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本周在 Web3 和 NFT 中(55)欢迎阅读 OpenSea 文摘,让我们回顾一下本周最大的 NFT 和 web3 新闻。 Sandbox 推出 DAO 6 月 28 日星期二,基于以太坊构建的去中心化虚拟世界 The Sandbox 推出了 DAO,The Sandbox 在其博客文章中表示,DAO 的每个成员实际上都成为了正在形成的新数字国家的虚拟公民,并可以帮助提出和投票支持有助于 The Sandbox 生态系统发展的项目。 据报道,用户将能够对游戏升级、活动和其他计划施加影响。 此次发布将分三个阶段启动,最终目标是 DAO 以真正去中心化的方式独立运行,社区将首先对成员通过电子邮件提交的沙盒改进提案(SIP)进行投票。 由行业领袖组成的委员会将帮助促进初步提案流程,并在三个阶段中逐渐将更多权力移交给 DAO 成员。 Yuga Labs 首席执行官进行为期 10 天的检查 Yuga Labs 首席执行官 Greg Solano 于二月份宣布重返公司,本周他接受了 X(前身为 Twitter)的采访,分享了 Yuga Labs 的反思、最新进展和未来计划。 Solano 承认,他仍在关注公司的产品,但对一些具体的创新充满热情,他提到了 ODK 以及在线游戏 Project Dragon,他还透露了 Otherside 上的 Other 品牌表达以及即将举行的 Dookey Dash 锦标赛。 此外,Solano 暗示备受期待的 2024 年 ApeFest 将在今年在一座历史悠久的修道院举行,并提到 Yuga Labs 将推出一些新的实体商品和周边产品。 Nike 和 RTFKT 将推出限量版 Genesis VOID 运动鞋 Nike 正与其于 2021 年 12 月收购的 Metaverse 鞋类平台 RTFKT 合作,于 6 月 13 日在 SNKRS 上推出 Genesis VOID Edition,此次发售的 VOID 配色将限量 1,000 双,每双售价 222 美元(含税)。 据 RTFKT 报道,其他 Dunk 配色也将登陆 SNKRS,因此请在日历上标记出此次独家发售的日期。  FSL 推出 STEPN GO Find Satoshi Lab(FSL)宣布推出 STEPN GO,这是该公司即将推出的套件创新,用户现在可以通过借出他们的 Sneakers NFT 轻松地与朋友一起加入。  该应用具有可定制的头像和服装,用户可以在交互式地图上展示,为了保持平衡,该应用要求用户消耗运动鞋来获得和提高他们的能量水平。 据称,该应用即将推出的 Alpha Draw 将为幸运抽奖获胜者提供首批 6,000 双 STEPN GO 运动鞋,并进入测试阶段,加入STEPN GO Discord 服务器即可进入: Cool Cats 宣布举办 Clontest 2024 Cool Cats 刚刚宣布了 Clontest 2024,这是该品牌第四届年度艺术大赛,今年的大赛面向所有媒介的艺术家开放,旨在鼓励创造力和社区参与,参赛作品必须至少引用 “The Milk Chug” 动画系列中的四个角色。 参与的艺术家应遵守规则并通过 Cool Cats X 页面提供的链接提交作品,Cool Cats 鼓励在作品中使用任何角色,包括 Cool Cats、Shadow Wolves 和 SideKX。 Power of Women 推出天堂系列 Leah Sams 的服装系列 Paradise Collection 于 5 月 21 日在 HUG 上独家预售,她的 NFT 项目 Power of Women 和 World of Women 将在伦敦联合举办一场派对。 庆祝活动定于 5 月 30 日在伦敦金丝雀码头市场大厅举行,不过,里斯本 NFC 峰会的与会者在 HUG 创始人 Randi Zuckerberg 和 Debbie Soon 的主舞台座谈会上抢先一睹了这些商品。 感兴趣的收藏家现在可以在 PoW 商店购买 Sams 的最新作品,销售正在进行中,部分尺寸已售罄。  LVCIDIA 的 Phototool 大赛结果已公布 3D 艺术家 FVCKRENDER 新推出的数字美术平台 LVCIDIA 公布了其 Phototool 大赛的获奖者。  十张出色的照片以及一张团队最喜欢的照片将与 FVCKRENDER 的艺术作品一起在网站的加载屏幕上突出显示。 OpenSea 在 Sei 上部署 Sei 是一个开源的 L1 区块链,它使用权益证明共识系统和其他创新来优化速度、安全性和可扩展性。  在这里查看 Sei 与 OpenSea 的空间: #sei冲起来 #RTFKT #Sandbox $SAND $MANA $SEI 你关心的 OpenSea 内容 探索 | 收集 | 销售 | 购买 收藏关注 OpenSea 币安频道 掌握最新资讯

