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🔥🚨🚨Vitalik Buterin donated $290,000 to the Khao Kheow Zoo, sparking a surge in the Moodeng token.📈 NEW: Vitalik Buterin donated $290,000 to the Khao Kheow Zoo, sparking a surge in the Moodeng token. How lovely 😊 #Vitalik #VitalikButerin #donation #GIVEAWAY🎁 $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) $SOL

🔥🚨🚨Vitalik Buterin donated $290,000 to the Khao Kheow Zoo, sparking a surge in the Moodeng token.

📈 NEW: Vitalik Buterin donated $290,000 to the Khao Kheow Zoo, sparking a surge in the Moodeng token. How lovely 😊
#Vitalik #VitalikButerin #donation #GIVEAWAY🎁 $BNB
Vitalik Buterin Stirs Market Dynamics with Massive Ethereum SalesThe cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, with the Ethereum Foundation once again capturing market attention through its strategic asset management. On December 17, 2024, the organization executed another notable transaction, selling 100 ETH for $420,500, which has sparked intense speculation and analysis within the crypto ecosystem. Transparency and Financial Strategy Diving deeper into the Foundation's financial approach reveals a nuanced picture. This year, the organization has systematically liquidated 4,466 ETH, translating to approximately $12.62 million. Despite maintaining a substantial treasury valued at $970.2 million—predominantly composed of Ethereum—these consistent sales have prompted significant discussion and scrutiny. Funding Ecosystem Development Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has been transparent about the motivation behind these transactions. The sales are strategically designed to support public blockchain projects and maintain robust organizational reserves. However, the crypto community's interpretative lens varies, with some questioning the timing and frequency of these liquidations. Market Sentiment and Price Dynamics Ethereum's recent price performance presents an intriguing narrative. The cryptocurrency recently breached the $4,010 threshold, a milestone not seen since March 2024. Historically, such price surges have been followed by considerable volatility, creating a complex environment for investors and market analysts. Technical Indicators and Potential Scenarios Current market data highlights some critical signals. Exchange reserves have experienced a notable 100,000 ETH increase, representing approximately $400 million. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) currently suggests a bearish trend, potentially indicating a possible 13% price correction. If these patterns persist, Ethereum might witness a pullback towards the $3,500 range. Navigating Uncertainty The Foundation's treasury management strategy remains a focal point of ongoing discussions. While Buterin emphasizes the necessity of these sales for ecosystem development, investors and market participants continue to monitor the situation closely. Strategic Implications The Ethereum Foundation's approach underscores the intricate balance between maintaining financial sustainability and supporting blockchain innovation. These calculated sell-offs represent more than mere financial transactions—they reflect a broader commitment to long-term ecosystem growth and strategic resource allocation. As the cryptocurrency market continues to mature, the Ethereum Foundation's actions provide valuable insights into responsible asset management. The coming months will be crucial in understanding how these strategies impact Ethereum's trajectory and broader blockchain ecosystem. For those tracking Ethereum's development, these transactions offer a glimpse into the complex decision-making processes behind one of blockchain's most significant platforms. Prudent investors will likely maintain a balanced approach, considering both the Foundation's strategic moves and broader market trends. The narrative surrounding Ethereum's financial management is far from static. Each transaction tells a story of innovation, strategic planning, and the continuous evolution of blockchain technology. #Vitalik #VitalikButerin #eth #ethereum #EthereumFoundation

Vitalik Buterin Stirs Market Dynamics with Massive Ethereum Sales

The cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, with the Ethereum Foundation once again capturing market attention through its strategic asset management. On December 17, 2024, the organization executed another notable transaction, selling 100 ETH for $420,500, which has sparked intense speculation and analysis within the crypto ecosystem.
Transparency and Financial Strategy
Diving deeper into the Foundation's financial approach reveals a nuanced picture. This year, the organization has systematically liquidated 4,466 ETH, translating to approximately $12.62 million. Despite maintaining a substantial treasury valued at $970.2 million—predominantly composed of Ethereum—these consistent sales have prompted significant discussion and scrutiny.
Funding Ecosystem Development
Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has been transparent about the motivation behind these transactions. The sales are strategically designed to support public blockchain projects and maintain robust organizational reserves. However, the crypto community's interpretative lens varies, with some questioning the timing and frequency of these liquidations.
Market Sentiment and Price Dynamics
Ethereum's recent price performance presents an intriguing narrative. The cryptocurrency recently breached the $4,010 threshold, a milestone not seen since March 2024. Historically, such price surges have been followed by considerable volatility, creating a complex environment for investors and market analysts.
Technical Indicators and Potential Scenarios
Current market data highlights some critical signals. Exchange reserves have experienced a notable 100,000 ETH increase, representing approximately $400 million. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) currently suggests a bearish trend, potentially indicating a possible 13% price correction. If these patterns persist, Ethereum might witness a pullback towards the $3,500 range.
Navigating Uncertainty
The Foundation's treasury management strategy remains a focal point of ongoing discussions. While Buterin emphasizes the necessity of these sales for ecosystem development, investors and market participants continue to monitor the situation closely.
Strategic Implications
The Ethereum Foundation's approach underscores the intricate balance between maintaining financial sustainability and supporting blockchain innovation. These calculated sell-offs represent more than mere financial transactions—they reflect a broader commitment to long-term ecosystem growth and strategic resource allocation.
As the cryptocurrency market continues to mature, the Ethereum Foundation's actions provide valuable insights into responsible asset management. The coming months will be crucial in understanding how these strategies impact Ethereum's trajectory and broader blockchain ecosystem.
For those tracking Ethereum's development, these transactions offer a glimpse into the complex decision-making processes behind one of blockchain's most significant platforms. Prudent investors will likely maintain a balanced approach, considering both the Foundation's strategic moves and broader market trends.
The narrative surrounding Ethereum's financial management is far from static. Each transaction tells a story of innovation, strategic planning, and the continuous evolution of blockchain technology.

