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慢雾:2024年加密领域发生410起安全事件,损失达20.13亿美元,同比下降19 安全机构慢雾日前发布了《2024 年区块链安全与反洗钱年度报告》,其中指出: 根据慢雾区块链被黑事件档案库(SlowMist Hacked)统计,2024 年共发生安全事件 410 件,损失高达 20.13 亿美元。对比 2023 年(共 464 件,损失约 24.86 亿美元),损失同比下降 19.02%。 DeFi 仍然是最常受到攻击的领域。2024 年 DeFi 安全事件共 339 件,占总安全事件数的 82.68%,损失高达 10.29 亿美元,对比 2023 年(共 282 件,损失约 7.73 亿美元),损失同比上升 33.12%。 从生态来看,以太坊损失最高,达 4.65 亿美元。其次是 BSC,达 8,735 万美元。 从事件原因来看,合约漏洞导致的安全事件最多,达 99 件,导致损失约 2.14 亿美元。其次为账号被黑导致的安全事件。 2024 年损失 Top10 的安全攻击事件及涉案金额包括:DMM Bitcoin(3.05 亿美元)、PlayDapp(2.9 亿美元)、 WazirX(2.3 亿美元)、BtcTurk(9000 万美元)、Munchables(6250 万美元)、Radiant Capital(5000 万美元)、BingX(4500 万美元)、 Hedgey Finance(4470 万美元)、Penpie(2735 万美元)、FixedFloat(2610 万美元)。 2024 年 Rug Pull 事件达 58 起,导致损失约 1.06 亿美元。其中,ZKSync 生态损失最高,达 3,695 万美元,BSC 生态发生了最多的跑路事件,达 28 起。 2024 年,钱包钓鱼类攻击造成约 4.94 亿美元损失,同比增长 67%。虽然受害者数量仅增长 3.7%(达到 33.2 万地址),但单次攻击损失显著增加,最大单笔被盗金额达 5548 万美元。 此外,根据统计,全年攻击活动分为三个阶段:第一季度损失最重,达到 1.87 亿美元,受害者 17.5 万。3 月损失最高,为 7500 万美元。第二、三季度损失合计 2.57 亿美元,受害者降至 9 万人。第四季度损失降至 5100 万美元,受害者降至 3 万人,表明安全性提升。全年发生 30 起超 100 万美元案件,总损失 1.71 亿美元,平均每个受害者损失 570 万美元,最大单笔被盗 5548 万美元。 该报告还对具体欺诈手法、反洗钱及监管态势进行了详细介绍;据统计,410 起安全事件,在遭受攻击后能全部或部分收回损失资金的事件共有 24 起,根据已披露的数据,共计约 1.66 亿美元被返还,占总安全损失(约 20.13 亿美元)的 8.25%。 #zachxbt