本周在 Web3 和 NFT 中(55)

欢迎阅读 OpenSea 文摘,让我们回顾一下本周最大的 NFT 和 web3 新闻。
Sandbox 推出 DAO
6 月 28 日星期二,基于以太坊构建的去中心化虚拟世界 The Sandbox 推出了 DAO,The Sandbox 在其博客文章中表示,DAO 的每个成员实际上都成为了正在形成的新数字国家的虚拟公民,并可以帮助提出和投票支持有助于 The Sandbox 生态系统发展的项目。
此次发布将分三个阶段启动,最终目标是 DAO 以真正去中心化的方式独立运行,社区将首先对成员通过电子邮件提交的沙盒改进提案(SIP)进行投票。
由行业领袖组成的委员会将帮助促进初步提案流程,并在三个阶段中逐渐将更多权力移交给 DAO 成员。

Yuga Labs 首席执行官进行为期 10 天的检查
Yuga Labs 首席执行官 Greg Solano 于二月份宣布重返公司,本周他接受了 X(前身为 Twitter)的采访,分享了 Yuga Labs 的反思、最新进展和未来计划。
Solano 承认,他仍在关注公司的产品,但对一些具体的创新充满热情,他提到了 ODK 以及在线游戏 Project Dragon,他还透露了 Otherside 上的 Other 品牌表达以及即将举行的 Dookey Dash 锦标赛。
此外,Solano 暗示备受期待的 2024 年 ApeFest 将在今年在一座历史悠久的修道院举行,并提到 Yuga Labs 将推出一些新的实体商品和周边产品。

Nike 和 RTFKT 将推出限量版 Genesis VOID 运动鞋
Nike 正与其于 2021 年 12 月收购的 Metaverse 鞋类平台 RTFKT 合作,于 6 月 13 日在 SNKRS 上推出 Genesis VOID Edition,此次发售的 VOID 配色将限量 1,000 双,每双售价 222 美元(含税)。
据 RTFKT 报道,其他 Dunk 配色也将登陆 SNKRS,因此请在日历上标记出此次独家发售的日期。 

Find Satoshi Lab(FSL)宣布推出 STEPN GO,这是该公司即将推出的套件创新,用户现在可以通过借出他们的 Sneakers NFT 轻松地与朋友一起加入。 
据称,该应用即将推出的 Alpha Draw 将为幸运抽奖获胜者提供首批 6,000 双 STEPN GO 运动鞋,并进入测试阶段,加入STEPN GO Discord 服务器即可进入:

Cool Cats 宣布举办 Clontest 2024
Cool Cats 刚刚宣布了 Clontest 2024,这是该品牌第四届年度艺术大赛,今年的大赛面向所有媒介的艺术家开放,旨在鼓励创造力和社区参与,参赛作品必须至少引用 “The Milk Chug” 动画系列中的四个角色。
参与的艺术家应遵守规则并通过 Cool Cats X 页面提供的链接提交作品,Cool Cats 鼓励在作品中使用任何角色,包括 Cool Cats、Shadow Wolves 和 SideKX。

Power of Women 推出天堂系列
Leah Sams 的服装系列 Paradise Collection 于 5 月 21 日在 HUG 上独家预售,她的 NFT 项目 Power of Women 和 World of Women 将在伦敦联合举办一场派对。
庆祝活动定于 5 月 30 日在伦敦金丝雀码头市场大厅举行,不过,里斯本 NFC 峰会的与会者在 HUG 创始人 Randi Zuckerberg 和 Debbie Soon 的主舞台座谈会上抢先一睹了这些商品。
感兴趣的收藏家现在可以在 PoW 商店购买 Sams 的最新作品,销售正在进行中,部分尺寸已售罄。 

LVCIDIA 的 Phototool 大赛结果已公布
3D 艺术家 FVCKRENDER 新推出的数字美术平台 LVCIDIA 公布了其 Phototool 大赛的获奖者。 
十张出色的照片以及一张团队最喜欢的照片将与 FVCKRENDER 的艺术作品一起在网站的加载屏幕上突出显示。