#Vitalik #VitalikButerin #eth #ethereum #EthereumFoundation
【10月7日隔夜重要动态一览】 21:00-7:00关键词:BASE、TON、Vitalik、Dencun升级 1. 加密货币总市值下跌至2.25万亿美元; 2. BASE网络锁仓量当前约为22.8亿美元; 3. 近24小时有3409.50枚BTC流出交易所钱包; 4. TON网络当前已质押超6.8亿枚TON; 5. IntoTheBlock:Dencun升级后以太坊主网费用创历史新低,ETH转为通胀; 6. 美国比特币现货ETF累计净流入185.3亿美元。 #base #TON生态 #vitalik #dencun


1. 加密货币总市值下跌至2.25万亿美元;
2. BASE网络锁仓量当前约为22.8亿美元;
3. 近24小时有3409.50枚BTC流出交易所钱包;
4. TON网络当前已质押超6.8亿枚TON;
5. IntoTheBlock:Dencun升级后以太坊主网费用创历史新低,ETH转为通胀;
6. 美国比特币现货ETF累计净流入185.3亿美元。

#base #TON生态 #vitalik #dencun
Bитaлик Бутepин cчитaeт блoкчeйн эффeктивнoй зaщитoй oт диктaтуp#VitalikButerin пoдчepкнул, чтo #blockchains -тexнoлoгии в aвтopитapныx cтpaнax и диктaтуpax пoмoгaют нaceлeнию coxpaнить xoть кaкую-тo кoнфидeнциaльнocть. Пo eгo cлoвaм, блoкчeйн cпocoбeн coздaть и oбecпeчить бeзoпacнoe цифpoвoe пpocтpaнcтвo для oбщeния пoльзoвaтeлeй. B тo жe вpeмя #vitalik oбpaтил внимaниe, чтo нe вce блoкчeйн-тexнoлoгии мoгут быть иcпoльзoвaны в либepaльныx гocудapcтвax, пocкoльку в ниx oтcутcтвуют peпpeccивныe мexaнизмы пo пpecлeдoвaнию cвoбoды cлoвa и выcкaзывaний. Bo вpeмя диcкуccии c Hoeм Cмитoм coocнoвaтeль #Ethereum oбpaтил внимaниe нa тoт фaкт, чтo ceйчac интepнeт фpaгмeнтиpуeтcя нa мнoжecтвo мeлкиx и cпeциaлизиpoвaнныx cooбщecтв. Пo eгo cлoвaм, oни пытaютcя зaщитить ceбя oт цeнзуpы и дeзинфopмaции глoбaльнoй ceти, кaк этo чacтo бывaeт c зaпpeщённoй в Poccии coцceтью X(#twitter )и дpугими coциaльными плaтфopмaми. Bитaлик Бутepин cчитaeт, чтo инфopмaциoннoe пpocтpaнcтвo вcё чaщe пpeвpaщaeтcя в пpecлoвутую вoйну вcex пpoтив вcex, и нужны нoвыe мexaнизмы, кoтopыe бы oбecпeчили пoддepжaниe coциaльнoгo бaлaнca вo вpeмя диaлoгoв в ceти. Пo мнeнию пpoгpaммиcтa, нужнo бoльшe пpимeнять блoкчeйн в пoвceднeвнoй жизни, кaк и кpиптoвaлюты, чтoбы oни cпocoбcтвoвaли paзвитию дeмoкpaтичecкиx инcтитутoв в глoбaльнoм мacштaбe.$ETH {future}(ETHUSDT) $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $BNB {future}(BNBUSDT)

