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做过掌纹的Humanity来登记等候名单啦,空投凭证之一🛑做过掌纹Humanity的一定要登记这个等候名单! 🛑Humanity Protocol 推出 Fairdrops。以确保代币分发到达真实的人,而不是机器人,为寻求吸引人类用户的 Web3 项目带来真正的价值。 登记入口: 每日签到 大毛至简 #humanity #撸毛教程


🛑Humanity Protocol 推出 Fairdrops。以确保代币分发到达真实的人,而不是机器人,为寻求吸引人类用户的 Web3 项目带来真正的价值。
每日签到 大毛至简

#humanity #撸毛教程
2025年Humanity Protocol路线图重磅更新! 大家期待已久的Humanity Protocol新动态来了,2025年的路线图明确了几个激动人心的消息,一起来看看吧: 🚀 核心亮点 1. 手机App即将上线! 明年你就可以直接用手机操作账户了,签到、查看余额、操作账户全搞定,简直不要太方便! 2. 掌纹扫描仪来了! 和WLD一样,需要线下认证,可能认证完就能每月“躺领工资”! 不过大伙要注意,大陆能不能直接扫还不确定,可能得去香港或者国外,具体官方怎么说咱们再跟进! 3. 官方代币 $H 即将发行! 目前每天签到赚的 $RWT,到时候会按照比例转换成 $H! 别偷懒,每天记得打卡签到,未来可都是钱啊! --- 💡 快速参与指南 参与链接: 邀请人ID: shenyanzhi --- 🔥 操作建议 1. 坚持每天签到! 没啥难的,几秒钟的事,换来的可能是未来的大惊喜! 2. 关注认证进展! 如果需要掌纹认证,看看大陆能不能直接搞,实在不行也可以计划一下去香港或国外认证! 3. 盯紧项目进展! 明年代币上线和App推出,可能会带来更多玩法和收益,千万别错过了! Humanity Protocol的机会就摆在眼前,赶紧抓住吧!2025年,让我们一起期待更大的爆发! #WLD #空投大毛 #空投分享 #humanity #空投零噜分享
2025年Humanity Protocol路线图重磅更新!

大家期待已久的Humanity Protocol新动态来了,2025年的路线图明确了几个激动人心的消息,一起来看看吧:

🚀 核心亮点

1. 手机App即将上线!


2. 掌纹扫描仪来了!



3. 官方代币 $H 即将发行!

目前每天签到赚的 $RWT,到时候会按照比例转换成 $H!



💡 快速参与指南


邀请人ID: shenyanzhi


🔥 操作建议

1. 坚持每天签到! 没啥难的,几秒钟的事,换来的可能是未来的大惊喜!

2. 关注认证进展! 如果需要掌纹认证,看看大陆能不能直接搞,实在不行也可以计划一下去香港或国外认证!

3. 盯紧项目进展! 明年代币上线和App推出,可能会带来更多玩法和收益,千万别错过了!

Humanity Protocol的机会就摆在眼前,赶紧抓住吧!2025年,让我们一起期待更大的爆发!

