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🇦🇪 Tether lansează o monedă stabilă legată de dirhamul din Emiratele Arabe Unite Alessandro Giori, Director Parteneriate Strategice la Tether, a anunțat în timpul evenimentului TON Gateway din Dubai lansarea viitoare a unei monede stabile susținute de dirham pe rețeaua blockchain TON. 📍 Pentru a sprijini această inițiativă, Tether a colaborat cu companii din Emiratele Arabe Unite precum Phoenix Group și Green Acorn Investments. 📍 Noua monedă stabilă va fi susținută de active emirate pentru a asigura stabilitatea și securitatea. Tether se extinde pe piața din Orientul Mijlociu, în conformitate cu viziunea Emiratelor Arabe Unite de a deveni un hub global pentru activele digitale și tehnologia blockchain.
🇦🇪 Tether lansează o monedă stabilă legată de dirhamul din Emiratele Arabe Unite

Alessandro Giori, Director Parteneriate Strategice la Tether, a anunțat în timpul evenimentului TON Gateway din Dubai lansarea viitoare a unei monede stabile susținute de dirham pe rețeaua blockchain TON.

📍 Pentru a sprijini această inițiativă, Tether a colaborat cu companii din Emiratele Arabe Unite precum Phoenix Group și Green Acorn Investments.

📍 Noua monedă stabilă va fi susținută de active emirate pentru a asigura stabilitatea și securitatea.

Tether se extinde pe piața din Orientul Mijlociu, în conformitate cu viziunea Emiratelor Arabe Unite de a deveni un hub global pentru activele digitale și tehnologia blockchain.
حماية نفسك من الاحتيال والاختراق في عالم العملات الرقمية‏📍في عالم العملات الرقمية ، التصيد الاحتيالي أحد أكبر التهديدات التي تواجه المستخدمين او المستثمرين. يحاول المحتالون سرقة بياناتك الشخصية عن طريق التظاهر بأنهم جهات موثوقة، مثل شخصيات إعلامية أو شركات مشهورة . تأكد دائمًا من صحة عنوان او الرابط ‏🥷🏼(يجب أن يبدأ بـ "https://")، وانتبه للأخطاء الإملائية والطلبات الغير عادية في الرسائل.لا تشارك بياناتك الشخصية، خاصة إذا طُلبت بطرق غير طبيعيه او معتاده ، وتحقق من المصادر الرسمية قبل اتخاذ أي إجراء ‏📈 انتبه من العروض المغرية التي تبدو "جيدة جدًا

حماية نفسك من الاحتيال والاختراق في عالم العملات الرقمية

‏📍في عالم العملات الرقمية ، التصيد الاحتيالي أحد أكبر التهديدات التي تواجه المستخدمين او المستثمرين. يحاول المحتالون سرقة بياناتك الشخصية عن طريق التظاهر بأنهم جهات موثوقة، مثل شخصيات إعلامية أو شركات مشهورة . تأكد دائمًا من صحة عنوان او الرابط
‏🥷🏼(يجب أن يبدأ بـ "https://")، وانتبه للأخطاء الإملائية والطلبات الغير عادية في الرسائل.لا تشارك بياناتك الشخصية، خاصة إذا طُلبت بطرق غير طبيعيه او معتاده ، وتحقق من المصادر الرسمية قبل اتخاذ أي إجراء

‏📈 انتبه من العروض المغرية التي تبدو "جيدة جدًا
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🟠 Visa lansează o platformă de active tokenizate ☄️ Visa, unul dintre cele mai mari sisteme de plată la nivel mondial, a lansat o nouă platformă de tokenizare, deoarece caută să profite de acest domeniu în creștere. Platforma permite băncilor să emită jetoane susținute de monede fiduciare. ➡️ Visa Tokenzed Asset Platform (VTAP) se va lansa în 2025 pe blockchain-ul Ethereum. ➡️ Scopul VTAP este de a dezvolta standarde globale de interoperabilitate între instituțiile financiare care explorează tehnologiile blockchain.
🟠 Visa lansează o platformă de active tokenizate

☄️ Visa, unul dintre cele mai mari sisteme de plată la nivel mondial, a lansat o nouă platformă de tokenizare, deoarece caută să profite de acest domeniu în creștere. Platforma permite băncilor să emită jetoane susținute de monede fiduciare.

