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$#Notcoin(NU) Prognoze de preț pentru 2024, 2025, 2026-2030 popular Prognoza prețului NOT optimist pentru 2024 variază de la 0,013289 USD la 0,023340 USD. Prețul Notcoin (NOT) ar putea ajunge în curând la 0,1 USD. Prețul de urs estimat pentru 2024 este de 0,004490 USD. În previziunile de preț Notcoin (NOT) pentru 2024 și 2025-2030, vom analiza modele de preț NOT utilizând indicatori de analiză tehnică precisă, care sunt convenabile pentru comerciant și să prezică mișcarea viitoare a criptomonedei. Cuprinsul este furnizat Notcoin (NOT) Starea actuală a pieței Ce este Notcoin? Metode Notcoin (non) 24 de ore Prognoza prețului NOTCOIN (NOT) pentru 2024 Niveluri de suport și rezistență ale Notcoin (NOT) Prognoza prețului Notcoin (NOT) pentru 2024 - RVOL, MA și RSI Prognoza prețului Notcoin (NOT) pentru 2024 - ADX, RVI Nu să compar cu BTC, ETH Prognoza prețului NOTCOIN (NON) pentru 2025, 2026-2030 Notcoin (NOT) Starea actuală a pieței Prețul curent 0,01176 USD - modificarea prețului în 24 de ore 2,28% Scădere în 24 de ore - Volum de tranzacționare 934.144.734 USD Capitalizare de piață 1.207.764.890 USD Oferta curentă 102.719.221.714 Nu este un nivel record - Nivelul minim de 0,01440 USD de 0,01445 USD, mai 5 (după cum din 24 mai 2024)   NU STATUL ACTUAL DE PIAȚĂ (Sursa: CoinMarketCap) CE ESTE NOTCOIN (NON) TICKER, Clasa Notcoin Digital Collectibles a fost lansată în ianuarie 2024. Facility Management, sistem de bacșiș, taxe de gaz și recompense $NOT
$#Notcoin(NU) Prognoze de preț pentru 2024, 2025, 2026-2030
Prognoza prețului NOT optimist pentru 2024 variază de la 0,013289 USD la 0,023340 USD.
Prețul Notcoin (NOT) ar putea ajunge în curând la 0,1 USD.
Prețul de urs estimat pentru 2024 este de 0,004490 USD.
În previziunile de preț Notcoin (NOT) pentru 2024 și 2025-2030, vom analiza modele de preț NOT utilizând indicatori de analiză tehnică precisă, care sunt convenabile pentru comerciant și să prezică mișcarea viitoare a criptomonedei.
Cuprinsul este furnizat
Notcoin (NOT) Starea actuală a pieței
Ce este Notcoin?
Metode Notcoin (non) 24 de ore
Prognoza prețului NOTCOIN (NOT) pentru 2024
Niveluri de suport și rezistență ale Notcoin (NOT)
Prognoza prețului Notcoin (NOT) pentru 2024 - RVOL, MA și RSI
Prognoza prețului Notcoin (NOT) pentru 2024 - ADX, RVI
Nu să compar cu BTC, ETH
Prognoza prețului NOTCOIN (NON) pentru 2025, 2026-2030
Notcoin (NOT) Starea actuală a pieței
Prețul curent 0,01176 USD - modificarea prețului în 24 de ore 2,28% Scădere în 24 de ore - Volum de tranzacționare 934.144.734 USD Capitalizare de piață 1.207.764.890 USD Oferta curentă 102.719.221.714 Nu este un nivel record - Nivelul minim de 0,01440 USD de 0,01445 USD, mai 5 (după cum din 24 mai 2024)  
NU STATUL ACTUAL DE PIAȚĂ (Sursa: CoinMarketCap) CE ESTE NOTCOIN (NON) TICKER, Clasa Notcoin Digital Collectibles a fost lansată în ianuarie 2024. Facility Management, sistem de bacșiș, taxe de gaz și recompense
Vedeți originalul
{spot}(NOTUSDT) Binance Simple Earn are plăcerea de a introduce Notcoin ($NOT ) ca o nouă adăugare la produsele sale blocate. Utilizatorii care își finalizează abonamentul la NOT în perioada promoției pot primi recompense atractive de până la 29,9% pe an*. Fereastra promoțională pentru $NOT produse blocate este valabilă în perioada 2024-08-22 10:00 (UTC) până în 2025-01-23 09:59 (UTC). Abonamentele vor fi procesate pe principiul primul venit, primul servit, cu anumite condiții, cum ar fi limitele minime și maxime de abonament și durata, care afectează recompensele finale ale ratei dobânzii anuale. Condițiile detaliate sunt prezentate în tabelul de mai jos și sunt descrise mai detaliat în notele la anunț. Remunerația în cuantumul ratei anuale a dobânzii va fi calculată de la ora 00:00 (UTC) a doua zi după încheierea abonamentului și va continua până la sfârșitul perioadei de abonament. Utilizatorii își vor primi recompensele zilnic, ceea ce le va permite să primească profituri stabile și consistente din activele lor blocate. Anunțați-mă dacă corespunde cerințelor dumneavoastră sau dacă doriți să faceți modificări!
Binance Simple Earn are plăcerea de a introduce Notcoin ($NOT ) ca o nouă adăugare la produsele sale blocate. Utilizatorii care își finalizează abonamentul la NOT în perioada promoției pot primi recompense atractive de până la 29,9% pe an*.
Fereastra promoțională pentru $NOT produse blocate este valabilă în perioada 2024-08-22 10:00 (UTC) până în 2025-01-23 09:59 (UTC). Abonamentele vor fi procesate pe principiul primul venit, primul servit, cu anumite condiții, cum ar fi limitele minime și maxime de abonament și durata, care afectează recompensele finale ale ratei dobânzii anuale. Condițiile detaliate sunt prezentate în tabelul de mai jos și sunt descrise mai detaliat în notele la anunț.
Remunerația în cuantumul ratei anuale a dobânzii va fi calculată de la ora 00:00 (UTC) a doua zi după încheierea abonamentului și va continua până la sfârșitul perioadei de abonament. Utilizatorii își vor primi recompensele zilnic, ceea ce le va permite să primească profituri stabile și consistente din activele lor blocate.
Anunțați-mă dacă corespunde cerințelor dumneavoastră sau dacă doriți să faceți modificări!