安全机构慢雾日前发布了《2024 年区块链安全与反洗钱年度报告》,其中指出:
根据慢雾区块链被黑事件档案库(SlowMist Hacked)统计,2024 年共发生安全事件 410 件,损失高达 20.13 亿美元。对比 2023 年(共 464 件,损失约 24.86 亿美元),损失同比下降 19.02%。
DeFi 仍然是最常受到攻击的领域。2024 年 DeFi 安全事件共 339 件,占总安全事件数的 82.68%,损失高达 10.29 亿美元,对比 2023 年(共 282 件,损失约 7.73 亿美元),损失同比上升 33.12%。
从生态来看,以太坊损失最高,达 4.65 亿美元。其次是 BSC,达 8,735 万美元。
从事件原因来看,合约漏洞导致的安全事件最多,达 99 件,导致损失约 2.14 亿美元。其次为账号被黑导致的安全事件。
2024 年损失 Top10 的安全攻击事件及涉案金额包括:DMM Bitcoin(3.05 亿美元)、PlayDapp(2.9 亿美元)、 WazirX(2.3 亿美元)、BtcTurk(9000 万美元)、Munchables(6250 万美元)、Radiant Capital(5000 万美元)、BingX(4500 万美元)、 Hedgey Finance(4470 万美元)、Penpie(2735 万美元)、FixedFloat(2610 万美元)。
2024 年 Rug Pull 事件达 58 起,导致损失约 1.06 亿美元。其中,ZKSync 生态损失最高,达 3,695 万美元,BSC 生态发生了最多的跑路事件,达 28 起。
2024 年,钱包钓鱼类攻击造成约 4.94 亿美元损失,同比增长 67%。虽然受害者数量仅增长 3.7%(达到 33.2 万地址),但单次攻击损失显著增加,最大单笔被盗金额达 5548 万美元。
此外,根据统计,全年攻击活动分为三个阶段:第一季度损失最重,达到 1.87 亿美元,受害者 17.5 万。3 月损失最高,为 7500 万美元。第二、三季度损失合计 2.57 亿美元,受害者降至 9 万人。第四季度损失降至 5100 万美元,受害者降至 3 万人,表明安全性提升。全年发生 30 起超 100 万美元案件,总损失 1.71 亿美元,平均每个受害者损失 570 万美元,最大单笔被盗 5548 万美元。
该报告还对具体欺诈手法、反洗钱及监管态势进行了详细介绍;据统计,410 起安全事件,在遭受攻击后能全部或部分收回损失资金的事件共有 24 起,根据已披露的数据,共计约 1.66 亿美元被返还,占总安全损失(约 20.13 亿美元)的 8.25%。
公安部督办涉虚拟货币“黑客大案”告破,5人窃取2亿条个人信息非法获利达640余万元四川内江市公安局召开新闻通气会宣布内江警方近期破获一起公安部督办的非法获取计算机系统数据案并抓获5人,据悉该团伙都是从事网络技术的高端“黑客”,其中一人还是某大型网络安全公司工作人员,通过编写黑客程序越权获取公民个人信息,最后在境外网站上通过虚拟货币兜售公民个人信息,售价最高可达每条5元。经警方调查,该案涉及政企网站57个,团伙窃取航班轨迹、文凭、住址等公民个人信息2.08亿条,非法获利达640余万元,目前该案已移送起诉,案件正在审理中。 #zachxbt


USDC Treasury于以太坊链上新增铸造5000万枚USDC据链上数据追踪服务Whale Alert监测,北京时间上午12:37左右,USDC Treasury于以太坊链上新增铸造50,000,000枚USDC。 #zachxbt

USDC Treasury于以太坊链上新增铸造5000万枚USDC

据链上数据追踪服务Whale Alert监测,北京时间上午12:37左右,USDC Treasury于以太坊链上新增铸造50,000,000枚USDC。
TeraWulf: 158 BTC mined in December, 2,728TeraWulf, a Bitcoin mining company listed on Nasdaq, released its unaudited monthly production and operation update report for December 2024. The report reveals that the company mined 158 bitcoins in December (an increase of 43 BTC from November), and produced 423 BTC in the fourth quarter. In total, the company has mined 2,728 bitcoins since the beginning of the year. #zachxbt

TeraWulf: 158 BTC mined in December, 2,728

TeraWulf, a Bitcoin mining company listed on Nasdaq, released its unaudited monthly production and operation update report for December 2024. The report reveals that the company mined 158 bitcoins in December (an increase of 43 BTC from November), and produced 423 BTC in the fourth quarter. In total, the company has mined 2,728 bitcoins since the beginning of the year.
An ENS-associated address transferred 50,000data analyst Yu Jin monitoring found that an address that received 339,000 ENS from [ENS Cold Wallet] between 2022 and 2023 transferred 50,000 ENS (approximately 1.91 million US dollars) to Binance 5 hours ago. This address has transferred 250,000 ENS to Binance in the past year, with an average transfer price of 22.8 US dollars and a total value of 5.69 million US dollars. #zachxbt

An ENS-associated address transferred 50,000

data analyst Yu Jin monitoring found that an address that received 339,000 ENS from [ENS Cold Wallet] between 2022 and 2023 transferred 50,000 ENS (approximately 1.91 million US dollars) to Binance 5 hours ago. This address has transferred 250,000 ENS to Binance in the past year, with an average transfer price of 22.8 US dollars and a total value of 5.69 million US dollars.
A whale who was heavily shorting ETH contAccording to blockchain analyst ai_9684xtpa, a whale heavily shorting ETH has continued to increase their position, with a nominal value of 20,612.13 ETH. Another address belonging to the whale has also opened a short position worth 1,001 ETH. The total short position is now 21,613.13 ETH ($77.68 million USD), with an average short price of $3,458 USD and a current unrealized loss of $2.844 million USD. The health of the position is only 1.27. #zachxbt