Bитaлик Бутepин cчитaeт блoкчeйн эффeктивнoй зaщитoй oт диктaтуp

#VitalikButerin пoдчepкнул, чтo #blockchains -тexнoлoгии в aвтopитapныx cтpaнax и диктaтуpax пoмoгaют нaceлeнию coxpaнить xoть кaкую-тo кoнфидeнциaльнocть. Пo eгo cлoвaм, блoкчeйн cпocoбeн coздaть и oбecпeчить бeзoпacнoe цифpoвoe пpocтpaнcтвo для oбщeния пoльзoвaтeлeй. B тo жe вpeмя #vitalik oбpaтил внимaниe, чтo нe вce блoкчeйн-тexнoлoгии мoгут быть иcпoльзoвaны в либepaльныx гocудapcтвax, пocкoльку в ниx oтcутcтвуют peпpeccивныe мexaнизмы пo пpecлeдoвaнию cвoбoды cлoвa и выcкaзывaний. Bo вpeмя диcкуccии c Hoeм Cмитoм coocнoвaтeль #Ethereum oбpaтил внимaниe нa тoт фaкт, чтo ceйчac интepнeт фpaгмeнтиpуeтcя нa мнoжecтвo мeлкиx и cпeциaлизиpoвaнныx cooбщecтв. Пo eгo cлoвaм, oни пытaютcя зaщитить ceбя oт цeнзуpы и дeзинфopмaции глoбaльнoй ceти, кaк этo чacтo бывaeт c зaпpeщённoй в Poccии coцceтью X(#twitter )и дpугими coциaльными плaтфopмaми. Bитaлик Бутepин cчитaeт, чтo инфopмaциoннoe пpocтpaнcтвo вcё чaщe пpeвpaщaeтcя в пpecлoвутую вoйну вcex пpoтив вcex, и нужны нoвыe мexaнизмы, кoтopыe бы oбecпeчили пoддepжaниe coциaльнoгo бaлaнca вo вpeмя диaлoгoв в ceти. Пo мнeнию пpoгpaммиcтa, нужнo бoльшe пpимeнять блoкчeйн в пoвceднeвнoй жизни, кaк и кpиптoвaлюты, чтoбы oни cпocoбcтвoвaли paзвитию дeмoкpaтичecкиx инcтитутoв в глoбaльнoм мacштaбe.$ETH
Queima do token $SHIB passando de 14.000% nas últimas 24 horas. Isso significa que milhões de tokens foram retirados de circulação, reduzindo a oferta disponível e aumentando o valor de cada token remanescente. Isso faz lembrar quando foram enviados metade dos tokens para fundador da $ETH #vitalik oque ocasionou no meu primeiro grande lucro no mercado de criptomoedas. {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(SHIBUSDT)
Queima do token $SHIB passando de 14.000% nas últimas 24 horas. Isso significa que milhões de tokens foram retirados de circulação, reduzindo a oferta disponível e aumentando o valor de cada token remanescente.
Isso faz lembrar quando foram enviados metade dos tokens para fundador da $ETH #vitalik oque ocasionou no meu primeiro grande lucro no mercado de criptomoedas.
Vitalik Buterin, salah satu pendiri Ethereum, baru-baru ini mengklarifikasi bahwa ia tidak pernah menjual ETH-nya sejak 2018, meski ada rumor mengenai aktivitas transaksinya. Buterin mengonfirmasi bahwa setiap ETH yang dipindahkan adalah untuk proyek dalam ekosistem Ethereum atau untuk amal. Beberapa laporan menunjukkan bahwa Buterin baru-baru ini mentransfer ETH senilai $10 juta ke bursa. Data dari Arkham Intelligence mengungkapkan bahwa sejak 2015, Buterin telah memindahkan 422.000 ETH dari dompetnya, dengan 840.000 ETH dipindahkan dalam dua tahun terakhir. Pada akhir Agustus, Buterin dilaporkan membuang ETH senilai $2 juta setelah tweet bullishnya. Pada waktu yang bersamaan, Ethereum Foundation juga mentransfer 84.000 ETH (sekitar $207 juta) ke bursa untuk mendanai pengembangan dan proyek-proyek penting. Meskipun transfer ini mungkin untuk tujuan yang baik, beberapa percaya bahwa likuidasi besar-besaran ini bisa menekan harga jangka pendek. Buterin juga baru-baru ini membagikan $8,4 juta dalam bentuk hibah ke berbagai proyek ekosistem dan mengkritik model bisnis pertanian likuiditas yang dianggapnya tidak berkelanjutan. Di tengah semua ini, ETH saat ini diperdagangkan di sekitar $2.378, turun sekitar 5% dalam seminggu terakhir. $ETH #Binance #CryptoExplorerFiesta #ETH #vitalik #news {future}(ETHUSDT)
Vitalik Buterin, salah satu pendiri Ethereum, baru-baru ini mengklarifikasi bahwa ia tidak pernah menjual ETH-nya sejak 2018, meski ada rumor mengenai aktivitas transaksinya. Buterin mengonfirmasi bahwa setiap ETH yang dipindahkan adalah untuk proyek dalam ekosistem Ethereum atau untuk amal.

Beberapa laporan menunjukkan bahwa Buterin baru-baru ini mentransfer ETH senilai $10 juta ke bursa. Data dari Arkham Intelligence mengungkapkan bahwa sejak 2015, Buterin telah memindahkan 422.000 ETH dari dompetnya, dengan 840.000 ETH dipindahkan dalam dua tahun terakhir. Pada akhir Agustus, Buterin dilaporkan membuang ETH senilai $2 juta setelah tweet bullishnya.

Pada waktu yang bersamaan, Ethereum Foundation juga mentransfer 84.000 ETH (sekitar $207 juta) ke bursa untuk mendanai pengembangan dan proyek-proyek penting. Meskipun transfer ini mungkin untuk tujuan yang baik, beberapa percaya bahwa likuidasi besar-besaran ini bisa menekan harga jangka pendek.

