Asset managers are hopeful for the Security and Exchange Commission's (SEC) approval of the first U.S. ETFs directly investing in Ethereum, potentially by mid-July. The SEC has given ETF applicants until July 8 to submit updated paperwork and amended S-1s, with potential additional rounds of filings. Major asset managers such as BlackRock, Fidelity, Ark 21Shares, and Invesco have pending filings, but many issuers have yet to disclose their fund fees, a necessary step before trading begins.

Analysts estimate that the Ethereum ETF flows could be around 10% to 15% of Bitcoin ETF flows and that ETH prices may fall as much as 30% following their launch. However, K33 Research expects Ethereum to outperform Bitcoin in July, viewing current ETH/BTC prices as a bargain for the patient trader. Despite a 3% dip in Ethereum prices, Ethereum ETF hopes remain high for a mid-July launch.