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[click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( #BTC Exact a sărit din linia de tendință inferioară Suport al căderii panei, așa cum am spus 🚀 Așa funcționează analiza mea, doar urmăriți-mă și rămâneți la curent pentru astfel de actualizări minunate.
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#BTC Exact a sărit din linia de tendință inferioară Suport al căderii panei, așa cum am spus 🚀

Așa funcționează analiza mea, doar urmăriți-mă și rămâneți la curent pentru astfel de actualizări minunate.
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[click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( Prezentare generală a pieței criptomonedei | 22 iunie 🔴 Capitalizare de piață: 2,46 trilioane USD (-0,36%) 🟢 Dominanța BTC: 51,58% (+0,02%) ⚡️ Indicele fricii și lăcomiei: 53 (lacomie) #Btc $BTC
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Prezentare generală a pieței criptomonedei | 22 iunie
🔴 Capitalizare de piață: 2,46 trilioane USD (-0,36%)
🟢 Dominanța BTC: 51,58% (+0,02%)
⚡️ Indicele fricii și lăcomiei: 53 (lacomie)

#Btc $BTC
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[click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( 🚨 Alertă pentru balene: posibilă manipulare a pieței înainte! 🐋💼 Se pare că vedem o activitate neobișnuită pe piața cripto. Deținătorii mari, cunoscuți sub numele de „balene”, ar putea juca din nou jocuri. Iată ce s-ar putea întâmpla: Balenele au puterea de a crea o „pompă falsă” făcând ordine de cumpărare semnificative sau coordonându-și achizițiile pentru a crește prețul unei criptomonede. Acest lucru poate atrage investitorii mai mici care doresc să prindă valul. Dar atenție: atunci când aceste balene își vând activele la vârf, prețul scade, lăsând adesea investitori mai mici cu pierderi. 🚀➡️💥 Pentru a te proteja și a fi informat: 1. **📡 Urmăriți mișcările balenelor**: utilizați platforme care monitorizează tranzacțiile mari și activitățile portofelului. 2. **📰 Rămâneți la curent**: fiți la curent cu cele mai recente știri și tendințe ale pieței pentru a recunoaște potențiala manipulare. 3. **⚠️ Fiți atenți**: fiți atenți la creșterile bruște și inexplicabile ale prețurilor, în special pe piețele mai puțin lichide. Dacă aveți nevoie de sfaturi mai detaliate sau sfaturi specifice despre navigarea în acest sens, doar anunțați-mă!
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🚨 Alertă pentru balene: posibilă manipulare a pieței înainte! 🐋💼

Se pare că vedem o activitate neobișnuită pe piața cripto. Deținătorii mari, cunoscuți sub numele de „balene”, ar putea juca din nou jocuri. Iată ce s-ar putea întâmpla:

Balenele au puterea de a crea o „pompă falsă” făcând ordine de cumpărare semnificative sau coordonându-și achizițiile pentru a crește prețul unei criptomonede. Acest lucru poate atrage investitorii mai mici care doresc să prindă valul.

Dar atenție: atunci când aceste balene își vând activele la vârf, prețul scade, lăsând adesea investitori mai mici cu pierderi.

Pentru a te proteja și a fi informat:
1. **📡 Urmăriți mișcările balenelor**: utilizați platforme care monitorizează tranzacțiile mari și activitățile portofelului.

2. **📰 Rămâneți la curent**: fiți la curent cu cele mai recente știri și tendințe ale pieței pentru a recunoaște potențiala manipulare.

3. **⚠️ Fiți atenți**: fiți atenți la creșterile bruște și inexplicabile ale prețurilor, în special pe piețele mai puțin lichide.