A whale who was heavily shorting ETH cont

According to blockchain analyst ai_9684xtpa, a whale heavily shorting ETH has continued to increase their position, with a nominal value of 20,612.13 ETH. Another address belonging to the whale has also opened a short position worth 1,001 ETH. The total short position is now 21,613.13 ETH ($77.68 million USD), with an average short price of $3,458 USD and a current unrealized loss of $2.844 million USD. The health of the position is only 1.27.
Babylon official Twitter was stolenthe official Babylon X account was hacked this morning and the tweets with phishing links that were previously posted have been deleted. However, it is currently unclear whether the account has regained control. Please do not click on any links posted by this account. #zachxbt

Babylon official Twitter was stolen

the official Babylon X account was hacked this morning and the tweets with phishing links that were previously posted have been deleted. However, it is currently unclear whether the account has regained control. Please do not click on any links posted by this account.
Bio Protocol 1月路线图:跨链至Solana与Base,发布启动平台合约 1 月 4 日,Bio Protocol 联创 Paul Kohhaas 发布 Bio Protocol 1 月路线图,包括: 引入 10 个新的 DAO; 发布 Rust 和 EVM 启动平台合约; 将 BIO 跨链至 Solana 和 Base 网络; 推出 Curetopia 和 Long COVID Labs 的创世项目; 启动 DeFi 流动性配对; 发布 DeScAI 代理 MVP(与 Vita Dao 合作); 进行 Quantum Biology DAO 的代币生成事件(TGE); 启动平台审计。 #zachxbt

Bio Protocol 1月路线图:跨链至Solana与Base,发布启动平台合约

1 月 4 日,Bio Protocol 联创 Paul Kohhaas 发布 Bio Protocol 1 月路线图,包括:
引入 10 个新的 DAO;
发布 Rust 和 EVM 启动平台合约;
将 BIO 跨链至 Solana 和 Base 网络;
推出 Curetopia 和 Long COVID Labs 的创世项目;
启动 DeFi 流动性配对;
发布 DeScAI 代理 MVP(与 Vita Dao 合作);
进行 Quantum Biology DAO 的代币生成事件(TGE);
美联储巴尔金:对2025年预期积极,不需要再采取以前的限制性措施 美联储巴尔金在准备发表的讲话中表示,他对 2025 年的基本预期是积极的:“我预计经济增长的上行空间大于下行空间。”他补充说,对经济扩张的预期可能是近期商业乐观情绪回升的原因。他对经济前景持乐观态度的部分原因是他认为消费支出的增长势头可能会在未来几个月保持经济健康增长。巴尔金表示:“由于企业的乐观情绪高涨,而劳动力供应不太可能继续如此强劲地增长,因此当前的劳动力市场平衡更有可能向招聘而非裁员的方向发展。”他还预测,最近几个月出现的更注重成本的消费者将给企业施加压力,要求它们限制价格上涨,这应该会继续压低通胀。但他同时指出,通胀率还没有回到美联储 2%的目标:“我们还有更多的工作要做,但我们认为不需要像以前那样采取限制性措施来完成这项工作。”(金十) #zachxbt


美联储巴尔金在准备发表的讲话中表示,他对 2025 年的基本预期是积极的:“我预计经济增长的上行空间大于下行空间。”他补充说,对经济扩张的预期可能是近期商业乐观情绪回升的原因。他对经济前景持乐观态度的部分原因是他认为消费支出的增长势头可能会在未来几个月保持经济健康增长。巴尔金表示:“由于企业的乐观情绪高涨,而劳动力供应不太可能继续如此强劲地增长,因此当前的劳动力市场平衡更有可能向招聘而非裁员的方向发展。”他还预测,最近几个月出现的更注重成本的消费者将给企业施加压力,要求它们限制价格上涨,这应该会继续压低通胀。但他同时指出,通胀率还没有回到美联储 2%的目标:“我们还有更多的工作要做,但我们认为不需要像以前那样采取限制性措施来完成这项工作。”(金十)
Fed's Barkin: The fundamental outlook for 20the Federal Reserve's Barkin stated that the basic outlook for 2025 is positive, with upside risks to growth greater than downside risks. Inflation has not yet returned to target levels and more efforts are needed; there are some potential upside risks to inflation. The story of 2025 will focus less on monetary policy and more on economic fundamentals, perhaps also involving geopolitics. #zachxbt