Vedeți originalul
De ce Pavel Durov sprijină muncitorii obișnuiți: **10 avantaje ale TON Blockchain și ale NOT Coin:** 1. **Viteză mare de tranzacție:** - Blockchain-ul TON este capabil să proceseze mii de tranzacții pe secundă datorită arhitecturii sale unice, care depășește semnificativ capacitățile multor alte blockchain-uri. 2. **Taxe reduse:** - Tranzacțiile pe rețeaua TON se caracterizează prin comisioane foarte mici, ceea ce le face profitabile din punct de vedere economic pentru utilizatori. 3. **Scalabilitate:** - TON folosește un mecanism de „sharding” care vă permite să distribuiți eficient sarcina în întreaga rețea, oferind scalabilitate fără pierderi de viteză și securitate. 4. **Securitate:** - Blockchain-ul TON oferă un nivel ridicat de securitate datorită metodelor criptografice avansate și unei structuri descentralizate. 5. **Descentralizare:** - TON este o platformă complet descentralizată, care elimină dependența de orice organism de management centralizat. 6. **Contracte inteligente inovatoare:** - TON acceptă contracte inteligente puternice și flexibile care pot fi folosite pentru a crea diverse aplicații descentralizate (dApps). 7. **Ecosistemul TON:** - Blockchain-ul TON include o varietate de servicii și aplicații, cum ar fi TON Storage, TON Proxy și altele, ceea ce îl face un ecosistem cu drepturi depline pentru utilizatori și dezvoltatori. 8. **Comunitate puternică:** - O comunitate activă și susținătoare în jurul TON și NOT COIN contribuie la dezvoltarea și popularizarea platformei, ceea ce îi afectează pozitiv valoarea și stabilitatea. 9. **Rezistența la cenzură:** - Caracterul descentralizat al TON îl face rezistent la cenzură, asigurând schimbul liber de informații și tranzacții. 10. **Model economic:** - Modelul economic TON și NOT COIN are ca scop crearea unui instrument financiar durabil și autosuficient, care oferă o creștere stabilă și oportunități atractive de investiții. ** De ce Pavel Durov sprijină muncitorii obișnuiți:** Pavel Durov, fondatorul Telegram și unul dintre principalii susținători ai blockchain-ului TON, diferă de alți miliardari prin filozofia și abordarea sa în afaceri. {spot}(NOTUSDT)
De ce Pavel Durov sprijină muncitorii obișnuiți:
**10 avantaje ale TON Blockchain și ale NOT Coin:**
1. **Viteză mare de tranzacție:**
- Blockchain-ul TON este capabil să proceseze mii de tranzacții pe secundă datorită arhitecturii sale unice, care depășește semnificativ capacitățile multor alte blockchain-uri.
2. **Taxe reduse:**
- Tranzacțiile pe rețeaua TON se caracterizează prin comisioane foarte mici, ceea ce le face profitabile din punct de vedere economic pentru utilizatori.
3. **Scalabilitate:**
- TON folosește un mecanism de „sharding” care vă permite să distribuiți eficient sarcina în întreaga rețea, oferind scalabilitate fără pierderi de viteză și securitate.
4. **Securitate:**
- Blockchain-ul TON oferă un nivel ridicat de securitate datorită metodelor criptografice avansate și unei structuri descentralizate.
5. **Descentralizare:**
- TON este o platformă complet descentralizată, care elimină dependența de orice organism de management centralizat.
6. **Contracte inteligente inovatoare:**
- TON acceptă contracte inteligente puternice și flexibile care pot fi folosite pentru a crea diverse aplicații descentralizate (dApps).
7. **Ecosistemul TON:**
- Blockchain-ul TON include o varietate de servicii și aplicații, cum ar fi TON Storage, TON Proxy și altele, ceea ce îl face un ecosistem cu drepturi depline pentru utilizatori și dezvoltatori.
8. **Comunitate puternică:**
- O comunitate activă și susținătoare în jurul TON și NOT COIN contribuie la dezvoltarea și popularizarea platformei, ceea ce îi afectează pozitiv valoarea și stabilitatea.
9. **Rezistența la cenzură:**
- Caracterul descentralizat al TON îl face rezistent la cenzură, asigurând schimbul liber de informații și tranzacții.
10. **Model economic:**
- Modelul economic TON și NOT COIN are ca scop crearea unui instrument financiar durabil și autosuficient, care oferă o creștere stabilă și oportunități atractive de investiții.
** De ce Pavel Durov sprijină muncitorii obișnuiți:**
Pavel Durov, fondatorul Telegram și unul dintre principalii susținători ai blockchain-ului TON, diferă de alți miliardari prin filozofia și abordarea sa în afaceri.
Vedeți originalul
Recent, am văzut multe postări în care „comercianții” scriu că notele vor scădea la 0,011 și mai jos. Nu contest că acest lucru s-ar putea întâmpla dacă bitcoinul continuă să scadă. Cred că proiectul notcoin nu va permite nimănui să cumpere din nou ieftin, altfel ar fi o prostie să cumperi o monedă pentru proiectul notcoin și apoi să revii în aceeași gamă. Cel mai probabil, vom sta între 0,015 - 0,022 încă o săptămână până când nivelul de rezistență va fi spart și vor exista câteva știri și evenimente semnificative pentru notcoin, iar creșterea bitcoin va afecta și creșterea notcoinului. Cel mai răbdător va câștiga chiar și cine a cumpărat mai mult. Prețul meu mediu de achiziție este de 0,0175 și sunt sigur că vom reveni cel puțin la 0,019, eventual vineri. Nu-ți face griji și ține la fața locului până la ultimul, mai sunt multe evenimente înainte și totul va crește. Acum este posibilă o inversare și mergem la 0.019.#Notcoin #BTC #ЛюбимыйТокен $NOT {spot}(NOTUSDT)
Recent, am văzut multe postări în care „comercianții” scriu că notele vor scădea la 0,011 și mai jos. Nu contest că acest lucru s-ar putea întâmpla dacă bitcoinul continuă să scadă. Cred că proiectul notcoin nu va permite nimănui să cumpere din nou ieftin, altfel ar fi o prostie să cumperi o monedă pentru proiectul notcoin și apoi să revii în aceeași gamă. Cel mai probabil, vom sta între 0,015 - 0,022 încă o săptămână până când nivelul de rezistență va fi spart și vor exista câteva știri și evenimente semnificative pentru notcoin, iar creșterea bitcoin va afecta și creșterea notcoinului. Cel mai răbdător va câștiga chiar și cine a cumpărat mai mult. Prețul meu mediu de achiziție este de 0,0175 și sunt sigur că vom reveni cel puțin la 0,019, eventual vineri. Nu-ți face griji și ține la fața locului până la ultimul, mai sunt multe evenimente înainte și totul va crește. Acum este posibilă o inversare și mergem la 0.019.#Notcoin #BTC #ЛюбимыйТокен $NOT
Vedeți originalul
$PEPE explodează chiar acum. Ar putea exista o creștere de 100 la sută astăzi după întâlnirea FOMC? Probabilitatea de creștere a PEPE astăzi cu peste 100% după întâlnirea FOMC a lui Jerome Powell este mare. Marii investitori continuă să dețină volume semnificative de livrări, în ciuda recentei corecții de preț. Vom vedea o revenire mare de 100% la 0,00002205 USD? Ratele mai mici ale dobânzilor tind să fie favorabile pentru activele riscante neprofitabile, inclusiv criptomonedele volatile, cum ar fi $PEPE . $NOT #ЛюбимыйТокен #TopCoinsJune2024 #binance
$PEPE explodează chiar acum. Ar putea exista o creștere de 100 la sută astăzi după întâlnirea FOMC?