Dacă aveți nevoie de sfaturi mai detaliate sau sfaturi specifice despre navigarea în acest sens, doar anunțați-mă!
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[click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( Paxos a decis să concedieze 65 de angajați după ce a lansat o monedă stabilă care generează dobândă. Această mișcare a lui Paxos a urmărit să-și eficientizeze operațiunile și să se concentreze mai mult pe noul lor proiect stablecoin.
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Paxos a decis să concedieze 65 de angajați după ce a lansat o monedă stabilă care generează dobândă. Această mișcare a lui Paxos a urmărit să-și eficientizeze operațiunile și să se concentreze mai mult pe noul lor proiect stablecoin.
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Aceste balene, după ce ne-au dat gropi mari la începutul lunii iunie, până acum două zile în urmă, din ultimele două zile, ne oferă acadele păstrând piața verde fals.. [click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( Atenție că pot arunca din nou piața oricând. Fiți atenți și folosiți cantitatea de urs pe piața actuală .. Să nu aveți încredere niciodată în piață, în aceste balene nebunești și nici în schimburi 😖
Aceste balene, după ce ne-au dat gropi mari la începutul lunii iunie, până acum două zile în urmă, din ultimele două zile, ne oferă acadele păstrând piața verde fals..
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Atenție că pot arunca din nou piața oricând. Fiți atenți și folosiți cantitatea de urs pe piața actuală .. Să nu aveți încredere niciodată în piață, în aceste balene nebunești și nici în schimburi 😖
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#Bitcoin❗  a trecut de la 0 USD la 69.000 USD fără ETF-uri, BlackRock, Fidelity, JPMorgan, adoptare instituțională, … Și crezi că 74.000 de dolari a fost vârful ciclului acum când instituțiile cumpără $BTC ca o nebunie?
#Bitcoin❗  a trecut de la 0 USD la 69.000 USD fără ETF-uri, BlackRock, Fidelity, JPMorgan, adoptare instituțională, …

Și crezi că 74.000 de dolari a fost vârful ciclului acum când instituțiile cumpără $BTC ca o nebunie?
$SYN  is holding itself strong at [click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( 0.60$ support. If Bitcoin makes a comeback and altcoin season shines, we will see a huge recovery pump in it which can take take price of 2.6$ in a shorter timeframe. Bitcoin just needs to show some strength too. It has given 710% gains in the previous rally.
$SYN  is holding itself strong at
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0.60$ support. If Bitcoin makes a comeback and altcoin season shines, we will see a huge recovery pump in it which can take take price of 2.6$ in a shorter timeframe. Bitcoin just needs to show some strength too.
It has given 710% gains in the previous rally.
Losing Everything? [click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( Small traders often have the habit of checking the market every 20 minutes. This constant monitoring leads to anxiety and stress. Remember, crypto is a 24/7 market, and if you keep watching it non-stop, you'll never find peace. Instead, you'll disrupt your daily routine and mental well-being. Experienced traders know this and avoid the trap of over-monitoring. They focus on long-term strategies and maintain a balanced life. #BlackRock #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #bitcoin
Losing Everything?
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Small traders often have the habit of checking the market every 20 minutes. This constant monitoring leads to anxiety and stress. Remember, crypto is a 24/7 market, and if you keep watching it non-stop, you'll never find peace. Instead, you'll disrupt your daily routine and mental well-being.
Experienced traders know this and avoid the trap of over-monitoring. They focus on long-term strategies and maintain a balanced life.
#BlackRock #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #bitcoin
[click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( Finally caught How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies. Bet many of you with elderly family members can relate to. Touching show and saw that our JV partner Gulf in the opening credit. 💪💪 Good show especially during Father’s Day weekend where we appreciate our loved ones and count our blessing. ❤️
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Finally caught How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies. Bet many of you with elderly family members can relate to. Touching show and saw that our JV partner Gulf in the opening credit. 💪💪 Good show especially during Father’s Day weekend where we appreciate our loved ones and count our blessing. ❤️
[click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( A 12-year-old boy named Erik Finman invested $1,245 in Bitcoin when he was just 12 years old. He made a deal with his parents that if he could make a million dollars by the time he was 18, he wouldn't have to go back to school. Well, his investment paid off big time! By the time he was 18, his investment wal worth over $2 million! He eventually became a millionaire and was even invited to give a TED Talk when he was just 15 years old. Erik's story is an inspiring example of how taking risks and believing in oneself can lead to great success. #inspiration #Bitcoin❗
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A 12-year-old boy named Erik Finman

invested $1,245 in Bitcoin when he was just

12 years old.

He made a deal with his parents that if he

could make a million dollars by the time he

was 18, he wouldn't have to go back to

school. Well, his investment paid off big


By the time he was 18, his investment wal

worth over $2 million! He eventually

became a millionaire and was even invited

to give a TED Talk when he was just 15 years


Erik's story is an inspiring example of how

taking risks and believing in oneself can

lead to great success.

