 11.75% increase. Over the past 24 hours, the price has ranged from a low of $0.01950 to a high of $0.02320, with a trading volume of 647.01M GFT and 13.85M USDT. Notably, the depth indicates significant buy-side support at $0.02235 and resistance at $0.02341. Short-term moving averages, MA(5) and MA(10), are 110,859,255 and 73,608,330, respectively, highlighting recent bullish momentum. Binance reports a notable volume of 83,446,523 with support levels around $0.01882 and resistance near $0.02320. Monitoring these technical indicators and volume changes can provide insights into potential price movements, making it essential for traders to stay updated with real-time data and adjust their strategies accordingly.

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