Probabilitatea de creștere a PEPE astăzi cu peste 100% după întâlnirea FOMC a lui Jerome Powell este mare.
Marii investitori continuă să dețină volume semnificative de livrări, în ciuda recentei corecții de preț. Vom vedea o revenire mare de 100% la 0,00002205 USD?
Ratele mai mici ale dobânzilor tind să fie favorabile pentru activele riscante neprofitabile, inclusiv criptomonedele volatile, cum ar fi $PEPE . $NOT
#ЛюбимыйТокен #TopCoinsJune2024 #binance
Vedeți originalul
- 40 de milioane de utilizatori Notcoin și activi, și nu doar recomandări care nu au mai vizitat timp de 3-4 luni. Ce se pregătește în sarcinile de miză ale Notcoin: - Niveluri pentru utilizatori noi: utilizatorii noi vor putea să-și introducă Notecoins în aplicație pentru a primi niveluri de bronz, aur, platină etc. - Frens (sistem de recomandare): vei primi un procent din cât câștigă prietenii tăi. - Aur și platină: utilizatorii acestor niveluri vor avea acces la lansarea de jetoane de nivel superior și vor putea primi drop-uri și alte bonusuri pentru eforturile lor. - Explorează automatizarea campaniilor: proiectele vor putea lansa campanii pe cont propriu, fără a fi nevoie să contacteze direct colaboratorii. Noi detalii despre miza Notcoin - Peste 1,5 milioane de dolari au fost distribuite prin pool-uri în Telegram (@notcoin_bot). În procesul de dezvoltare activă: - Niveluri de upgrade. - Sistem de recomandare: vei primi un procent din cât câștigă prietenii tăi. - Niveluri Aur și Platină: acces la cele mai profitabile piscine. - Automatizarea pool-urilor: proiectele vor putea contribui independent cu fonduri la pool și vor putea crea campanii. După automatizare, dezvoltatorii se așteaptă la o creștere de zece ori a numărului de pool-uri.🔥🔥🔥 #Notcoin👀🔥
- 40 de milioane de utilizatori Notcoin și activi, și nu doar recomandări care nu au mai vizitat timp de 3-4 luni.
Ce se pregătește în sarcinile de miză ale Notcoin:
- Niveluri pentru utilizatori noi: utilizatorii noi vor putea să-și introducă Notecoins în aplicație pentru a primi niveluri de bronz, aur, platină etc.
- Frens (sistem de recomandare): vei primi un procent din cât câștigă prietenii tăi.
- Aur și platină: utilizatorii acestor niveluri vor avea acces la lansarea de jetoane de nivel superior și vor putea primi drop-uri și alte bonusuri pentru eforturile lor.
- Explorează automatizarea campaniilor: proiectele vor putea lansa campanii pe cont propriu, fără a fi nevoie să contacteze direct colaboratorii.
Noi detalii despre miza Notcoin
- Peste 1,5 milioane de dolari au fost distribuite prin pool-uri în Telegram (@notcoin_bot).
În procesul de dezvoltare activă:
- Niveluri de upgrade.
- Sistem de recomandare: vei primi un procent din cât câștigă prietenii tăi.
- Niveluri Aur și Platină: acces la cele mai profitabile piscine.
- Automatizarea pool-urilor: proiectele vor putea contribui independent cu fonduri la pool și vor putea crea campanii.
După automatizare, dezvoltatorii se așteaptă la o creștere de zece ori a numărului de pool-uri.🔥🔥🔥
Vedeți originalul
Notcoin (NOT) se pregătește pentru un alt pas mare; o creștere de 60 la sută poate fi la orizont Postul Notcoin (NOT) se pregătește pentru un alt pas mare; O creștere de 60% poate fi la orizont a apărut pentru prima dată pe Coinpedia Fintech News Notcoin a atras o atenție considerabilă recent, deoarece prețul a crescut enorm. Acum că jetonul se confruntă cu o retragere cu 25% după o creștere uriașă de aproape 3.500%, participanții de pe piață par să fi fost nedumeriți de următoarea acțiune a prețului. Cu toate acestea, situația actuală de tranzacționare sugerează că prețul NU câștigă putere și poate provoca o creștere sănătoasă în următoarele câteva zile. Prețul NU a suferit o mișcare parabolică de la începuturi și a atins cote uriașe. După cum am menționat mai sus, jetonul a menținut o consolidare descendentă de ceva timp, ceea ce, la rândul său, a dat semnale masive de urcare. Retragerea a făcut ca prețul să formeze un fanion urcis, iar nivelurile au atins vârful de consolidare, ceea ce sugerează că ar putea exista o tendință de urcare extinsă la orizont. Prețul NU pare să fi rămas în intervalul pe termen lung, în timp ce tranzacția pe termen scurt arată o probabilitate uriașă de erupție optimistă. Prețul se consolidează în fanionul optimist și este de așteptat ca cel mai recent retragere să provoace o creștere uriașă după depășirea graniței clusterului. În plus, RSI rămâne în intervalul mediu, în timp ce MACD-ul este pe cale să intre într-un interval pozitiv cu o intersecție optimistă. În ansamblu, prețul Notcoin continuă să rămână într-un interval optimist, în ciuda presiunii temporare de urs. În plus, volumul se confruntă și cu o compresie excesivă, ceea ce indică probabilitatea unui aflux uriaș de volum în zilele următoare. În același timp, este posibil ca prețul să NU provoace o nouă creștere și să atingă mai întâi ținta superioară la 0,03 USD, iar apoi să atingă ATH la 0,035 USD până la sfârșitul lunii iunie 2024. #TopCoinsJune2024 #NOT🔥🔥🔥 $NOT
Notcoin (NOT) se pregătește pentru un alt pas mare; o creștere de 60 la sută poate fi la orizont
Postul Notcoin (NOT) se pregătește pentru un alt pas mare; O creștere de 60% poate fi la orizont a apărut pentru prima dată pe Coinpedia Fintech News
Notcoin a atras o atenție considerabilă recent, deoarece prețul a crescut enorm. Acum că jetonul se confruntă cu o retragere cu 25% după o creștere uriașă de aproape 3.500%, participanții de pe piață par să fi fost nedumeriți de următoarea acțiune a prețului. Cu toate acestea, situația actuală de tranzacționare sugerează că prețul NU câștigă putere și poate provoca o creștere sănătoasă în următoarele câteva zile.