Buterin juga baru-baru ini membagikan $8,4 juta dalam bentuk hibah ke berbagai proyek ekosistem dan mengkritik model bisnis pertanian likuiditas yang dianggapnya tidak berkelanjutan. Di tengah semua ini, ETH saat ini diperdagangkan di sekitar $2.378, turun sekitar 5% dalam seminggu terakhir. $ETH
#Binance #CryptoExplorerFiesta #ETH #vitalik #news
📈 ENS Surges Post-Buterin’s Endorsement, Hits New High Since April Ethereum's ENS token soars 50% after Vitalik Buterin's endorsement, spotlighting its key role in Ethereum's evolution and DeFi integration. #ens #vitalik #eth #Ethereum! #Ethereum2024
📈 ENS Surges Post-Buterin’s Endorsement, Hits New High Since April

Ethereum's ENS token soars 50% after Vitalik Buterin's endorsement, spotlighting its key role in Ethereum's evolution and DeFi integration.
#ens #vitalik #eth #Ethereum! #Ethereum2024
12月14日隔夜重要动态速览 21:00-7:00 热点关键词:#OpenAI 、#Vitalik 、#RiotPlatforms 1. 日本议员提议:建议建立国家比特币储备,推动数字货币战略升级; 2. Bit Global诉讼:针对Coinbase下架WBTC行为对其提起法律行动; 3. OpenAI创始人:据外媒报道,将向特朗普就职基金捐赠100万美元; 4. Vitalik与腾讯AI:展示利用腾讯混元大模型创作的AI视频,并给予高度评价; 5. Riot Platforms大手笔:以5.1亿美元购入5,117枚比特币,持续加码矿业布局; 6. VanEck发布预测:展望2025十大加密趋势,预计美国将通过战略储备拥抱比特币; 7. French Hill表态:将在立法会议前100天内推出全面加密市场结构法案; 8. 美众议院悬而未决:数字资产小组委员会主席席位竞争激烈,多名候选人浮出水面。

21:00-7:00 热点关键词:#OpenAI #Vitalik #RiotPlatforms

1. 日本议员提议:建议建立国家比特币储备,推动数字货币战略升级;
2. Bit Global诉讼:针对Coinbase下架WBTC行为对其提起法律行动;
3. OpenAI创始人:据外媒报道,将向特朗普就职基金捐赠100万美元;
4. Vitalik与腾讯AI:展示利用腾讯混元大模型创作的AI视频,并给予高度评价;
5. Riot Platforms大手笔:以5.1亿美元购入5,117枚比特币,持续加码矿业布局;
6. VanEck发布预测:展望2025十大加密趋势,预计美国将通过战略储备拥抱比特币;
7. French Hill表态:将在立法会议前100天内推出全面加密市场结构法案;
8. 美众议院悬而未决:数字资产小组委员会主席席位竞争激烈,多名候选人浮出水面。
Vitalik:加密不是“效率”的技术 而是为了建立数字城堡$ETH #vitalik
Vitalik:加密不是“效率”的技术 而是为了建立数字城堡$ETH #vitalik
🔥 Vitalik Buterin Bongkar Rahasia Model Ekonomi Ethereum! 🔥 Salah satu pendiri Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, baru aja bikin gempar dunia crypto lewat postingannya di platform X! 💥 Vitalik menyoroti masalah krusial di balik volatilitas biaya antara Layer 1 (L1) dan Layer 2 (L2) Ethereum. Gak tanggung-tanggung, dia bilang ekonomi Ethereum bisa MELEDAK kalo tarif pajak fluktuatif, dari 5% tiba-tiba melonjak ke 95%! 😱 Solusinya? Vitalik dorong model ekonomi yang lebih stabil, biar semua pengguna dan developer tetap nyaman. ✨ Dia gak mau ekonomi campur aduk di mana biaya naik-turun gak karuan. Dan yang lebih penting lagi, dia pingin seluruh komunitas Ethereum berasa kayak satu tim solid dengan nilai dan budaya bersama! ⚡ Plus, Vitalik kasih bocoran soal inovasi baru kayak EIP-7762 dan protokol rollup berbasis biaya rendah, biar ekosistem Ethereum makin kuat dan berkelanjutan! 🚀 Ready for the next level of Ethereum? Jangan sampai ketinggalan update penting ini! 🔥 $ETH #vitalik #Layer2 #layer1
🔥 Vitalik Buterin Bongkar Rahasia Model Ekonomi Ethereum! 🔥

Salah satu pendiri Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, baru aja bikin gempar dunia crypto lewat postingannya di platform X! 💥 Vitalik menyoroti masalah krusial di balik volatilitas biaya antara Layer 1 (L1) dan Layer 2 (L2) Ethereum. Gak tanggung-tanggung, dia bilang ekonomi Ethereum bisa MELEDAK kalo tarif pajak fluktuatif, dari 5% tiba-tiba melonjak ke 95%! 😱

Solusinya? Vitalik dorong model ekonomi yang lebih stabil, biar semua pengguna dan developer tetap nyaman.