Fed's Barkin: The fundamental outlook for 20

the Federal Reserve's Barkin stated that the basic outlook for 2025 is positive, with upside risks to growth greater than downside risks. Inflation has not yet returned to target levels and more efforts are needed; there are some potential upside risks to inflation. The story of 2025 will focus less on monetary policy and more on economic fundamentals, perhaps also involving geopolitics.
The three major U.S. stock indexes openethe three major US stock indices opened higher collectively, with the Dow rising 0.45%, the Nasdaq rising 0.62%, and the S&P 500 rising 0.47%, with most large technology stocks rising. #zachxbt

The three major U.S. stock indexes opene

the three major US stock indices opened higher collectively, with the Dow rising 0.45%, the Nasdaq rising 0.62%, and the S&P 500 rising 0.47%, with most large technology stocks rising.
Investment bank H.C. Wainwright raises Biinvestment bank H.C. Wainwright has raised its target price for Bitcoin this year from $140,000 to $225,000, citing the possible push from regulatory clarity and institutional adoption for the price increase. #zachxbt

Investment bank H.C. Wainwright raises Bi

investment bank H.C. Wainwright has raised its target price for Bitcoin this year from $140,000 to $225,000, citing the possible push from regulatory clarity and institutional adoption for the price increase.
btc được nhiều người trên toàn thới giới muốn sở hữu,xu hướng tăng,chẳn qua là phe bán khống dùng chiêu biểu đồ nến 5 phút.bán từ từ cho tâm lý sợ chốt mua thì giá sẽ xuống thêm
Babylon: Didn't know about BingX Labs' $5the Bitcoin collateral protocol Babylon stated in a post on X platform that it did not know about receiving a $5.3 million investment from BingX Labs. Previously, there were reports that BingX's innovation department, BingX Labs, announced a strategic partnership with the Bitcoin collateral protocol Babylon and invested $5.3 million in the Babylon project through its $100 million ecosystem fund. #zachxbt

Babylon: Didn't know about BingX Labs' $5

the Bitcoin collateral protocol Babylon stated in a post on X platform that it did not know about receiving a $5.3 million investment from BingX Labs. Previously, there were reports that BingX's innovation department, BingX Labs, announced a strategic partnership with the Bitcoin collateral protocol Babylon and invested $5.3 million in the Babylon project through its $100 million ecosystem fund.
T3 Financial Crimes Unit has frozen a tosince its establishment in September 2024, the T3 Financial Crime Unit (T3 FCU) established by Tether, TRON, and TRM Labs has frozen a total of 100 million USDT used by illegal actors. T3 involves TRM Labs using its blockchain intelligence and monitoring tools to help Tron and Tether identify and freeze USDT related to illegal activities. The USDT issued on the Tron blockchain is close to 60 billion US dollars, which is the second largest issuance after Ethereum, with Ethereum's issuance slightly higher than 75 billion US dollars. #zachxbt

T3 Financial Crimes Unit has frozen a to

since its establishment in September 2024, the T3 Financial Crime Unit (T3 FCU) established by Tether, TRON, and TRM Labs has frozen a total of 100 million USDT used by illegal actors. T3 involves TRM Labs using its blockchain intelligence and monitoring tools to help Tron and Tether identify and freeze USDT related to illegal activities. The USDT issued on the Tron blockchain is close to 60 billion US dollars, which is the second largest issuance after Ethereum, with Ethereum's issuance slightly higher than 75 billion US dollars.
COOKIE上涨突破0.5 USDT,创历史新高 行情数据显示,AI Agent 代币数据分析平台 Cookie DAO 代币 COOKIE 突破 0.5 USDT,现报 0.5354 USDT,创历史新高,24H 涨幅 125%,市值暂报 1 亿美元。 #zachxbt