Prețul NU a suferit o mișcare parabolică de la începuturi și a atins cote uriașe. După cum am menționat mai sus, jetonul a menținut o consolidare descendentă de ceva timp, ceea ce, la rândul său, a dat semnale masive de urcare. Retragerea a făcut ca prețul să formeze un fanion urcis, iar nivelurile au atins vârful de consolidare, ceea ce sugerează că ar putea exista o tendință de urcare extinsă la orizont.
Prețul NU pare să fi rămas în intervalul pe termen lung, în timp ce tranzacția pe termen scurt arată o probabilitate uriașă de erupție optimistă. Prețul se consolidează în fanionul optimist și este de așteptat ca cel mai recent retragere să provoace o creștere uriașă după depășirea graniței clusterului. În plus, RSI rămâne în intervalul mediu, în timp ce MACD-ul este pe cale să intre într-un interval pozitiv cu o intersecție optimistă.
În ansamblu, prețul Notcoin continuă să rămână într-un interval optimist, în ciuda presiunii temporare de urs. În plus, volumul se confruntă și cu o compresie excesivă, ceea ce indică probabilitatea unui aflux uriaș de volum în zilele următoare. În același timp, este posibil ca prețul să NU provoace o nouă creștere și să atingă mai întâi ținta superioară la 0,03 USD, iar apoi să atingă ATH la 0,035 USD până la sfârșitul lunii iunie 2024.
#TopCoinsJune2024 #NOT🔥🔥🔥 $NOT
The market has literally now given and gives the opportunity for a good purchase , eliminated greedy long positions , lured short greedy positions that will also be eliminated, this is good food for the market , for example, I gained long positions on this fall. Remember, you do not need to be greedy and trade with a hot head and success will be reflected on your deposit. Good luck to all and have a wonderful weekend. $NOT #NOT🔥🔥🔥
The market has literally now given and gives the opportunity for a good purchase , eliminated greedy long positions , lured short greedy positions that will also be eliminated, this is good food for the market , for example, I gained long positions on this fall. Remember, you do not need to be greedy and trade with a hot head and success will be reflected on your deposit. Good luck to all and have a wonderful weekend.
$NOT #NOT🔥🔥🔥
$NOT Kit, hamster and foundations Funds, whales and hamsters: who is driving the cryptocurrency Market? The world of cryptocurrencies is a jungle inhabited by different creatures: nimble hamsters, powerful whales and wise elephants (foundations and large organizations). Each of them plays its own role, influencing prices and the course of the market. 1. Funds. Foundations are the heavyweights of this world: - They move slowly, but confidently. - They do not give in to emotions. - They act on the basis of careful analysis and thoughtful strategies. - They invest huge amounts of money as part of long-term plans. Why? - They are responsible to their investors. - They can't risk their reputation. - Limited by legislation and internal rules. Example: The fund analyzes the potential of #TWT and determines the purchase zone below $1.10. The price of #TWT rises to $1.05. The Fund is in no hurry to buy, as it needs to maintain the average purchase price. 2. Hamsters. Hamsters are nimble and emotional creatures: - They react quickly to news and changes in the market. - They often buy and sell under the influence of fear or greed. - They can push the price up or down with their spontaneous decisions. Example: There is news in the media about a possible partnership between TWT and a large company. The price of TWT is rising sharply as hamsters buy tokens in the hope of rapid growth. 3. Whales. A whale is a huge and dangerous creature: - Can single-handedly influence the price of cryptocurrency. - Uses his power to manipulate the market to his advantage. - It can lead to sharp price spikes, and then just as abruptly reset the tokens. Example: Keith buys a huge amount of TWT, raising its price. When the price reaches the level he needs, he sells all the tokens, which leads to a sharp drop in price. Who rules the cryptocurrency market? There is no definite answer. Funds set a long-term trend, hamsters create volatility, whales can manipulate the market in the short term. It is important to understand the essence!!! #TopCoinsJune2024 #binance #BTC
$NOT Kit, hamster and foundations
Funds, whales and hamsters: who is driving the cryptocurrency Market?
The world of cryptocurrencies is a jungle inhabited by different creatures: nimble hamsters, powerful whales and wise elephants (foundations and large organizations). Each of them plays its own role, influencing prices and the course of the market.
1. Funds.
Foundations are the heavyweights of this world:
- They move slowly, but confidently.
- They do not give in to emotions.
- They act on the basis of careful analysis and thoughtful strategies.
- They invest huge amounts of money as part of long-term plans.
- They are responsible to their investors.
- They can't risk their reputation.
- Limited by legislation and internal rules.
The fund analyzes the potential of #TWT and determines the purchase zone below $1.10. The price of #TWT rises to $1.05. The Fund is in no hurry to buy, as it needs to maintain the average purchase price.
2. Hamsters.
Hamsters are nimble and emotional creatures:
- They react quickly to news and changes in the market.
- They often buy and sell under the influence of fear or greed.
- They can push the price up or down with their spontaneous decisions.
There is news in the media about a possible partnership between TWT and a large company. The price of TWT is rising sharply as hamsters buy tokens in the hope of rapid growth.
3. Whales.
A whale is a huge and dangerous creature:
- Can single-handedly influence the price of cryptocurrency.
- Uses his power to manipulate the market to his advantage.
- It can lead to sharp price spikes, and then just as abruptly reset the tokens.
Keith buys a huge amount of TWT, raising its price. When the price reaches the level he needs, he sells all the tokens, which leads to a sharp drop in price.
Who rules the cryptocurrency market?
There is no definite answer. Funds set a long-term trend, hamsters create volatility, whales can manipulate the market in the short term.
It is important to understand the essence!!!
