🫡Regarding the market and the situation now, not a big THRADED. 💡💡💡

In the fall of 2019, I started my journey as a crypto novice. I chose the Binance exchange for this, I knew there were others, but I liked the simplicity and convenience here. I had about $2,000, but I knew nothing about trading, scalping, and so on. 💵🤝

Having figured it out, I threw in the money and started choosing what to buy. This list included such coins as: Eth, Kava, Mana, BNB and about 3-6 more coins. After a month of Ern, staking, my funds decreased by 200-300$, I thought, no...it won't work like that, then there was a lot of noise about NFT, how cool it is, popular, etc. 💲💲💲

I decide to transfer everything to NFT, planning to make money from it😉

I bought various collections, simple NFTs that I came across, I liked, some of them were really popular. From the sale of some, I even made money and made a small profit. But over time, NFTs stopped being sold, some collections turned out to be garbage, some lost popularity and price.😞

Time passed, I got absorbed in ordinary work and life, meanwhile the market grew, bitcoin, eth, bnb and others went up. ⬆️

Over time, I returned to Binance, later calculated and saw that if I had not transferred all the funds to NFT, I would now have about 7-9 thousand dollars from those 2 thousand, just from staking and the growth of the market 🙄

So the conclusions:

1. Never make emotional, hasty decisions.

2. Study the product, collection, coin before buying or selling.

3. Do not follow the crowd and hype, analyze

4. Be able to wait and play for a long time

Now the market reminded me of that story, it doesn't show that we have to sell something quickly, or buy while giving away the last, maybe just calmly wait and make a living, it will be a better decision. 🍕🍕🍕

thank you🤝

#history #CryptoInvestors #binance #NFTCollection #NFTWorlds