#inspiration #Bitcoin❗
[click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( We have been talking about what a bull market is and how to make money in a bull market. Today, let's talk about how to run away before a bear market comes. Pay more attention to the market: take a look at the trend of the currency market, especially those mainstream currencies, to see whether they are rising or falling. Set a red line for yourself: you have to have an idea in your mind, for example, you have to consider selling a certain currency when it falls to a certain amount of money, and don't wait until you lose everything to regret it. Don't spend all your money on one currency: buy more currencies, so that even if one falls, the others may still rise. Take it easy with leveraged trading: be careful when playing with leverage, and you may lose all your money if the market fluctuates. Learn more and see more: the currency circle is something that changes very quickly, and you need to learn more knowledge to keep up with the pace. Don't panic when encountering things: when the market fluctuates greatly, don't rush to make a decision, calm down and think about it first. Have your own plan: you must have a plan before investing, don't buy and sell blindly, and have your own strategy. In short, there are risks in the currency circle, and investment should be cautious. If you make these preparations, you will feel more confident when you run away.
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We have been talking about what a bull market is and how to make money in a bull market. Today, let's talk about how to run away before a bear market comes.

Pay more attention to the market: take a look at the trend of the currency market, especially those mainstream currencies, to see whether they are rising or falling.

Set a red line for yourself: you have to have an idea in your mind, for example, you have to consider selling a certain currency when it falls to a certain amount of money, and don't wait until you lose everything to regret it.
Don't spend all your money on one currency: buy more currencies, so that even if one falls, the others may still rise.

Take it easy with leveraged trading: be careful when playing with leverage, and you may lose all your money if the market fluctuates.

Learn more and see more: the currency circle is something that changes very quickly, and you need to learn more knowledge to keep up with the pace.

Don't panic when encountering things: when the market fluctuates greatly, don't rush to make a decision, calm down and think about it first.

Have your own plan: you must have a plan before investing, don't buy and sell blindly, and have your own strategy.

In short, there are risks in the currency circle, and investment should be cautious. If you make these preparations, you will feel more confident when you run away.
[click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( It has been a long time since I updated. Many friends asked me what happened. The market fell so sharply for no reason. In fact, the only thing I can think of is that this may be a political conspiracy. After all, Trump supports cryptocurrencies so much and has bought a lot of cryptocurrencies himself. It is reported that Trump's account has been cut by 55% and many institutions have to short Bitcoin to prove Trump's unwise choice. Because of the political struggle, we have become victims of left and right. We have to look at the face of the Americans every time. We thought that the currency circle could get rid of the manipulation of the Americans. We were originally advantageous but were ruthlessly pushed to the American Chinese food. Let's say which currency circle is not led by Chinese people. Is the world's No. 1 exchange of a certain An exchange Chinese? OK? Huobi? Gate? Which top mining is not Chinese? Many of the well-known public chains are actually Chinese. Then the Chinese people say that they don't play Chinese games. I am very curious why we Chinese are so worshipful of foreigners. What is not good about Chinese people? Sometimes I get angry when I think about it. Hey, it's just like the abnormality of BNB this time. It's speechless. It was cut in half in the four days of mining. It didn't rise as much as Bitcoin, and it fell more than Bitcoin and ETH. OK has had such a big thing recently. Binance will be fine, right? Moreover, every time I log in to my account, it shows that my ID card has expired, which makes me feel very suspicious. I have submitted it and it has been under review. I asked others and they are all the same as me. If you have the same situation, please leave a message. After all, my identity certificate has not expired. Why does Binance have this BUG recently? The previous BUG was that when I woke up, there were only four mainstream coins left in my selected coins,
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It has been a long time since I updated. Many friends asked me what happened. The market fell so sharply for no reason. In fact, the only thing I can think of is that this may be a political conspiracy. After all, Trump supports cryptocurrencies so much and has bought a lot of cryptocurrencies himself. It is reported that Trump's account has been cut by 55% and many institutions have to short Bitcoin to prove Trump's unwise choice. Because of the political struggle, we have become victims of left and right. We have to look at the face of the Americans every time. We thought that the currency circle could get rid of the manipulation of the Americans. We were originally advantageous but were ruthlessly pushed to the American Chinese food. Let's say which currency circle is not led by Chinese people. Is the world's No. 1 exchange of a certain An exchange Chinese? OK? Huobi? Gate? Which top mining is not Chinese? Many of the well-known public chains are actually Chinese. Then the Chinese people say that they don't play Chinese games. I am very curious why we Chinese are so worshipful of foreigners. What is not good about Chinese people? Sometimes I get angry when I think about it. Hey, it's just like the abnormality of BNB this time. It's speechless. It was cut in half in the four days of mining. It didn't rise as much as Bitcoin, and it fell more than Bitcoin and ETH. OK has had such a big thing recently. Binance will be fine, right? Moreover, every time I log in to my account, it shows that my ID card has expired, which makes me feel very suspicious. I have submitted it and it has been under review. I asked others and they are all the same as me. If you have the same situation, please leave a message. After all, my identity certificate has not expired. Why does Binance have this BUG recently? The previous BUG was that when I woke up, there were only four mainstream coins left in my selected coins,
[click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( The Biggest Mistake is to Exit! Everyone is wondering why the market is down! Last time when the market was hovering around 62k, many retail traders exited their positions. However, those who held on made the profits. Despite recent CPI and PPI data being below expectations and high ETF investments, the market remains sluggish. The market is playing with your nerves. Whales want you to exit your positions, creating an environment where it seems like the end of the market. Spot traders, hold your positions. Market downturns are temporary. Futures traders, if your liquidation point is far from your buying price, stay calm. Successful traders weather the storm. Don’t let fear dictate your actions. #MarketSentimentToday #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #BTC
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The Biggest Mistake is to Exit!