OpenSea 在 Sei 上部署
Sei 是一个开源的 L1 区块链,它使用权益证明共识系统和其他创新来优化速度、安全性和可扩展性。 
在这里查看 Sei 与 OpenSea 的空间:

#sei冲起来 #RTFKT #Sandbox $SAND $MANA $SEI

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收藏关注 OpenSea 币安频道
sei 目前形态还不错 小时级别出现了止跌信号,日线回踩到位可以轻仓上一点合约仓位上方先看到0.94附近,根据自己的仓位设置好止损。 ​#sei冲起来 #币安春节大作战
sei 目前形态还不错 小时级别出现了止跌信号,日线回踩到位可以轻仓上一点合约仓位上方先看到0.94附近,根据自己的仓位设置好止损。 ​#sei冲起来 #币安春节大作战
$SEI 🌌🌌乾坤一掷,重要指引🌌🌌 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #SEI SEI当前解析如下: 🌌🌌当下1-2-4小时级别均在空,重点关注日线价格:0.5345这个位置。若行情位于此位置之上,小时级别多单有望。🐍qu1n 不收费➕唯找我Cfst888🌟🌟🌟 🌌🌌上方目标位分别为:0.5422、0.5549、0.5635这几个点位附近。 🌌🌌若无法上破日线价格,则需留意走空风险。 下方目标位分别为:0.5236、0.5127、0.5016这三个位置附近。 🌟🌟🌟勇士们!请牢记,合约有风险,交易需谨慎!只有保住本金,才能持续盈利。 请关注我,找我请看评论找助理,加入我们每周免费提供直播指导,帮助您更好地掌握相关知识和技巧。#SEI.智能策略库🥇🥇 #SEI.24小时交易策略 #SEI.每日智能策略 #sei冲起来
$SEI 🌌🌌乾坤一掷,重要指引🌌🌌


#SEI SEI当前解析如下:

🌌🌌当下1-2-4小时级别均在空,重点关注日线价格:0.5345这个位置。若行情位于此位置之上,小时级别多单有望。🐍qu1n 不收费➕唯找我Cfst888🌟🌟🌟



请关注我,找我请看评论找助理,加入我们每周免费提供直播指导,帮助您更好地掌握相关知识和技巧。#SEI.智能策略库🥇🥇 #SEI.24小时交易策略 #SEI.每日智能策略 #sei冲起来
SEI/USDT on the Verge of a Breakout – Key Targets in Sight** #SEİ #SEIUSDT #sei冲起来 #Write2Earn! #BinanceSquareFamily SEI/USDT is trading within a **descending channel** on the 1-hour timeframe and is showing signs of a potential upward breakout. The price recently bounced from the lower boundary at **$0.4440**, indicating strong support. There’s a **trend hop on the RSI**, signaling bullish momentum, and the price is stabilizing above the **100-moving average**, which further supports a possible rise. Key Levels : - Entry Price : $0.4666 - First Target : $0.4800 - Second Target : $0.4932 - Third Target : $0.5100 The combination of RSI movement and price action within the channel suggests that a breakout may be imminent. Conclusion : SEI/USDT is in a strong position for an upward move, with multiple indicators pointing towards a potential breakout. Monitoring the price as it approaches the upper boundary of the channel is essential, as reaching the first target of **$0.4800** could signal the start of a larger rally. Advice : Traders should consider entering at the **$0.4666** mark, with clear targets set at **$0.4800**, **$0.4932**, and **$0.5100**. Ensure stop-losses are in place and follow market updates to capitalize on the breakout while minimizing risk.
SEI/USDT on the Verge of a Breakout – Key Targets in Sight**

#SEİ #SEIUSDT #sei冲起来 #Write2Earn! #BinanceSquareFamily

SEI/USDT is trading within a **descending channel** on the 1-hour timeframe and is showing signs of a potential upward breakout. The price recently bounced from the lower boundary at **$0.4440**, indicating strong support.

There’s a **trend hop on the RSI**, signaling bullish momentum, and the price is stabilizing above the **100-moving average**, which further supports a possible rise.

Key Levels :

- Entry Price : $0.4666
- First Target : $0.4800
- Second Target : $0.4932
- Third Target : $0.5100

The combination of RSI movement and price action within the channel suggests that a breakout may be imminent.