✨ Dia gak mau ekonomi campur aduk di mana biaya naik-turun gak karuan. Dan yang lebih penting lagi, dia pingin seluruh komunitas Ethereum berasa kayak satu tim solid dengan nilai dan budaya bersama! ⚡

Plus, Vitalik kasih bocoran soal inovasi baru kayak EIP-7762 dan protokol rollup berbasis biaya rendah, biar ekosistem Ethereum makin kuat dan berkelanjutan! 🚀

Ready for the next level of Ethereum? Jangan sampai ketinggalan update penting ini! 🔥

$ETH #vitalik #Layer2 #layer1
$SHIB Vitalik Buterin, co-fundador do Ethereum, tem uma relação interessante com a Shiba Inu (SHIB). Em maio de 2021, a equipe da Shiba Inu enviou 50% do fornecimento total de SHIB para o endereço de Buterin, como uma estratégia de marketing para queimar tokens e reduzir a oferta circulante ele tem apoiado SHiBA INU além disso Vitalik Buterin, revelou que já lucrou mais de 4 milhões de dólares com seu investimento de 25 mil dólares na principal criptomoeda-meme do mundo, a dogecoin. #SHIBA✅🚀 #vitalik #BinanceSquareFamily NÃO PERCA ESTÁ OPORTUNIDADE DE SER O PRÓXIMO MILIONÁRIO (A)
$SHIB Vitalik Buterin, co-fundador do Ethereum, tem uma relação interessante com a Shiba Inu (SHIB). Em maio de 2021, a equipe da Shiba Inu enviou 50% do fornecimento total de SHIB para o endereço de Buterin, como uma estratégia de marketing para queimar tokens e reduzir a oferta circulante ele tem apoiado SHiBA INU além disso Vitalik Buterin, revelou que já lucrou mais de 4 milhões de dólares com seu investimento de 25 mil dólares na principal criptomoeda-meme do mundo, a dogecoin. #SHIBA✅🚀 #vitalik #BinanceSquareFamily NÃO PERCA ESTÁ OPORTUNIDADE DE SER O PRÓXIMO MILIONÁRIO (A)
🌐🔑 VITALIK BUTERIN'S IMPORTANT STATEMENT🚀💡 As Ethereum (ETH) hovers around $3,240.45, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin issues a poignant reminder: crypto isn't just about trading digital assets—it's about liberty and decentralization. 💭💰 Buterin's message prompts critical reflection on the role of cryptocurrencies in safeguarding freedom and privacy amidst growing concerns over global surveillance. 🌍🔍 His assertion exposes a troubling trend where individual rights face potential compromise under the shadow of extensive surveillance measures. The fear of governmental overreach looms large, raising questions about the original ethos of crypto as a bulwark against centralized power, aiming to empower individuals. 🛡💼 However, the cryptocurrency landscape, including Ethereum, grapples with its own paradoxes. Despite espousing decentralized ideals, Ethereum has encountered instances of censorship, notably regarding compliance with the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). This contradiction sparked significant debate within the crypto community and even within the Ethereum ecosystem itself. 🤔💬 Furthermore, Ethereum's transition from proof of work (PoW) to proof of stake (PoS) in its consensus mechanism is hailed for its potential efficiency and environmental sustainability. Yet, PoS doesn't necessarily equate to greater decentralization. In PoS, larger stakeholders wield more influence, potentially leading to power concentration—a departure from crypto's core principle of equitable power distribution. This issue persists even in the PoW environment. ⚖💻 Despite recent market volatility, Ethereum's resilience is evident as it surpasses the $3,000 mark once again. Yet, its true potential remains untapped, with expectations of a post-halving rally propelling ETH towards its previous all-time high of approximately $5,000. 📈💼 Vitalik Buterin's reminder serves as a rallying cry for the crypto community to stay true to its founding principles. Stay updated with Professor Mende! #vitalik #eth #logic #alpha #ethereum

As Ethereum (ETH) hovers around $3,240.45, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin issues a poignant reminder: crypto isn't just about trading digital assets—it's about liberty and decentralization. 💭💰

Buterin's message prompts critical reflection on the role of cryptocurrencies in safeguarding freedom and privacy amidst growing concerns over global surveillance. 🌍🔍

His assertion exposes a troubling trend where individual rights face potential compromise under the shadow of extensive surveillance measures. The fear of governmental overreach looms large, raising questions about the original ethos of crypto as a bulwark against centralized power, aiming to empower individuals. 🛡💼

However, the cryptocurrency landscape, including Ethereum, grapples with its own paradoxes. Despite espousing decentralized ideals, Ethereum has encountered instances of censorship, notably regarding compliance with the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). This contradiction sparked significant debate within the crypto community and even within the Ethereum ecosystem itself. 🤔💬

Furthermore, Ethereum's transition from proof of work (PoW) to proof of stake (PoS) in its consensus mechanism is hailed for its potential efficiency and environmental sustainability. Yet, PoS doesn't necessarily equate to greater decentralization. In PoS, larger stakeholders wield more influence, potentially leading to power concentration—a departure from crypto's core principle of equitable power distribution. This issue persists even in the PoW environment. ⚖💻

Despite recent market volatility, Ethereum's resilience is evident as it surpasses the $3,000 mark once again. Yet, its true potential remains untapped, with expectations of a post-halving rally propelling ETH towards its previous all-time high of approximately $5,000. 📈💼

Vitalik Buterin's reminder serves as a rallying cry for the crypto community to stay true to its founding principles.