➡️ Visa Tokenzed Asset Platform (VTAP) se va lansa în 2025 pe blockchain-ul Ethereum.

➡️ Scopul VTAP este de a dezvolta standarde globale de interoperabilitate între instituțiile financiare care explorează tehnologiile blockchain.
Two years in prison 💰 Former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Yellison sentenced to two years in prison for her involvement in the FTX scam ❗️ Not short of two years for such a big scam? 👍 -For once 👎 -Few, 10 minimum
Two years in prison 💰

Former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Yellison sentenced to two years in prison for her involvement in the FTX scam ❗️

Not short of two years for such a big scam?

👍 -For once 👎 -Few, 10 minimum
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🇺🇸 Emitentul și operatorul TrueUSD pentru a soluționa disputa cu SEC 💵 Emitentul stablecoin-ului TUSD – TrueCoin și operatorul platformei de creditare TrueFi au convenit să își rezolve disputa cu autoritatea de reglementare. ➡️ Fără a admite sau a infirma acuzațiile de vânzare a contractelor de investiții neînregistrate, TrueCoin și TrueFi vor plăti amenzi către SEC în valoare de peste 500.000 USD.
🇺🇸 Emitentul și operatorul TrueUSD pentru a soluționa disputa cu SEC

💵 Emitentul stablecoin-ului TUSD – TrueCoin și operatorul platformei de creditare TrueFi au convenit să își rezolve disputa cu autoritatea de reglementare.

➡️ Fără a admite sau a infirma acuzațiile de vânzare a contractelor de investiții neînregistrate, TrueCoin și TrueFi vor plăti amenzi către SEC în valoare de peste 500.000 USD.
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🔥Hamster Kombat 📍Au mai puțin de 3 ore pentru a conecta portofelul. Asigurați-vă că există un semn (✅) pe link. 📍Mulți oameni l-au contactat pentru că le-a apărut cardul și motivul au fost cheile, știind că au muncit din greu pentru a strânge puncte?! 📍Sunt mai multe proiecte promițătoare în tweet-ul fixat Munciți din greu, oportunitățile sunt reînnoite 🙌 📍 Întrebarea importantă este: ați primit cardul de fraudă pe nedrept sau a fost corect?!
🔥Hamster Kombat

📍Au mai puțin de 3 ore pentru a conecta portofelul. Asigurați-vă că există un semn (✅) pe link.

📍Mulți oameni l-au contactat pentru că le-a apărut cardul și motivul au fost cheile, știind că au muncit din greu pentru a strânge puncte?!

📍Sunt mai multe proiecte promițătoare în tweet-ul fixat Munciți din greu, oportunitățile sunt reînnoite 🙌

📍 Întrebarea importantă este: ați primit cardul de fraudă pe nedrept sau a fost corect?!
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📊 Actualizare Bitcoin din septembrie: tendințe și perspective 📊 🔹 În ultimii 11 ani, Bitcoin a înregistrat o scădere medie de 4% în septembrie. 🔹 În 2024, investitorii instituționali au preluat conducerea, performanța Bitcoin fiind influențată de ETF-urile spot din SUA. 🔹 Potențiala reducere cu 50 de puncte a ratei dobânzii a Rezervei Federale din SUA ar putea zgudui piețele. 🔹 Bitcoin se află într-un canal descendent cu un volum scăzut de tranzacționare, semnalând o pauză în tendința sa ascendentă. 🔹 Indicatorul de sentiment de adresă activă arată potențiala supraîncălzire a pieței. Septembrie ar putea fi ultimul obstacol înaintea celui de-al patrulea trimestru istoric puternic al Bitcoin, pregătind scena pentru un 2025 optimist. 📈🚀
📊 Actualizare Bitcoin din septembrie: tendințe și perspective 📊