COOKIE上涨突破0.5 USDT,创历史新高

行情数据显示,AI Agent 代币数据分析平台 Cookie DAO 代币 COOKIE 突破 0.5 USDT,现报 0.5354 USDT,创历史新高,24H 涨幅 125%,市值暂报 1 亿美元。 #zachxbt
Celsius appeals dismissal of $444 million amenOn January 2nd, it was reported that cryptocurrency lending platform Celsius had appealed the rejection of its revised $444 million claim against FTX. Celsius claimed that defamatory statements made by FTX executives, employees, and affiliated companies had a negative impact on the company's reputation and financial health, accelerating its bankruptcy in July 2022. Court documents show that Celsius initially filed a $2 billion claim based on "unsubstantiated defamatory statements" spread by FTX insiders. In December of last year, Celsius revised its application, reducing the claim amount to $444 million. The revised claim focused on priority transfers, but the judge dismissed both the original and revised claims on procedural grounds. #zachxbt

Celsius appeals dismissal of $444 million amen

On January 2nd, it was reported that cryptocurrency lending platform Celsius had appealed the rejection of its revised $444 million claim against FTX. Celsius claimed that defamatory statements made by FTX executives, employees, and affiliated companies had a negative impact on the company's reputation and financial health, accelerating its bankruptcy in July 2022. Court documents show that Celsius initially filed a $2 billion claim based on "unsubstantiated defamatory statements" spread by FTX insiders. In December of last year, Celsius revised its application, reducing the claim amount to $444 million. The revised claim focused on priority transfers, but the judge dismissed both the original and revised claims on procedural grounds.
A trader "flies" 12.8 million KEKIUS and missesa trader known as "Sell Fei" sold 12.8 million KEKIUS, missing out on a return of 4500 times the investment. It is reported that the trader bought 12.8 million KEKIUS with 0.255 ETH (about $1000) 18 days ago, but sold all of them for $3000 after holding them for only 1 hour. If the trader had held onto the tokens until now, they would be worth $4.5 million, resulting in a return of 4500 times the investment. #zachxbt

A trader "flies" 12.8 million KEKIUS and misses

a trader known as "Sell Fei" sold 12.8 million KEKIUS, missing out on a return of 4500 times the investment. It is reported that the trader bought 12.8 million KEKIUS with 0.255 ETH (about $1000) 18 days ago, but sold all of them for $3000 after holding them for only 1 hour. If the trader had held onto the tokens until now, they would be worth $4.5 million, resulting in a return of 4500 times the investment.
Nonsense post
恒星 (XLM) 价格上涨 6%,初现升势迹象恒星(XLM)正显示出潜在上升趋势的迹象,DMI 和 CMF 等技术指标表明买入势头不断增强,资本流入也在改善,这表明如果看涨势头持续下去,恒星(XLM)可能会涨向 0.47 美元。 #zachxbt

恒星 (XLM) 价格上涨 6%,初现升势迹象

恒星(XLM)正显示出潜在上升趋势的迹象,DMI 和 CMF 等技术指标表明买入势头不断增强,资本流入也在改善,这表明如果看涨势头持续下去,恒星(XLM)可能会涨向 0.47 美元。 #zachxbt
A trader bought $89,600 of HYENA 14 hoursLookonchain monitoring shows that a trader bought HYENA for $89,600 14 hours ago, but its current value is only $8,794, resulting in a loss of $80,800 (-90%). #zachxbt

A trader bought $89,600 of HYENA 14 hours

Lookonchain monitoring shows that a trader bought HYENA for $89,600 14 hours ago, but its current value is only $8,794, resulting in a loss of $80,800 (-90%).
数字游戏中加密资源的演变:虚拟经济的新时代 | NewsBTC加密货币和区块链技术与数字游戏的结合正在彻底改变这个行业,使玩家可以在不同的平台上拥有和交易数字资产,同时也为通过游戏赚取实际收入创造了新的机会。 #zachxbt

数字游戏中加密资源的演变:虚拟经济的新时代 | NewsBTC

加密货币和区块链技术与数字游戏的结合正在彻底改变这个行业,使玩家可以在不同的平台上拥有和交易数字资产,同时也为通过游戏赚取实际收入创造了新的机会。 #zachxbt
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