#WLD #空投大毛 #空投分享 #humanity #空投零噜分享
#humanity 重要快点上车哦,融资3000万美金的Humanity推出的空投项目Fairdrops,从名字上看应该是一个公平空投的平台,现在需要填邮箱加入候补名单,30秒搞定,这个是大毛,别错过了! 地址: Humanity Protocol 的 Fairdrops 确保代币分发到达真实的人,而不是机器人,为寻求吸引人类用户的 Web3 项目带来真正的价值,而不会在空投农民或 Sybils 上浪费用户获取成本. 没做过的记着Humanity每天签到,100%大毛: 地址 aicoin:喜欢玩合约社区指标搜索"双手金"玩转信号
#humanity 重要快点上车哦,融资3000万美金的Humanity推出的空投项目Fairdrops,从名字上看应该是一个公平空投的平台,现在需要填邮箱加入候补名单,30秒搞定,这个是大毛,别错过了!
Humanity Protocol 的 Fairdrops 确保代币分发到达真实的人,而不是机器人,为寻求吸引人类用户的 Web3 项目带来真正的价值,而不会在空投农民或 Sybils 上浪费用户获取成本.
#空投 #humanity Humanity推出的Fairdrops候补名单,提交邮箱和推名即可! 点击加入候补:
#空投 #humanity Humanity推出的Fairdrops候补名单,提交邮箱和推名即可!
#humanity 融资超过3000万的Humanity Protocol 开启空投RWT,不要错过 Humanity Protocol 是一个抗女巫区块链网络,可以为开发人员提供独特的人类身份验证机制,并为用户提供对数据和身份的完整所有权。该协议使用手掌识别技术,作为虹膜扫描等方法的侵入性较小的身份验证替代方案,并且可以通过智能手机轻松访问,以在 Web3 应用程序中建立人性证明。 推荐链接 aicoin:合约社区指标搜索"双手金"玩转信号
#humanity 融资超过3000万的Humanity Protocol 开启空投RWT,不要错过
Humanity Protocol 是一个抗女巫区块链网络,可以为开发人员提供独特的人类身份验证机制,并为用户提供对数据和身份的完整所有权。该协议使用手掌识别技术,作为虹膜扫描等方法的侵入性较小的身份验证替代方案,并且可以通过智能手机轻松访问,以在 Web3 应用程序中建立人性证明。
#Humanity Protocol —重要提醒:$H代币即将推出┃空投即将到来┃不要忘记每日领取您的$RWT奖励🔥(免费非常重要) 💵Humanity Protocol 以 10 亿美元的估值筹集了 3000 万美元。 ✔️ $RWT将兑换为$H 代币已确认 ➖每日领取$RWT奖励(晚20点30分重置) 注册流程在下面
#Humanity Protocol —重要提醒:$H代币即将推出┃空投即将到来┃不要忘记每日领取您的$RWT奖励🔥(免费非常重要)

💵Humanity Protocol 以 10 亿美元的估值筹集了 3000 万美元。

✔️ $RWT将兑换为$H 代币已确认

#Humanity 掌纹,下一个世界#WLD 。加领取DC角色流程
Humanity Protocol测试网正式启动,注册永久获得奖励!即将启动第二阶段,掌纹认证


前往 FlowUs
需要用到 Discord,手掌币内钱包地址

✔点击手掌币最下方Discord图标跳转到Discord app
如果不跳转可从过下方连接从浏览器跳转到Discord app

2025 será o AÇO!!! Vamos pra cima desde já... a SIS vai distribuir diversas bolsas em em seus cursos já no início do ano; excelente oportunidade para todos expandir seus conhecimentos para maior sucesso nos investimentos. Somos um Povo muito próspero e esforçado , basta se empenhar em fazer uso desse esforço de forma correta. Vamos juntos Fazer cada instante de vida melhor. Huma'n & SIS sairá do modo furtivo para transformar Vidas. Henri Steel Chie #Binance #brasil #bitcoin #humanity #Vida $BTC $ATOM $TIA
2025 será o AÇO!!!
Vamos pra cima desde já...
a SIS vai distribuir diversas bolsas em em seus cursos já no início do ano; excelente oportunidade para todos expandir seus conhecimentos para maior sucesso nos investimentos.

Somos um Povo muito próspero e esforçado , basta se empenhar em fazer uso desse esforço de forma correta. Vamos juntos Fazer cada instante de vida melhor.
Huma'n & SIS sairá do modo furtivo para transformar Vidas.

Henri Steel Chie
#Binance #brasil #bitcoin #humanity #Vida $BTC $ATOM $TIA
--- Impact of the Situation in Palestine on Crypto The ongoing situation in Palestine can impact cryptocurrencies in several ways: Economic Instability: Increased economic instability in the region may drive individuals to seek alternative financial systems, like cryptocurrencies, to protect their assets. Adoption for Aid: Cryptocurrencies can be used to facilitate international aid and remittances, providing a faster and more secure way to transfer funds to those in need. Market Volatility: Geopolitical tensions can lead to increased volatility in global markets, including cryptocurrencies. Traders and investors may respond to news and events with rapid buying or selling. Innovation and Usage: Prolonged conflicts may encourage the development and use of blockchain technology for secure and transparent record-keeping and transactions. Overall, the situation in Palestine can influence the adoption, usage, and volatility of cryptocurrencies, highlighting their potential as alternative financial tools in conflict zones. #PalestineCrypto ---#BinanceTurns7 #BinanceHODLerBANANA #humanity #Write2Earn!