Stay updated with Professor Mende!

#vitalik #eth #logic #alpha #ethereum
🌐🔑 DECLARACIÓN IMPORTANTE DE VITALIK BUTERIN🚀💡 Mientras Ethereum (ETH) ronda los $ 3240,45, el cofundador de Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, emite un conmovedor recordatorio: las criptomonedas no se trata solo de intercambiar activos digitales, sino de libertad y descentralización. 💭💰 El mensaje de Buterin suscita una reflexión crítica sobre el papel de las criptomonedas en la salvaguardia de la libertad y la privacidad en medio de crecientes preocupaciones sobre la vigilancia global. 🌍🔍 Su afirmación expone una tendencia preocupante en la que los derechos individuales se enfrentan a posibles compromisos bajo la sombra de amplias medidas de vigilancia. El temor a una extralimitación gubernamental cobra gran importancia, lo que plantea dudas sobre el espíritu original de las criptomonedas como baluarte contra el poder centralizado, con el objetivo de empoderar a los individuos. 🛡💼 Sin embargo, el panorama de las criptomonedas, incluido Ethereum, se enfrenta a sus propias paradojas. A pesar de defender ideales descentralizados, Ethereum ha encontrado casos de censura, en particular en relación con el cumplimiento de la Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros (OFAC). Esta contradicción provocó un importante debate dentro de la comunidad criptográfica e incluso dentro del propio ecosistema Ethereum. 🤔💬 Además, la transición de Ethereum de prueba de trabajo (PoW) a prueba de participación (PoS) en su mecanismo de consenso es elogiada por su potencial eficiencia y sostenibilidad ambiental. Sin embargo, PoS no necesariamente equivale a una mayor descentralización. En PoS, las partes interesadas más grandes ejercen más influencia, lo que podría conducir a una concentración de poder, una desviación del principio central de las criptomonedas de distribución equitativa de poder. Este problema persiste incluso en el entorno PoW. ⚖💻 Vitalik Buterin sirve como un grito de guerra para que la comunidad criptográfica se mantenga fiel a sus principios. #vitalik #eth #logic #alpha #ethereum
Mientras Ethereum (ETH) ronda los $ 3240,45, el cofundador de Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, emite un conmovedor recordatorio: las criptomonedas no se trata solo de intercambiar activos digitales, sino de libertad y descentralización. 💭💰
El mensaje de Buterin suscita una reflexión crítica sobre el papel de las criptomonedas en la salvaguardia de la libertad y la privacidad en medio de crecientes preocupaciones sobre la vigilancia global. 🌍🔍
Su afirmación expone una tendencia preocupante en la que los derechos individuales se enfrentan a posibles compromisos bajo la sombra de amplias medidas de vigilancia. El temor a una extralimitación gubernamental cobra gran importancia, lo que plantea dudas sobre el espíritu original de las criptomonedas como baluarte contra el poder centralizado, con el objetivo de empoderar a los individuos. 🛡💼
Sin embargo, el panorama de las criptomonedas, incluido Ethereum, se enfrenta a sus propias paradojas. A pesar de defender ideales descentralizados, Ethereum ha encontrado casos de censura, en particular en relación con el cumplimiento de la Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros (OFAC). Esta contradicción provocó un importante debate dentro de la comunidad criptográfica e incluso dentro del propio ecosistema Ethereum. 🤔💬
Además, la transición de Ethereum de prueba de trabajo (PoW) a prueba de participación (PoS) en su mecanismo de consenso es elogiada por su potencial eficiencia y sostenibilidad ambiental. Sin embargo, PoS no necesariamente equivale a una mayor descentralización. En PoS, las partes interesadas más grandes ejercen más influencia, lo que podría conducir a una concentración de poder, una desviación del principio central de las criptomonedas de distribución equitativa de poder. Este problema persiste incluso en el entorno PoW. ⚖💻
Vitalik Buterin sirve como un grito de guerra para que la comunidad criptográfica se mantenga fiel a sus principios.
#vitalik #eth #logic #alpha #ethereum
$ETH sedang di pompa. Tetaplah Waspada. $4.000 adalah resistansi kuat. Saya yakin setelah SEC menunda atau bahkan mungkin menolak ETF $ETH maka kita akan melihat harga $ETH kembali di kisaran $1500 . Percaya tidak percaya hanya waktu yang akan membuktikannya. Ingat #vitalik sudah menjual #ETH di harga pucuk dan #ETH tidak pernah kembali ke pucuk lagi setelahnya
$ETH sedang di pompa. Tetaplah Waspada. $4.000 adalah resistansi kuat. Saya yakin setelah SEC menunda atau bahkan mungkin menolak ETF $ETH maka kita akan melihat harga $ETH kembali di kisaran $1500 . Percaya tidak percaya hanya waktu yang akan membuktikannya. Ingat #vitalik sudah menjual #ETH di harga pucuk dan #ETH tidak pernah kembali ke pucuk lagi setelahnya
My favorite Crypto Influencer and their some details:There are several popular cryptocurrency influencers in the industry who have gained significant followings due to their expertise and insights. Changpeng Zhao (CZ): Changpeng Zhao, commonly known as CZ, is the CEO of Binance. He is an influential figure in the crypto space due to his role in building and expanding one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges. CZ frequently shares updates, news, and his thoughts on various crypto-related topics, making him a popular figure to follow. entrepreneur and investor. He has a strong presence in the crypto community and is known for his insightful interviews with industry experts. Vitalik Buterin: Vitalik Buterin is one of the co-founders of Ethereum, one of the most popular cryptocurrencies and blockchain platforms. He is known for his technical expertise and vision for decentralized applications. Many crypto enthusiasts follow him to stay updated on Ethereum's development and his thoughts on the broader crypto ecosystem. He has a strong presence in the crypto community and is known for his insightful interviews with industry experts. Pomp provides analysis, market updates, and investment advice related to cryptocurrencies through his social media channels and podcast. #feedfeverchallenge #czbinance #vitalik #amansaiofficial #Binance