🔹 În ultimii 11 ani, Bitcoin a înregistrat o scădere medie de 4% în septembrie.
🔹 În 2024, investitorii instituționali au preluat conducerea, performanța Bitcoin fiind influențată de ETF-urile spot din SUA.
🔹 Potențiala reducere cu 50 de puncte a ratei dobânzii a Rezervei Federale din SUA ar putea zgudui piețele.
🔹 Bitcoin se află într-un canal descendent cu un volum scăzut de tranzacționare, semnalând o pauză în tendința sa ascendentă.
🔹 Indicatorul de sentiment de adresă activă arată potențiala supraîncălzire a pieței.

Septembrie ar putea fi ultimul obstacol înaintea celui de-al patrulea trimestru istoric puternic al Bitcoin, pregătind scena pentru un 2025 optimist. 📈🚀
🖥 In the first week of September, the S&P 500 lost $2.2 trillion in market capitalization This is $200 billion more than the entire cryptocurrency market 🔽
🖥 In the first week of September, the S&P 500 lost $2.2 trillion in market capitalization

This is $200 billion more than the entire cryptocurrency market 🔽
🔝 Token unlocks in September A total of $1.7bn worth of tokens will be unlocked this month. The largest unlocks are: ✔️ Sui (SUI) - Date: 1 September - Number of tokens: 64.19 million - Value: $51.6 million ✔️ Immutable (IMX) - Date: 6 September - Number of tokens: 32.47 million - Value: $47.41 million ✔️ Aptos (APT) - Date: 11 September - Number of tokens: 11.31 million - Value: $76.68 million ✔️ Arbitrum (ARB) - Date: 16 September - Number of tokens: 92.65 million - Value: $47.48 million ✔️ Optimism (OP) - Date: 30 September - Number of tokens: 31.34 million - Value: $44.51 million {spot}(ARBUSDT)
🔝 Token unlocks in September

A total of $1.7bn worth of tokens will be unlocked this month.
The largest unlocks are:

✔️ Sui (SUI)
- Date: 1 September
- Number of tokens: 64.19 million
- Value: $51.6 million

✔️ Immutable (IMX)
- Date: 6 September
- Number of tokens: 32.47 million
- Value: $47.41 million

✔️ Aptos (APT)
- Date: 11 September
- Number of tokens: 11.31 million
- Value: $76.68 million

✔️ Arbitrum (ARB)
- Date: 16 September
- Number of tokens: 92.65 million
- Value: $47.48 million

✔️ Optimism (OP)
- Date: 30 September
- Number of tokens: 31.34 million
- Value: $44.51 million
✨ Riot Platforms demands changes to Bitfarms Board of Directors One of the largest miners, Riot Platforms, has written an open letter to Bitfarms shareholders demanding changes to the Board of Directors. 🗓 The next meeting of shareholders is scheduled for 29 October, and Riot Platforms now controls 19.9% of Bitfarms securities. It should be recalled that since the beginning of this year the saga with the attempts to take over Bitfarms by the mining giant Riot has been ongoing
✨ Riot Platforms demands changes to Bitfarms Board of Directors

One of the largest miners, Riot Platforms, has written an open letter to Bitfarms shareholders demanding changes to the Board of Directors.

🗓 The next meeting of shareholders is scheduled for 29 October, and Riot Platforms now controls 19.9% of Bitfarms securities.