Impact of the Situation in Palestine on Crypto

The ongoing situation in Palestine can impact cryptocurrencies in several ways:

Economic Instability: Increased economic instability in the region may drive individuals to seek alternative financial systems, like cryptocurrencies, to protect their assets.

Adoption for Aid: Cryptocurrencies can be used to facilitate international aid and remittances, providing a faster and more secure way to transfer funds to those in need.

Market Volatility: Geopolitical tensions can lead to increased volatility in global markets, including cryptocurrencies. Traders and investors may respond to news and events with rapid buying or selling.

Innovation and Usage: Prolonged conflicts may encourage the development and use of blockchain technology for secure and transparent record-keeping and transactions.

Overall, the situation in Palestine can influence the adoption, usage, and volatility of cryptocurrencies, highlighting their potential as alternative financial tools in conflict zones.


---#BinanceTurns7 #BinanceHODLerBANANA #humanity #Write2Earn!
撸毛指南:3000万美元融资Humanity领取 $RWT 代币(无gas费用)Humanity平台正在测试网举办$RWT代币免费领取活动!只需简单注册Humanity ID,无需gas费用,每天签到就能轻松领取代币,前10万名用户可领取1000枚 $RWT,之后用户也能领取250枚!👏 💡 签到任务每日UTC 0点更新,也就是北京时间早上8点更新! 领取教程 注册 Humanity ID 点击下方链接 Humanity ID 注册入口,用你的钱包或邮箱进行注册并绑定钱包地址。 领取 $RWT 代币 注册后,点击领取 $RWT 代币,每天登录签到即可领取代币。前10万名可领取1000枚,之后为250枚。注意事项 如果领取失败,刷新页面再试。领取过程中需要钱包确认,无需gas费用。 感谢关注、点赞、分享、收藏 !后续持续发布各种最新撸毛、任务教程! #Airdrop‬ #空投大毛 #humanity

撸毛指南:3000万美元融资Humanity领取 $RWT 代币(无gas费用)

Humanity平台正在测试网举办$RWT代币免费领取活动!只需简单注册Humanity ID,无需gas费用,每天签到就能轻松领取代币,前10万名用户可领取1000枚 $RWT,之后用户也能领取250枚!👏

💡 签到任务每日UTC 0点更新,也就是北京时间早上8点更新!

注册 Humanity ID
点击下方链接 Humanity ID 注册入口,用你的钱包或邮箱进行注册并绑定钱包地址。 领取 $RWT 代币
注册后,点击领取 $RWT 代币,每天登录签到即可领取代币。前10万名可领取1000枚,之后为250枚。注意事项

感谢关注、点赞、分享、收藏 !后续持续发布各种最新撸毛、任务教程!
#Airdrop‬ #空投大毛 #humanity
congratulation prime Minister Mr Donald Trump  @DonaldJTrumpforPresident   @DonaldTrumpUpdate   @DonaldTrampSAMP  . I know your will help Bangladeshi Christian Buddhist Hindu minorities . Please help us early . Bangladeshi Muslim people love only Muslim religion . Bangladeshi Muslim people don't like other religion. where is humanity. #congratulation #prime #Minister #Mr #Donald #Trump . #I #know #your #will #help #Bangladeshi #Christian #Buddhist #Hindu #minorities . #Please #help #us #early . #Bangladeshi #Muslim #people #love #only #Muslim #religion . #Bangladeshi #Muslim #people #don't #like #other #religion. #where #is #humanity .
congratulation prime Minister Mr Donald Trump  @DonaldJTrumpforPresident   @DonaldTrumpUpdate   @DonaldTrampSAMP  . I know your will help Bangladeshi Christian Buddhist Hindu minorities . Please help us early . Bangladeshi Muslim people love only Muslim religion . Bangladeshi Muslim people don't like other religion. where is humanity.
#congratulation #prime #Minister #Mr #Donald #Trump . #I #know #your #will #help #Bangladeshi #Christian #Buddhist #Hindu #minorities . #Please #help #us #early . #Bangladeshi #Muslim #people #love #only #Muslim #religion . #Bangladeshi #Muslim #people #don't #like #other #religion. #where #is #humanity .
At the time AMAL was established, it was estimated that there were about 147 million orphans in the world, and many children continue to lose their parents daily. There are hundreds of thousands of children in desperate need of security, food, education, emotional support, and housing. AMAL carries a humanitarian message to all the orphans in the world, expressing that the crypto community has not forgotten them. AMAL offers a unique volunteering experience. Its mission is to connect humanity, transparency, and a blockchain decentralized system in a Token to support the orphans. When you buy or sell AMAL, you are simultaneously donating to help orphans and support them to meet their needs and fulfil their dreams. #charity #Amal #token #bsc #humanity
At the time AMAL was established, it was estimated that there were about 147 million orphans in the world, and many children continue to lose their parents daily. There are hundreds of thousands of children in desperate need of security, food, education, emotional support, and housing.
AMAL carries a humanitarian message to all the orphans in the world, expressing that the crypto community has not forgotten them.
AMAL offers a unique volunteering experience. Its mission is to connect humanity, transparency, and a blockchain decentralized system in a Token to support the orphans. When you buy or sell AMAL, you are simultaneously donating to help orphans and support them to meet their needs and fulfil their dreams.