Conclusion :
SEI/USDT is in a strong position for an upward move, with multiple indicators pointing towards a potential breakout. Monitoring the price as it approaches the upper boundary of the channel is essential, as reaching the first target of **$0.4800** could signal the start of a larger rally.

Advice :
Traders should consider entering at the **$0.4666** mark, with clear targets set at **$0.4800**, **$0.4932**, and **$0.5100**. Ensure stop-losses are in place and follow market updates to capitalize on the breakout while minimizing risk.
SEI Token Surges 23% Amid DeFi Growth and Technical Breakout The crypto market has seen ups and downs, but SEI (SEI) is standing out with a 5% rise in the last 24 hours, hitting a 27-day high of $0.3747. SEI's breakout from a falling wedge pattern, a bullish signal, has sparked a 23% weekly surge. This rally is fueled by growth in SEI’s DeFi ecosystem, boosting investor optimism. Analysts are watching key resistance levels closely as SEI’s RSI signals strong buying momentum. With a target of $0.43, SEI’s next move will be key for traders. #SEIToken #DeFi #SEI #sei冲起来 #altcoins $SEI
SEI Token Surges 23% Amid DeFi Growth and Technical Breakout

The crypto market has seen ups and downs, but SEI (SEI) is standing out with a 5% rise in the last 24 hours, hitting a 27-day high of $0.3747. SEI's breakout from a falling wedge pattern, a bullish signal, has sparked a 23% weekly surge.
This rally is fueled by growth in SEI’s DeFi ecosystem, boosting investor optimism. Analysts are watching key resistance levels closely as SEI’s RSI signals strong buying momentum.
With a target of $0.43, SEI’s next move will be key for traders.

#SEIToken #DeFi #SEI #sei冲起来 #altcoins $SEI
$SEI 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ✅️行情回顾 上午好! 🔥🔥🔥 SEIV: 昨天下午五点的推演位:0.5600、0.5510、0.5386 在今天凌晨就到达了第三目标位:0.5386,这一波直接喂饭嘴里。🍚🍚🍚🍚 🔥🔥🔥🐍qu1n ➕唯 ZBZ188 ✅️今日行情分析 🔥🔥🔥今日小级别都在多,重点关注:0.5344这个位置 只要站稳这个价位,压力位看:0.5451-0.5520-0.5590 上行不破多空价,支撑位看:0.5216-0.5103-0.4985 请关注我,找我请看评论找助理,加入我们每周免费提供直播指导,帮助您更好地掌握相关知识和技巧。#SEI.智能策略库🥇🥇 #SEI.24小时交易策略 #SEI.每日智能策略 #sei冲起来 #SEI
$SEI 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

✅️行情回顾 上午好!