It should be recalled that since the beginning of this year the saga with the attempts to take over Bitfarms by the mining giant Riot has been ongoing
⚖️ المحكمة ترفض دعوى قضائية ضد ماسك بتهمة التلاعب بسعر عملة DOGE عبر تغريدات على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي ‏🚀 كان إيلون ماسك وتسلا متهمين بالتداول الداخلي والتلاعب بسعر عملة ⁦‪ $DOGE ‏📺 ادعى المستثمرون أن الملياردير استخدم تويتر وظهوره في برنامج 'Saturday Night Live' على قناة ⁦‪#NBC‬⁩ في عام 2021 للتأثير على سعر #DOGE .
⚖️ المحكمة ترفض دعوى قضائية ضد ماسك بتهمة التلاعب بسعر عملة DOGE عبر تغريدات على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي

‏🚀 كان إيلون ماسك وتسلا متهمين بالتداول الداخلي والتلاعب بسعر عملة ⁦‪

‏📺 ادعى المستثمرون أن الملياردير استخدم تويتر وظهوره في برنامج 'Saturday Night Live' على قناة ⁦‪#NBC‬⁩ في عام 2021 للتأثير على سعر #DOGE .
🔹 Ethereum-ETFs returned to the green zone For the first time in several weeks Ethereum-ETFs showed a positive inflow at the end of the trading day: +$5.8 million. The outflow from Grayscale fund fell to $3.8 million, which allowed to get into the plus zone. $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) At the same time, bitcoin-ETFs, on the contrary, went into minus. At the end of the trading day, the outflow exceeded $105 million. Institutional investors are not too active yet
🔹 Ethereum-ETFs returned to the green zone

For the first time in several weeks Ethereum-ETFs showed a positive inflow at the end of the trading day: +$5.8 million. The outflow from Grayscale fund fell to $3.8 million, which allowed to get into the plus zone.
At the same time, bitcoin-ETFs, on the contrary, went into minus. At the end of the trading day, the outflow exceeded $105 million.

Institutional investors are not too active yet
💎$Blum I've talked a lot about this project, and I hope everyone benefits from it. There's still time—it’s early days. Just look at the success of Dogs and Not🔥 some people have made over $3,000. Every 8 hours, you can log in, click on Farm, and complete a few easy tasks 🙌 Use the QR Code to get more points. 📍This is a hybrid platform that provides easy access to all currencies and tokens, via a mini-app on Telegram ✉️, and they had a meeting with Alex from Binance Lab. 🤌🏼 It's only a matter of time.

I've talked a lot about this project, and I hope everyone benefits from it. There's still time—it’s early days. Just look at the success of Dogs and Not🔥 some people have made over $3,000.

Every 8 hours, you can log in, click on Farm, and complete a few easy tasks 🙌

Use the QR Code to get more points.

📍This is a hybrid platform that provides easy access to all currencies and tokens, via a mini-app on Telegram ✉️, and they had a meeting with Alex from Binance Lab.

🤌🏼 It's only a matter of time.
🛍 The founder of TRON, Justin Sun, announced that the platform for launching meme tokens, SunPump, has reduced fees by 50% and plans to do so in the future. Sun noted that SunPump’s revenues were “higher than expected,” and therefore, the SUN community intends to conduct a token burn. More details will be provided later.
🛍 The founder of TRON, Justin Sun, announced that the platform for launching meme tokens, SunPump, has reduced fees by 50% and plans to do so in the future.

Sun noted that SunPump’s revenues were “higher than expected,” and therefore, the SUN community intends to conduct a token burn. More details will be provided later.
Be ready every one The giant is Coming 🐹
Be ready every one
The giant is Coming 🐹
⚡️ مصادر تفيد بأن بافل دوروف قد تم الإفراج عنه! ‏ننتظر التأكيد الرسمي! ‏✔️ القاضي المكلف بالتحقيق أنهى احتجاز بافل دوروف لدى الشرطة لغرض استجوابه الأولي وإمكانية توجيه الاتهام إليه.
⚡️ مصادر تفيد بأن بافل دوروف قد تم الإفراج عنه!