#TopCoinsJune2024 #binance #BTC
Notcoin (NOT) is preparing for another big step; a 60 percent rise may be on the horizon Notcoin has attracted considerable attention recently, as the price has increased enormously. Now that the token is facing a 25% pullback after a huge increase of almost 3,500%, market participants seem to have been puzzled by the next price action. However, the current trading situation suggests that the price is NOT gaining strength and may provoke a healthy rise in the next few days. The price has NOT undergone a parabolic movement since its inception and has reached huge highs. As mentioned above, the token maintained a downward consolidation for some time, which, in turn, gave massive bullish signals. The pullback caused the price to form a bullish pennant, and the levels reached the top of consolidation, which suggests that there may be an extended bullish trend on the horizon. The video will be released on the channel in 5 minutes, I'm waiting for you! 🔥Go to the channelNotcoin (NOT) is preparing for another big step; a 60 percent rise may be on the horizon Notcoin has attracted considerable attention recently, as the price has increased enormously. Now that the token is facing a 25% pullback after a huge increase of almost 3,500%, market participants seem to have been puzzled by the next price action. However, the current trading situation suggests that the price is NOT gaining strength and may provoke a healthy rise in the next few days. The price has NOT undergone a parabolic movement since its inception and has reached huge highs. As mentioned above, the token maintained a downward consolidation for some time, which, in turn, gave massive bullish signals. The pullback caused the price to form a bullish pennant, and the levels reached the top of consolidation, which suggests that there may be an extended bullish trend on the horizon. The video will be released on the channel in 5 minutes, I'm waiting for you! $NOT #binance #TopCoinsJune2024
Notcoin (NOT) is preparing for another big step; a 60 percent rise may be on the horizon

Notcoin has attracted considerable attention recently, as the price has increased enormously. Now that the token is facing a 25% pullback after a huge increase of almost 3,500%, market participants seem to have been puzzled by the next price action. However, the current trading situation suggests that the price is NOT gaining strength and may provoke a healthy rise in the next few days.

The price has NOT undergone a parabolic movement since its inception and has reached huge highs. As mentioned above, the token maintained a downward consolidation for some time, which, in turn, gave massive bullish signals. The pullback caused the price to form a bullish pennant, and the levels reached the top of consolidation, which suggests that there may be an extended bullish trend on the horizon.

The video will be released on the channel in 5 minutes, I'm waiting for you!
🔥Go to the channelNotcoin (NOT) is preparing for another big step; a 60 percent rise may be on the horizon

Notcoin has attracted considerable attention recently, as the price has increased enormously. Now that the token is facing a 25% pullback after a huge increase of almost 3,500%, market participants seem to have been puzzled by the next price action. However, the current trading situation suggests that the price is NOT gaining strength and may provoke a healthy rise in the next few days.

The price has NOT undergone a parabolic movement since its inception and has reached huge highs. As mentioned above, the token maintained a downward consolidation for some time, which, in turn, gave massive bullish signals. The pullback caused the price to form a bullish pennant, and the levels reached the top of consolidation, which suggests that there may be an extended bullish trend on the horizon.

The video will be released on the channel in 5 minutes, I'm waiting for you!
$NOT #binance #TopCoinsJune2024
Notcoin forecast for June 7, 2024 #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #NOT🚀 #Notcoin👀🔥 #NOTCOİN #prediction $NOT The Notcoin NOT/USD cryptocurrency continues to move as part of the correction and formation of the "Triangle" model. At the time of publication of the forecast, the Notcoin exchange rate is 0.0220. Moving averages indicate the presence of a short-term bullish trend for the coin. Prices are testing the area between the signal lines again, which indicates pressure from buyers and the potential continuation of the asset value rise from current levels. As part of the technical analysis of Notcoin, we should expect an attempt to develop a bearish correction of the coin's exchange rate and a test of the support area near the 0.0200 level. Then, the price rebounds upwards and the asset continues to rise with a potential target above the 0.0300 level. Notcoin forecast for June 7, 2024 An additional signal in favor of the growth of the Notcoin cryptocurrency in the market will be a rebound from the broken trend line on the relative strength indicator (RSI). The second signal will be a rebound from the lower boundary of the Triangle model. The cancellation of the growth option of the NOT/USD pair on Forex will be a drop and a breakdown of the 0.0170 area. This will indicate a breakdown of the area of the lower boundary of the Triangle model and the continuation of the fall of NOT/USD quotes to the area below the 0.0120 level. It is worth waiting for confirmation of the growth of NOT/USD quotes with a breakdown of the resistance area and the price closing above the 0.0250 level, which will indicate a breakdown of the upper boundary of the Triangle model and the beginning of working out a pattern with targets at the top. Thus, Notcoin's forecast for June 7, 2024 suggests an attempt to develop a bearish correction and test the support area near the 0.0200 level. Further, the continued growth of the NOT/USD currency pair with a target above the 0.0300 level.
Notcoin forecast for June 7, 2024
#NOT🔥🔥🔥 #NOT🚀 #Notcoin👀🔥 #NOTCOİN #prediction $NOT
The Notcoin NOT/USD cryptocurrency continues to move as part of the correction and formation of the "Triangle" model. At the time of publication of the forecast, the Notcoin exchange rate is 0.0220. Moving averages indicate the presence of a short-term bullish trend for the coin. Prices are testing the area between the signal lines again, which indicates pressure from buyers and the potential continuation of the asset value rise from current levels. As part of the technical analysis of Notcoin, we should expect an attempt to develop a bearish correction of the coin's exchange rate and a test of the support area near the 0.0200 level. Then, the price rebounds upwards and the asset continues to rise with a potential target above the 0.0300 level.
Notcoin forecast for June 7, 2024
An additional signal in favor of the growth of the Notcoin cryptocurrency in the market will be a rebound from the broken trend line on the relative strength indicator (RSI). The second signal will be a rebound from the lower boundary of the Triangle model. The cancellation of the growth option of the NOT/USD pair on Forex will be a drop and a breakdown of the 0.0170 area. This will indicate a breakdown of the area of the lower boundary of the Triangle model and the continuation of the fall of NOT/USD quotes to the area below the 0.0120 level. It is worth waiting for confirmation of the growth of NOT/USD quotes with a breakdown of the resistance area and the price closing above the 0.0250 level, which will indicate a breakdown of the upper boundary of the Triangle model and the beginning of working out a pattern with targets at the top.
Thus, Notcoin's forecast for June 7, 2024 suggests an attempt to develop a bearish correction and test the support area near the 0.0200 level. Further, the continued growth of the NOT/USD currency pair with a target above the 0.0300 level.