🔥🔥🔥 SEIV: 昨天下午五点的推演位:0.5600、0.5510、0.5386


🔥🔥🔥🐍qu1n ➕唯 ZBZ188




请关注我,找我请看评论找助理,加入我们每周免费提供直播指导,帮助您更好地掌握相关知识和技巧。#SEI.智能策略库🥇🥇 #SEI.24小时交易策略 #SEI.每日智能策略 #sei冲起来 #SEI
Sei Price Prediction: Projected to Reach $0.464652?Current Market Overview As of today, $SEI is trading at $0.343257, down by 6.22% against the U.S. Dollar in the last 24 hours. The token has also recorded a 5.02% decline against Bitcoin (BTC) and a 4.64% loss against Ethereum (ETH) within the same period. Currently, Sei’s price is trading approximately 26.13% below the predicted target of $0.464652, set for November 8, 2024. Over the past month, Sei has experienced an 18.81% drop, although it remains up by an impressive 205.23% compared to one year ago. Despite the recent downward trend, Sei’s medium-term outlook shows a 48.66% increase in the last three months, indicating strong performance in the broader context. Technical Analysis Summary The market sentiment for Sei remains bearish, reflected by the Fear & Greed Index, which currently reads 69 (“Greed”). This typically signals optimism in the crypto market, yet it may also indicate potential overvaluation risks. Key Support and Resistance Levels: Support: $0.358746, $0.350662, $0.337270 Resistance: $0.380222, $0.393614, $0.401698 Sei is projected to experience a 30.34% price increase over the next five days, potentially reaching the target price of $0.464652. However, given the bearish sentiment in current trading, Sei’s performance should be closely monitored. --- Recent Trends and Historical Performance In the last 30 days, Sei has shown a negative trend, with an 18.81% decline. The token reached its all-time high of $1.14 on March 16, 2024, while its current cycle high and low stand at $0.518672 and $0.207365, respectively. Despite recent price dips, Sei remains up significantly over the past year, suggesting a solid long-term outlook for the asset. Sei’s volatility over the past month has been moderate, measured at 7.22%, and the asset recorded 14 green days within the last 30 days. This moderate volatility indicates that Sei has maintained relative stability compared to more volatile assets. Market Sentiment and Technical Indicators The majority of technical indicators for Sei currently suggest a bearish outlook, with 21 indicators signaling negative trends versus only three indicators showing positive signals. Moving Averages & Oscillators: Relative Strength Index (RSI 14): At 39.19, the RSI indicates a neutral position for Sei, neither in an overbought nor oversold range. Simple Moving Averages (SMA): 50-day SMA: Sei is currently trading above its 50-day SMA, indicating a bullish signal in the medium term. 200-day SMA: Likewise, the token is trading above its 200-day SMA, showing a long-term bullish trend. Additional Indicators: Momentum (10): Neutral at -0.05 MACD (12, 26): Neutral at -0.01 Stochastic RSI (14): Neutral at 32.62 Williams Percent Range (14): Neutral at -77.53 Summary Overall, the short-term forecast for Sei remains bearish, with 87% of indicators pointing towards a potential downturn. The token would need to increase by 30.34% over the next five days to reach the forecasted price of $0.464652. Investors should continue monitoring Sei’s market sentiment, support and resistance levels, and other key technical indicators. Given the inherently volatile nature of cryptocurrency markets, price predictions can be unpredictable, and even well-established assets exhibit considerable fluctuations. For a more detailed outlook on Sei’s long-term price projections, consider consulting further expert resources or financial professionals.

Sei Price Prediction: Projected to Reach $0.464652?

Current Market Overview

As of today, $SEI is trading at $0.343257, down by 6.22% against the U.S. Dollar in the last 24 hours. The token has also recorded a 5.02% decline against Bitcoin (BTC) and a 4.64% loss against Ethereum (ETH) within the same period. Currently, Sei’s price is trading approximately 26.13% below the predicted target of $0.464652, set for November 8, 2024.

Over the past month, Sei has experienced an 18.81% drop, although it remains up by an impressive 205.23% compared to one year ago. Despite the recent downward trend, Sei’s medium-term outlook shows a 48.66% increase in the last three months, indicating strong performance in the broader context.

Technical Analysis Summary

The market sentiment for Sei remains bearish, reflected by the Fear & Greed Index, which currently reads 69 (“Greed”). This typically signals optimism in the crypto market, yet it may also indicate potential overvaluation risks.

Key Support and Resistance Levels:

Support: $0.358746, $0.350662, $0.337270

Resistance: $0.380222, $0.393614, $0.401698

Sei is projected to experience a 30.34% price increase over the next five days, potentially reaching the target price of $0.464652. However, given the bearish sentiment in current trading, Sei’s performance should be closely monitored.


Recent Trends and Historical Performance

In the last 30 days, Sei has shown a negative trend, with an 18.81% decline. The token reached its all-time high of $1.14 on March 16, 2024, while its current cycle high and low stand at $0.518672 and $0.207365, respectively. Despite recent price dips, Sei remains up significantly over the past year, suggesting a solid long-term outlook for the asset.

Sei’s volatility over the past month has been moderate, measured at 7.22%, and the asset recorded 14 green days within the last 30 days. This moderate volatility indicates that Sei has maintained relative stability compared to more volatile assets.

Market Sentiment and Technical Indicators

The majority of technical indicators for Sei currently suggest a bearish outlook, with 21 indicators signaling negative trends versus only three indicators showing positive signals.

Moving Averages & Oscillators:

Relative Strength Index (RSI 14): At 39.19, the RSI indicates a neutral position for Sei, neither in an overbought nor oversold range.

Simple Moving Averages (SMA):

50-day SMA: Sei is currently trading above its 50-day SMA, indicating a bullish signal in the medium term.

200-day SMA: Likewise, the token is trading above its 200-day SMA, showing a long-term bullish trend.