#charity #Amal #token #bsc #humanity
#humanity 掌纹问答: 1、邮箱注册的会员,自动生成的以太坊地址,后续可以导出私钥,也可能导入自己的钱包 2、APP /水龙头 /跨桥 都是在下一阶段 3、注册登录报错,请可以关闭VPN节点/使用不同浏览器 4、积分数据可能显示不准确,但都会延迟到你账户里; 5、关于签到:每天早上签到即可,如果不成功可多次刷新+多次签到操作,稍后RWT才会到账 注册链接 邀请码:popoo
2、APP /水龙头 /跨桥 都是在下一阶段

Mark Cuban and Jon Stewart slam 𝕏 and @elonmusk, accuse Musk of manipulating the algorithm to push his preferred narratives to influence the election: Cuban: “He's trying to be the most influential man in the world…when you write an algorithm, you set the parameters of what you want to see happen. And he certainly has done that to the things he likes" Stewart: “He has a media empire that has the largest reach and most influence of anything on the face of the Earth…and there's no question he's going to leverage it in this election…there’s a need in the marketplace for something less biased and toxic." Sure. As we all know, there are not enough leftwing media outlets and platforms. Neither one of these guys have a problem with an entire media industry built to lie, manufacture hoaxes and flat-out manipulate information in service of their preferred candidate. A single platform that provides uncensored information from all sides — and now has an owner that doesn’t align with the left's preferred narratives — is the only issue in today's political discourse and electoral politics. I can't have that. So 𝕏 must be attacked and destroyed. What do I think about that? I have faith in Elon. I am for freedom and free speech; otherwise, we won't know the truth and will always be trolled by the Elites who have been lying and exploiting us! Without X, we wouldn't know so much and be so misinformed. Elon is doing a good deed for humanity with that. May God keep his health and life safe! Also, as of today I am not a Mark Cuban fan anymore. @Mende out! #x #elonmusk #FreedomOfSpeech #freedom #humanity
Mark Cuban and Jon Stewart slam 𝕏 and @elonmusk, accuse Musk of manipulating the algorithm to push his preferred narratives to influence the election:

Cuban: “He's trying to be the most influential man in the world…when you write an algorithm, you set the parameters of what you want to see happen. And he certainly has done that to the things he likes"

Stewart: “He has a media empire that has the largest reach and most influence of anything on the face of the Earth…and there's no question he's going to leverage it in this election…there’s a need in the marketplace for something less biased and toxic."

Sure. As we all know, there are not enough leftwing media outlets and platforms.

Neither one of these guys have a problem with an entire media industry built to lie, manufacture hoaxes and flat-out manipulate information in service of their preferred candidate.

A single platform that provides uncensored information from all sides — and now has an owner that doesn’t align with the left's preferred narratives — is the only issue in today's political discourse and electoral politics.

I can't have that.

So 𝕏 must be attacked and destroyed.

What do I think about that?
I have faith in Elon. I am for freedom and free speech; otherwise, we won't know the truth and will always be trolled by the Elites who have been lying and exploiting us! Without X, we wouldn't know so much and be so misinformed. Elon is doing a good deed for humanity with that. May God keep his health and life safe!

Also, as of today I am not a Mark Cuban fan anymore.
@Professor Mende - Bonuz Ecosystem Founder out!

#x #elonmusk #FreedomOfSpeech #freedom #humanity
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