Pavel Durov announced the launch of Telegram Stars This is the currency for paying for digital services in mini-ups. Telegram Stars can be displayed via Fragment using TON. Payment is made through in-app purchases on Android and iOS. Apple and Google receive a 30% commission when users buy Stars. But Telegram will subsidize ads purchased with Telegram Stars. The total commission will decrease to almost 0% if the developers reinvest Stars in the promotion of their application. #StartInvestingInCrypto #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #Notcoin👀🔥 $NOT
Pavel Durov announced the launch of Telegram Stars

This is the currency for paying for digital services in mini-ups. Telegram Stars can be displayed via Fragment using TON.

Payment is made through in-app purchases on Android and iOS. Apple and Google receive a 30% commission when users buy Stars.

But Telegram will subsidize ads purchased with Telegram Stars. The total commission will decrease to almost 0% if the developers reinvest Stars in the promotion of their application.
#StartInvestingInCrypto #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #Notcoin👀🔥 $NOT
Notcoin: final price in autumn? Many investors in Notcoin are looking forward to an increase in the price of this cryptocurrency. However, recently it has been trading in a sideways range, without showing significant price movements either up or down. This is certainly disappointing for many Notcoin holders who were hoping for more active growth. Lateral Movement Is A Common Phenomenon However, analysts note that sideways movement is a normal condition for most cryptocurrencies. Periods of growth and decline take only a small part of the time, while most of the time prices are in a sideways trend. This may seem tedious to investors, but it is a natural process in the cryptocurrency market. Expectations Regarding The Burning Of Tokens Many are pinning their hopes on the upcoming burning of inactive Notcoin tokens on June 16. It is assumed that this should lead to a reduction in the total volume of coins in circulation and, consequently, increase their value. However, according to developer Sasha Plotnikov, it is still necessary to analyze and summarize the results before making an official statement about this. Completing Tasks in Notcoin One of the positive aspects is the appearance of new tasks in the Notcoin ecosystem, which bring users a good income. However, there is also a negative aspect - a significant difference in rewards between different levels of participation, which causes some users to feel unfair. The interest of Bloggers and Traders Many well-known bloggers and traders are interested in Notcoin. The most agile of them purchased coins at the lowest prices when Notcoin was trading at $0.04-$0.05. Those who did not have time to enter so early are now considering entering at a price of about $0.02, although they are not sure about further growth. Forecasts Regarding The Price Of Notcoin According to the statement of the project management, it is expected that the price of Notcoin will rise to about $ 0.28, but this growth may take about six months. $NOT #StartInvestingInCrypto #binance
Notcoin: final price in autumn?
Many investors in Notcoin are looking forward to an increase in the price of this cryptocurrency. However, recently it has been trading in a sideways range, without showing significant price movements either up or down. This is certainly disappointing for many Notcoin holders who were hoping for more active growth.
Lateral Movement Is A Common Phenomenon
However, analysts note that sideways movement is a normal condition for most cryptocurrencies. Periods of growth and decline take only a small part of the time, while most of the time prices are in a sideways trend. This may seem tedious to investors, but it is a natural process in the cryptocurrency market.
Expectations Regarding The Burning Of Tokens
Many are pinning their hopes on the upcoming burning of inactive Notcoin tokens on June 16. It is assumed that this should lead to a reduction in the total volume of coins in circulation and, consequently, increase their value. However, according to developer Sasha Plotnikov, it is still necessary to analyze and summarize the results before making an official statement about this.
Completing Tasks in Notcoin
One of the positive aspects is the appearance of new tasks in the Notcoin ecosystem, which bring users a good income. However, there is also a negative aspect - a significant difference in rewards between different levels of participation, which causes some users to feel unfair.
The interest of Bloggers and Traders
Many well-known bloggers and traders are interested in Notcoin. The most agile of them purchased coins at the lowest prices when Notcoin was trading at $0.04-$0.05. Those who did not have time to enter so early are now considering entering at a price of about $0.02, although they are not sure about further growth.
Forecasts Regarding The Price Of Notcoin
According to the statement of the project management, it is expected that the price of Notcoin will rise to about $ 0.28, but this growth may take about six months.
$NOT #StartInvestingInCrypto #binance
$NOT 🔥🔥Analyzed 📈 Current situation: NOTCOIN (NOT) has recently formed a descending triangle on the hourly chart, which is usually a bearish pattern. Nevertheless, history shows that such formations often portend significant movements, and in this case everything points to the possibility of an upward breakout! This was the case, for example, with $BTC in November 2018 or with $ETH in September 2020 🔎Analysis of trading volumes: An increase in trading volumes when approaching the lower boundary of the triangle indicates active interest from buyers. This suggests that major players see current prices as attractive to buy and are ready to support the market. Fundamental factors: NOTCOIN continues to attract attention due to its innovations and growing community. Recent news about partnerships and platform updates are creating a positive mood among investors, which can serve as a catalyst for growth. Technical indicators: Indicators such as RSI and MACD indicate a possible oversold asset, which often precedes growth. The current correction may be an opportunity to enter the market before a new uptrend.
📈 Current situation: NOTCOIN (NOT) has recently formed a descending triangle on the hourly chart, which is usually a bearish pattern.
Nevertheless, history shows that such formations often portend significant movements, and in this case everything points to the possibility of an upward breakout!
This was the case, for example, with $BTC in November 2018 or with $ETH in September 2020
🔎Analysis of trading volumes: An increase in trading volumes when approaching the lower boundary of the triangle indicates active interest from buyers. This suggests that major players see current prices as attractive to buy and are ready to support the market.
Fundamental factors: NOTCOIN continues to attract attention due to its innovations and growing community. Recent news about partnerships and platform updates are creating a positive mood among investors, which can serve as a catalyst for growth.
Technical indicators: Indicators such as RSI and MACD indicate a possible oversold asset, which often precedes growth. The current correction may be an opportunity to enter the market before a new uptrend.