Additional Indicators:

Momentum (10): Neutral at -0.05

MACD (12, 26): Neutral at -0.01

Stochastic RSI (14): Neutral at 32.62

Williams Percent Range (14): Neutral at -77.53


Overall, the short-term forecast for Sei remains bearish, with 87% of indicators pointing towards a potential downturn. The token would need to increase by 30.34% over the next five days to reach the forecasted price of $0.464652. Investors should continue monitoring Sei’s market sentiment, support and resistance levels, and other key technical indicators. Given the inherently volatile nature of cryptocurrency markets, price predictions can be unpredictable, and even well-established assets exhibit considerable fluctuations.

For a more detailed outlook on Sei’s long-term price projections, consider consulting further expert resources or financial professionals.
公链SEI会变成下一个SUI吗? 昨日SEI从底部0.25位置已反弹至0.474,涨幅达90%。 SEI 也呈现出与 SUI 和 SOL 类似的 1-2 波结构。在大幅回调后,SEI 显示出潜在复苏的早期迹象,交易价格约为 0.46 美元。如果 SEI 能够维持在 0.368 美元左右的支撑位并继续突破阻力位,它可能会重现 SOL 过去的牛市周期。 谈到近一年来的「新生代」Layer 1 ,Sei Net­work 当属其中的佼佼者。Sei 是第 1 层区块链,是 SUI、Solana 和许多其他网络的竞争对手。事实上,许多人称 SEI 是 SUI 的直接竞争对手和克隆。然而,SEI 的市值明显较低,约为 16 亿美元,而SUI 现在已超过 45 亿美元。当然,Solana 是一个市值巨大的项目,目前市值约为 700 亿美元。 在生态项目上,Sei Network 生态中已有 120 个合作项目。官网上目前披露的合作项目有 70 个左右,其中重点覆盖的领域为去中心化交易所、基础设施、钱包和跨链桥。 SEI币作为一个新兴的数字货币,有着巨大的发展潜力。随着DeFi市场的不断发展和壮大,SEI币将会在数字货币领域占据重要地位,成为用户信赖的金融产品。 #SEI.智能策略库🥇🥇 #SEI.24小时交易策略 #sei冲起来 #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 $SEI

SEI 也呈现出与 SUI 和 SOL 类似的 1-2 波结构。在大幅回调后,SEI 显示出潜在复苏的早期迹象,交易价格约为 0.46 美元。如果 SEI 能够维持在 0.368 美元左右的支撑位并继续突破阻力位,它可能会重现 SOL 过去的牛市周期。

谈到近一年来的「新生代」Layer 1 ,Sei Net­work 当属其中的佼佼者。Sei 是第 1 层区块链,是 SUI、Solana 和许多其他网络的竞争对手。事实上,许多人称 SEI 是 SUI 的直接竞争对手和克隆。然而,SEI 的市值明显较低,约为 16 亿美元,而SUI 现在已超过 45 亿美元。当然,Solana 是一个市值巨大的项目,目前市值约为 700 亿美元。
在生态项目上,Sei Network 生态中已有 120 个合作项目。官网上目前披露的合作项目有 70 个左右,其中重点覆盖的领域为去中心化交易所、基础设施、钱包和跨链桥。
#SEI.智能策略库🥇🥇 #SEI.24小时交易策略 #sei冲起来 #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 $SEI
SEI今日行情深度剖析: 在1小时、2小时及4小时级别图表中,市场明确呈现空头趋势。今日重点聚焦于0.3331附近的价格水平,若行情下行,下方目标依次关注0.3082、0.3003及0.2937三个关键价位。 反之,若行情出现反弹,上方目标首要观察的是0.3402,随后为0.3486及0.3549附近的三个阻力位。现货合约君羊👉@Square-Creator-27bcd3f2abfe 针对短线杠杆交易的投资者,建议密切关注市场动态,进行实时盯盘操作,并严格遵守交易纪律,禁止随意挂单,以确保交易的安全与效率。#sei空投 #SEI.24小时交易策略 #SEI.每日智能策略 #SEI.智能策略库🥇🥇 #sei冲起来 {future}(SEIUSDT)
针对短线杠杆交易的投资者,建议密切关注市场动态,进行实时盯盘操作,并严格遵守交易纪律,禁止随意挂单,以确保交易的安全与效率。#sei空投 #SEI.24小时交易策略 #SEI.每日智能策略 #SEI.智能策略库🥇🥇 #sei冲起来
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