My favorite Crypto Influencer and their some details:

There are several popular cryptocurrency influencers in the industry who have gained significant followings due to their expertise and insights.

Changpeng Zhao (CZ): Changpeng Zhao, commonly known as CZ, is the CEO of Binance. He is an influential figure in the crypto space due to his role in building and expanding one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges.

CZ frequently shares updates, news, and his thoughts on various crypto-related topics, making him a popular figure to follow. entrepreneur and investor.

He has a strong presence in the crypto community and is known for his insightful interviews with industry experts.

Vitalik Buterin: Vitalik Buterin is one of the co-founders of Ethereum, one of the most popular cryptocurrencies and blockchain platforms. He is known for his technical expertise and vision for decentralized applications. Many crypto enthusiasts follow him to stay updated on Ethereum's development and his thoughts on the broader crypto ecosystem.

He has a strong presence in the crypto community and is known for his insightful interviews with industry experts. Pomp provides analysis, market updates, and investment advice related to cryptocurrencies through his social media channels and podcast.

#feedfeverchallenge #czbinance #vitalik #amansaiofficial #Binance
Ethereum Creator Vitalik Buterin Nets Nearly $700,000 As Billionaire Sells All His Free MemecoinsA leading blockchain tracking firm says Ethereum (ETH) creator Vitalik Buterin is selling all his free meme coins that he was gifted. With all of the moves occurring in the last few days, the meme token prices have reacted wildly differently to the large transaction. MOPS is trading for $0.000001 at time of writing, up 2,493% in the last 24 hours. The Ethereum co-creator has a history of getting rid of the massive amounts of tokens often gifted to his address by smaller projects. Two years ago, Buterin burned 90% of his Shiba Inu (SHIB) and pledged to give the remaining 10% to a charity. The 410 trillion Shiba Inu tokens that Buterin burnt amount to about 41% of SHIB’s total supply. Upon news of the burning, SHIB spiked over 40% from $0.0000129 to $0.0000184. Buterin had been gifted half of the entire SHIB supply by Shiba Inu’s creators. #Ethereum #binancepaymarketplace #Meme #vitalik #buildtogether

Ethereum Creator Vitalik Buterin Nets Nearly $700,000 As Billionaire Sells All His Free Memecoins

A leading blockchain tracking firm says Ethereum (ETH) creator Vitalik Buterin is selling all his free meme coins that he was gifted.

With all of the moves occurring in the last few days, the meme token prices have reacted wildly differently to the large transaction. MOPS is trading for $0.000001 at time of writing, up 2,493% in the last 24 hours.

The Ethereum co-creator has a history of getting rid of the massive amounts of tokens often gifted to his address by smaller projects.

Two years ago, Buterin burned 90% of his Shiba Inu (SHIB) and pledged to give the remaining 10% to a charity.

The 410 trillion Shiba Inu tokens that Buterin burnt amount to about 41% of SHIB’s total supply. Upon news of the burning, SHIB spiked over 40% from $0.0000129 to $0.0000184. Buterin had been gifted half of the entire SHIB supply by Shiba Inu’s creators.

#Ethereum #binancepaymarketplace #Meme #vitalik #buildtogether
Dukungan Ethereum (ETH) Tersembunyi Ini Sangat Penting..!!! Ethereum kehilangan daya tarik bullish, tetapi ada level support tersembunyi yang mungkin bisa menyelamatkannya disediakan di U.Today dimaksudkan untuk tujuan informasi saja. U.Today tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian finansial apa pun yang terjadi saat memperdagangkan mata uang kripto. Lakukan riset Anda sendiri dengan menghubungi pakar keuangan sebelum membuat keputusan investasi apa pun. Kami percaya bahwa semua konten akurat pada tanggal publikasi, namun penawaran tertentu yang disebutkan mungkin tidak lagi tersedia. Ethereum , mata uang kripto terbesar kedua berdasarkan kapitalisasi pasar, telah mengalami fase yang menantang. Sektor DeFi dan NFT yang pernah berkembang pesat, yang secara signifikan berkontribusi terhadap kenaikan pesat Ethereum, saat ini melemah. Keramaian dan aktivitas di sektor-sektor ini telah berkurang, menyebabkan penurunan nyata dalam volume perdagangan Ethereum. Selain itu, konsep Ethereum sebagai "uang ultrasonografi" sedang mendapat sorotan. Disebut-sebut sebagai aset deflasi karena peningkatan EIP-1559, yang memperkenalkan mekanisme untuk membakar sebagian biaya transaksi, kondisi Ethereum saat ini menunjukkan sebaliknya. Tekanan deflasi yang terjadi tidak sebesar yang diperkirakan banyak orang, sehingga menimbulkan pertanyaan mengenai model ekonomi jangka panjang. Di tengah tantangan ini, Ethereum berada pada level dukungan yang relatif tidak terlalu mencolok. Dukungan ini, yang sering diabaikan demi titik harga yang lebih menonjol, dapat memainkan peran penting dalam menentukan lintasan ETH dalam beberapa minggu mendatang. Jika Ethereum berhasil bertahan di atas level ini, hal ini dapat memberikan landasan bagi potensi rebound. Sebaliknya, penembusan di bawah ini dapat memperburuk sentimen bearish. $ETH $BTC $XRP #ethereum #vitalik #vickyiskandar #cryptocurrency #crypto2023
Dukungan Ethereum (ETH) Tersembunyi Ini Sangat Penting..!!!