### Why Is PEPE's Price Not Moving Massively? **Decrease In Trading Volume:** Low trading volume indicates a decrease in traders' interest, which limits the ability of prices to move on a large scale. **Lack Of News Background:** The lack of significant news or announcements leads to a decrease in volatility, as investors do not have new incentives to buy or sell. **Technical Analysis:** PEPE price is in a narrow range between support and resistance levels, which creates temporary stability until there is an impulse for a breakout. **General Market Conditions:** If the entire cryptocurrency market is in a consolidation phase, individual assets such as PEPE may also demonstrate price stability. **Psychological Factors:** Traders may take a wait-and-see attitude, especially after recent unstable movements, which leads to a decrease in market activity. These factors together create the current situation in which the PEPE price does not show significant movements.$PEPE #pepe### Why Is PEPE's Price Not Moving Massively? **Decrease In Trading Volume:** Low trading volume indicates a decrease in traders' interest, which limits the ability of prices to move on a large scale. **Lack Of News Background:** The lack of significant news or announcements leads to a decrease in volatility, as investors do not have new incentives to buy or sell. **Technical Analysis:** PEPE price is in a narrow range between support and resistance levels, which creates temporary stability until there is an impulse for a breakout. **General Market Conditions:** If the entire cryptocurrency market is in a consolidation phase, individual assets such as PEPE may also demonstrate price stability. **Psychological Factors:** Traders may take a wait-and-see attitude, especially after recent unstable movements, which leads to a decrease in market activity. These factors together create the current situation in which the PEPE price does not show significant movements.$PEPE #pepecoin🐸
### Why Is PEPE's Price Not Moving Massively?
**Decrease In Trading Volume:** Low trading volume indicates a decrease in traders' interest, which limits the ability of prices to move on a large scale.
**Lack Of News Background:** The lack of significant news or announcements leads to a decrease in volatility, as investors do not have new incentives to buy or sell.
**Technical Analysis:** PEPE price is in a narrow range between support and resistance levels, which creates temporary stability until there is an impulse for a breakout.
**General Market Conditions:** If the entire cryptocurrency market is in a consolidation phase, individual assets such as PEPE may also demonstrate price stability.
**Psychological Factors:** Traders may take a wait-and-see attitude, especially after recent unstable movements, which leads to a decrease in market activity.
These factors together create the current situation in which the PEPE price does not show significant movements.$PEPE #pepe### Why Is PEPE's Price Not Moving Massively?
**Decrease In Trading Volume:** Low trading volume indicates a decrease in traders' interest, which limits the ability of prices to move on a large scale.
**Lack Of News Background:** The lack of significant news or announcements leads to a decrease in volatility, as investors do not have new incentives to buy or sell.
**Technical Analysis:** PEPE price is in a narrow range between support and resistance levels, which creates temporary stability until there is an impulse for a breakout.
**General Market Conditions:** If the entire cryptocurrency market is in a consolidation phase, individual assets such as PEPE may also demonstrate price stability.
**Psychological Factors:** Traders may take a wait-and-see attitude, especially after recent unstable movements, which leads to a decrease in market activity.
These factors together create the current situation in which the PEPE price does not show significant movements.$PEPE #pepecoin🐸
🚨🚨#NOT🚀 Price forecast🚨🚨 Notcoin (NOT) price forecast for 2024, 2025, 2030 $NOT The price forecast for Notcoin (NOT) in 2024 looks optimistic. The maximum price of Notcoin may be about $0.052 in 2024. Notcoin may reach a maximum price level of $0.085 in 2025. The average price of Notcoin may reach about $2.26 in 2030. Notcoin is one of the most effective crypto projects on the market. If you are looking for a long-term Notcoin price forecast, this analysis may be useful to you. Our forecast is based on in-depth technical analysis and current Notcoin indicators. #NOT🔥🔥🔥 $PEPE $BB
🚨🚨#NOT🚀 Price forecast🚨🚨
Notcoin (NOT) price forecast for 2024, 2025, 2030
The price forecast for Notcoin (NOT) in 2024 looks optimistic.
The maximum price of Notcoin may be about $0.052 in 2024.
Notcoin may reach a maximum price level of $0.085 in 2025.
The average price of Notcoin may reach about $2.26 in 2030.
Notcoin is one of the most effective crypto projects on the market. If you are looking for a long-term Notcoin price forecast, this analysis may be useful to you. Our forecast is based on in-depth technical analysis and current Notcoin indicators.
#binance ### News about Notcoin for today 1. **Listing Announcement**: Notcoin (NOT) has been added to the listing on the major crypto exchanges OKX and Binance. This caused a wave of enthusiasm in the crypto community and led to a significant increase in the price of TON, the native token of the TON blockchain, which increased by 11.32% 2. **Price forecasts**: According to the latest forecasts, the price of Notcoin will continue to rise in the coming days. It is assumed that by June 9, 2024, the price will reach $0.031981, which will mean an increase of 51.91% compared to current levels 3. **Current price and dynamics**: At the time of writing, the price of Notcoin is $0.023813, which represents an increase of 11.31% in the last 24 hours. The trading volume in the last 24 hours is about 39.43 billion US dollars ### Prospects and expectations Given the current dynamics and positive news about listing on major exchanges, it is expected that Notcoin will continue to attract the attention of investors and demonstrate growth in the short term. However, as with any cryptocurrency, it is important to consider the risks and keep an eye on the news and changes in the market. I recommend following the main cryptocurrency news portals such as CoinCodex and BeInCrypto. #binance #NOT🔥🔥🔥 $NOT
#binance ### News about Notcoin for today
1. **Listing Announcement**: Notcoin (NOT) has been added to the listing on the major crypto exchanges OKX and Binance. This caused a wave of enthusiasm in the crypto community and led to a significant increase in the price of TON, the native token of the TON blockchain, which increased by 11.32%
2. **Price forecasts**: According to the latest forecasts, the price of Notcoin will continue to rise in the coming days. It is assumed that by June 9, 2024, the price will reach $0.031981, which will mean an increase of 51.91% compared to current levels
3. **Current price and dynamics**: At the time of writing, the price of Notcoin is $0.023813, which represents an increase of 11.31% in the last 24 hours. The trading volume in the last 24 hours is about 39.43 billion US dollars
### Prospects and expectations
Given the current dynamics and positive news about listing on major exchanges, it is expected that Notcoin will continue to attract the attention of investors and demonstrate growth in the short term. However, as with any cryptocurrency, it is important to consider the risks and keep an eye on the news and changes in the market.
I recommend following the main cryptocurrency news portals such as CoinCodex and BeInCrypto.
