🚨 **Warning: $36,000 Lost Due to Erroneous Address Copy!** 🚨

🔍 **Incident Details**:

- 📰 **Reported by Odaily**: A user suffered a significant loss of $36,000.

- 💸 **Cause**: Copied an incorrect address from tainted transfer records.

🔒 **Detected by Scam Sniffer**:

- 🚨 **Fraud Detection Platform**: Scam Sniffer identified the fraudulent activity.

- 🛡️ **Security Alert**: Platform warns against copying addresses from transfer history records.

⚠️ **Key Takeaways**:

- 🔍 **Verify Carefully**: Always double-check addresses before making transactions.

- 🛑 **Avoid Copying from History**: Do not copy addresses directly from transfer history to prevent errors.

- 💡 **Stay Vigilant**: Maintain a high level of caution and verification in digital transactions.

🔗 **Stay Safe & Protect Your Assets!**

#Staysave #MtGoxJulyRepayments