Ethereum kehilangan daya tarik bullish, tetapi ada level support tersembunyi yang mungkin bisa menyelamatkannya

disediakan di U.Today dimaksudkan untuk tujuan informasi saja. U.Today tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian finansial apa pun yang terjadi saat memperdagangkan mata uang kripto. Lakukan riset Anda sendiri dengan menghubungi pakar keuangan sebelum membuat keputusan investasi apa pun. Kami percaya bahwa semua konten akurat pada tanggal publikasi, namun penawaran tertentu yang disebutkan mungkin tidak lagi tersedia.

Ethereum , mata uang kripto terbesar kedua berdasarkan kapitalisasi pasar, telah mengalami fase yang menantang. Sektor DeFi dan NFT yang pernah berkembang pesat, yang secara signifikan berkontribusi terhadap kenaikan pesat Ethereum, saat ini melemah. Keramaian dan aktivitas di sektor-sektor ini telah berkurang, menyebabkan penurunan nyata dalam volume perdagangan Ethereum.

Selain itu, konsep Ethereum sebagai "uang ultrasonografi" sedang mendapat sorotan. Disebut-sebut sebagai aset deflasi karena peningkatan EIP-1559, yang memperkenalkan mekanisme untuk membakar sebagian biaya transaksi, kondisi Ethereum saat ini menunjukkan sebaliknya. Tekanan deflasi yang terjadi tidak sebesar yang diperkirakan banyak orang, sehingga menimbulkan pertanyaan mengenai model ekonomi jangka panjang.

Di tengah tantangan ini, Ethereum berada pada level dukungan yang relatif tidak terlalu mencolok. Dukungan ini, yang sering diabaikan demi titik harga yang lebih menonjol, dapat memainkan peran penting dalam menentukan lintasan ETH dalam beberapa minggu mendatang. Jika Ethereum berhasil bertahan di atas level ini, hal ini dapat memberikan landasan bagi potensi rebound. Sebaliknya, penembusan di bawah ini dapat memperburuk sentimen bearish.
#ethereum #vitalik #vickyiskandar #cryptocurrency #crypto2023
Cryptocurrency influencer that i personally followMy Favourite Crypto Influencer There're many factors come when you trade crypto. Alongside Trading strategy, toolsz risk management one more thing is important. Information & hiden market updates, and there Crypto influencers stands up. There're lots of crypto influencers in the town many successful many are just shiller. Dont Chase those shillers you'll end with empty pocket. My Favourite Crypto Influencer is Vitalik Buterin. Don't know we can call him a Influencer or Guru. He never shill you anything or promoting something ugly-face shitcoins. He's always talk about development and technical stuff about Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain as a whole. I like his interviews sometimes nerdy but thoughtful. I believe #vitalik one of the most influential and revolutionary person in Crypto industry after Satoshi Nakamoto. 👋 Thank you for reading. This article is a part of #feedfeverchallenge so support my efforts by like & sharing this article and put your inputs in comments.  ♥️ IF you're new and steepin in crypto our trade analysis will help you to get through. Follow Us For More Signals, Article & Analysis. Till then #trade_safe Friends.

Cryptocurrency influencer that i personally follow

My Favourite Crypto Influencer

There're many factors come when you trade crypto. Alongside Trading strategy, toolsz risk management one more thing is important. Information & hiden market updates, and there Crypto influencers stands up.

There're lots of crypto influencers in the town many successful many are just shiller. Dont Chase those shillers you'll end with empty pocket. My Favourite Crypto Influencer is Vitalik Buterin. Don't know we can call him a Influencer or Guru.

He never shill you anything or promoting something ugly-face shitcoins. He's always talk about development and technical stuff about Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain as a whole. I like his interviews sometimes nerdy but thoughtful.

I believe #vitalik one of the most influential and revolutionary person in Crypto industry after Satoshi Nakamoto.

👋 Thank you for reading. This article is a part of #feedfeverchallenge so support my efforts by like & sharing this article and put your inputs in comments. 

♥️ IF you're new and steepin in crypto our trade analysis will help you to get through. Follow Us For More Signals, Article & Analysis. Till then #trade_safe Friends.
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