#binance #NOT🔥🔥🔥
#binance IO.NET (IO) on Binance Launchpool✅🚀 IO.NET (IO) on Binance Launchpool! Farm IO Steak BNB and FDUSD🔥 🫡Binance is pleased to announce the 55th project at Binance Launchpool - IO.NET (IO), an AI computing and cloud platform. It is assumed that the web page will be available 5 hours before the launch of Launchpool.🤝 Users will be able to put their BNB and FDUSD in separate pools to receive IO tokens for four days, starting from 2024-06-07 00:00 (UTC).🔥 ➕Binance will then list IO on 2024-06-11 12:00 (UTC) and open trading with IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD and IO/TRY trading pairs. Detailed information about IO Launchpool: • Token name: IO.NET (IO) • Total supply of tokens in Genesis: 500,000,000 IO • Maximum token supply: 800,000,000 IO • Launchpool Token Rewards: 20,000,000 IO (4% of the total token supply in Genesis) • Initial circulating supply: 95,000,000 IO (19% of the total token supply in Genesis) • Smart Contract Details:solana • Betting terms: KYC required • Hourly hard limit per user: ◦ 17,708.33 IO in the BNB pool ◦ 3125 IO in the FDUSD pool What can BNB add to the trend now ? In addition to the launch, there is also a megadrop where we also drain 🔥🔥 #binance #Launchpool
#binance IO.NET (IO) on Binance Launchpool✅🚀
IO.NET (IO) on Binance Launchpool! Farm IO Steak BNB and FDUSD🔥
🫡Binance is pleased to announce the 55th project at Binance Launchpool - IO.NET (IO), an AI computing and cloud platform. It is assumed that the web page will be available 5 hours before the launch of Launchpool.🤝
Users will be able to put their BNB and FDUSD in separate pools to receive IO tokens for four days, starting from 2024-06-07 00:00 (UTC).🔥
➕Binance will then list IO on 2024-06-11 12:00 (UTC) and open trading with IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD and IO/TRY trading pairs.
Detailed information about IO Launchpool:
• Token name: IO.NET (IO)
• Total supply of tokens in Genesis: 500,000,000 IO
• Maximum token supply: 800,000,000 IO
• Launchpool Token Rewards: 20,000,000 IO (4% of the total token supply in Genesis)
• Initial circulating supply: 95,000,000 IO (19% of the total token supply in Genesis)
• Smart Contract Details:solana
• Betting terms: KYC required
• Hourly hard limit per user:
◦ 17,708.33 IO in the BNB pool
◦ 3125 IO in the FDUSD pool
What can BNB add to the trend now ?
In addition to the launch, there is also a megadrop where we also drain 🔥🔥
#binance #Launchpool
$BB There is no reason for such a currency to fall step by step, it seems that it is growing strongly and falling sharply. In fact, the bottom rises only 0.1 each time. Such a steady and steady approach will only be. In fact, it has not grown much, and the value of the coin itself in the public network at the end of the month is 2.7U. bb is a currency that can be mortgaged and has an annual rate. A well-positioned fw currency will provide you with annual rate services such as bnb early? First of all, a currency with an annual exchange rate should be stable, grow in value, retain value and have a high value. I can only say that those who look at 0.3 and 0.2 should stop wearing their belts. see the 0.7 price now. You won't see her again for a few more weeks. #StartInvestingInCrypto #binance #Web3
$BB There is no reason for such a currency to fall step by step, it seems that it is growing strongly and falling sharply. In fact, the bottom rises only 0.1 each time. Such a steady and steady approach will only be. In fact, it has not grown much, and the value of the coin itself in the public network at the end of the month is 2.7U. bb is a currency that can be mortgaged and has an annual rate. A well-positioned fw currency will provide you with annual rate services such as bnb early? First of all, a currency with an annual exchange rate should be stable, grow in value, retain value and have a high value. I can only say that those who look at 0.3 and 0.2 should stop wearing their belts. see the 0.7 price now. You won't see her again for a few more weeks.
#StartInvestingInCrypto #binance #Web3
🚀🚀🚀Can I buy Floki? FLOKI has reached the first record🚀🚀🚀 Yesterday at noon Coordinated Universal Time, the Floki meme currency ($FLOKI), named after Elon Musk's shiba inu, reached a new ATH of $0.0003449. The fact that Floki is the most popular meme currency in the Binance Smart Chain ($BNB) was widely mentioned yesterday in crypto social networks and the blogosphere, which greatly contributed to the popularity of the token. At the time of writing, it is trading at $0.0003128, which is 9.3% below the historical maximum and 4.2% compared to the price reached a day earlier. The appearance of the Floki trading bot, created on the basis of Telegram and now at the stage of limited beta testing, has aroused the interest of many investors. A one percent commission is charged for each transaction processed by the Floki bot, which uses its own $FLOKI service token. The Treasury will receive half of the commission income, and half will be used to redeem and burn $FLOKI tokens. Since the public launch is scheduled for "in a few weeks," the new Floki bot will be available to 480,000 FLOKI$ holders. Floki was introduced in 2021 and was named after Elon Musk's shiba inu, a favorite of Tesla CEO. Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum ($ETH) are compatible with it. The diagonal green line on the Floki trading chart shows that support has increased from $0.0001 to $0.0002 over the past three months. The coin has steadily increased in value since the conclusion of May, breaking the resistance level of $0.00023 and apparently holding its new highs. Since Floki's price action is consistent with its 30-day moving average and relative strength index of 53, it is unlikely that the token will see a major drop in the near future. This bodes well for his ability to maintain and possibly surpass current achievements. #FLOKI #Metaverse #memecoins $FLOKI #FLOKI✅
🚀🚀🚀Can I buy Floki? FLOKI has reached the first record🚀🚀🚀
Yesterday at noon Coordinated Universal Time, the Floki meme currency ($FLOKI ), named after Elon Musk's shiba inu, reached a new ATH of $0.0003449.
The fact that Floki is the most popular meme currency in the Binance Smart Chain ($BNB) was widely mentioned yesterday in crypto social networks and the blogosphere, which greatly contributed to the popularity of the token.
At the time of writing, it is trading at $0.0003128, which is 9.3% below the historical maximum and 4.2% compared to the price reached a day earlier.
The appearance of the Floki trading bot, created on the basis of Telegram and now at the stage of limited beta testing, has aroused the interest of many investors.
A one percent commission is charged for each transaction processed by the Floki bot, which uses its own $FLOKI service token. The Treasury will receive half of the commission income, and half will be used to redeem and burn $FLOKI tokens.
Since the public launch is scheduled for "in a few weeks," the new Floki bot will be available to 480,000 FLOKI$ holders.
Floki was introduced in 2021 and was named after Elon Musk's shiba inu, a favorite of Tesla CEO. Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum ($ETH) are compatible with it.
The diagonal green line on the Floki trading chart shows that support has increased from $0.0001 to $0.0002 over the past three months. The coin has steadily increased in value since the conclusion of May, breaking the resistance level of $0.00023 and apparently holding its new highs.
Since Floki's price action is consistent with its 30-day moving average and relative strength index of 53, it is unlikely that the token will see a major drop in the near future. This bodes well for his ability to maintain and possibly surpass current achievements.
#FLOKI #Metaverse #memecoins $FLOKI #FLOKI✅
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