‏ننتظر التأكيد الرسمي!

‏✔️ القاضي المكلف بالتحقيق أنهى احتجاز بافل دوروف لدى الشرطة لغرض استجوابه الأولي وإمكانية توجيه الاتهام إليه.
‏📈مؤشر الطمع والخوف في البيتكوين ‏اليوم: الخوف 58 ألف دولار ‏أمس: 59 ألف دولار محايد ‏الأسبوع الماضي: ذعر بقيمة 61 ألف دولار ‏الشهر الماضي: الطمع (متوسط ​​64 ألف دولار) ‏إن سيكولوجية المستثمر شيء مثير للاهتمام. ‏⁦‪#bitcoin #fear #trading #BTC
‏📈مؤشر الطمع والخوف في البيتكوين

‏اليوم: الخوف 58 ألف دولار
‏أمس: 59 ألف دولار محايد
‏الأسبوع الماضي: ذعر بقيمة 61 ألف دولار
‏الشهر الماضي: الطمع (متوسط ​​64 ألف دولار)

‏إن سيكولوجية المستثمر شيء مثير للاهتمام.

‏⁦‪#bitcoin #fear #trading #BTC
‏📈 رأس مال العملات المستقرة يصل إلى مستويات تاريخية ‏إجمالي القيمة السوقية للعملات ‏يصل إلى 168 مليار دولار🔥 ‏ومن المثير للاهتمام أن هذا الرقم ينمو لمدة ‏11 شهرًا متتالية 🚀⁦‪‬ ⁦‪‬
‏📈 رأس مال العملات المستقرة يصل إلى مستويات تاريخية

‏إجمالي القيمة السوقية للعملات
‏يصل إلى 168 مليار دولار🔥

‏ومن المثير للاهتمام أن هذا الرقم ينمو لمدة
‏11 شهرًا متتالية 🚀⁦‪‬
🚨🇦🇪UAE DEMANDS FRANCE PROVIDE CONSULAR ACCESS TO TELEGRAM CEO "The UAE is closely following the case of its citizen Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, who was arrested by the French authorities in Paris–Le Bourget Airport, emphasizing that the UAE has submitted a request to the Government of the French Republic to provide him with all the necessary consular services in an urgent manner."

"The UAE is closely following the case of its citizen Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, who was arrested by the French authorities in Paris–Le Bourget Airport, emphasizing that the UAE has submitted a request to the Government of the French Republic to provide him with all the necessary consular services in an urgent manner."
🪙 انخفاض حاد في حجم العمولات على شبكة Solana انخفض إجمالي العمولات على شبكة Solana إلى 639,000 دولار يوميًا، مما يمثل انخفاضًا بنسبة 65% من أعلى مستوى لهذا الشهر والذي بلغ 1.83 مليون دولار، وانخفاضًا بنسبة 87% من أعلى مستوى تاريخي لها والذي بلغ 5.08 مليون دولار في مارس. 📉 لاحظ الخبراء تراجعًا في نشاط المستخدمين، خاصة بالنسبة لرموز الميم على Solana. ويرجع ذلك بشكل كبير إلى ظهور منافس قوي وهو Tron.
🪙 انخفاض حاد في حجم العمولات على شبكة Solana

انخفض إجمالي العمولات على شبكة Solana إلى 639,000 دولار يوميًا، مما يمثل انخفاضًا بنسبة 65% من أعلى مستوى لهذا الشهر والذي بلغ 1.83 مليون دولار، وانخفاضًا بنسبة 87% من أعلى مستوى تاريخي لها والذي بلغ 5.08 مليون دولار في مارس.

📉 لاحظ الخبراء تراجعًا في نشاط المستخدمين، خاصة بالنسبة لرموز الميم على Solana. ويرجع ذلك بشكل كبير إلى ظهور منافس قوي وهو Tron.
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