Everyone is wondering why the market is down! Last time when the market was hovering around 62k, many retail traders exited their positions. However, those who held on made the profits.

Despite recent CPI and PPI data being below expectations and high ETF investments, the market remains sluggish.
The market is playing with your nerves. Whales want you to exit your positions, creating an environment where it seems like the end of the market.

Spot traders, hold your positions. Market downturns are temporary. Futures traders, if your liquidation point is far from your buying price, stay calm.

Successful traders weather the storm. Don’t let fear dictate your actions.

#MarketSentimentToday #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #BTC
[click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( Good news!!! BTC and Ethereum fell today and it will be the last day of falling tomorrow!!! Tomorrow, June 15, is also the day when most of the deliverymen, factory screwdrivers or coin friends working in electronics factories will get their wages!!! Tomorrow is the day for retail investors to increase their positions and pull the market! ​​​ Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. 
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Good news!!! BTC and Ethereum fell today and it will be the last day of falling tomorrow!!!

Tomorrow, June 15, is also the day when most of the deliverymen, factory screwdrivers or coin friends working in electronics factories will get their wages!!! Tomorrow is the day for retail investors to increase their positions and pull the market! ​​​
Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions.

No financial advice. May include sponsored content. 
[click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( The cost of imported goods fell in May by the largest amount since the end of last year, adding to recent evidence inflation might be slowing again. This is great news but S&P500 is dropping. There are conflicting signals in the market. We will have to tread the waters carefully.
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The cost of imported goods fell in May by the largest amount since the end of last year, adding to recent evidence inflation might be slowing again.

This is great news but S&P500 is dropping.
There are conflicting signals in the market.
We will have to tread the waters carefully.
[click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( 🚨 BREAKING: Biden Campaign Considers Crypto Donations! 🔥 In a surprising move, President Biden's re-election campaign is reportedly in talks to accept #cryptocurrency donations. 🤯 This comes just weeks after rival candidate Donald Trump enabled #crypto donations for his campaign. 🗳️💸 With the crypto industry becoming a hot topic in this election year, it seems both candidates are vying for the support of the growing crypto community. 🌐🚀 Will this lead to more mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies? 🤔 #Bitcoin #JoeBiden
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🚨 BREAKING: Biden Campaign Considers Crypto Donations! 🔥
In a surprising move, President Biden's re-election campaign is reportedly in talks to accept #cryptocurrency donations. 🤯
This comes just weeks after rival candidate Donald Trump enabled #crypto donations for his campaign. 🗳️💸
With the crypto industry becoming a hot topic in this election year, it seems both candidates are vying for the support of the growing crypto community. 🌐🚀
Will this lead to more mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies? 🤔
#Bitcoin #JoeBiden
[click here to collect free USDT 🎁🤮🎁]( Shut the f?€?€? up what is this? lots of people say buy buy other say sell sell and the dumb analysis of random copypaste sickens me where are the real analytiks, not here because of dumb sh!3t you post here!! And the noobs go with it and are confused... why? lets get money together...
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Shut the f?€?€? up what is this? lots of people say buy buy other say sell sell and the dumb analysis of random copypaste sickens me where are the real analytiks, not here because of dumb sh!3t you post here!! And the noobs go with it and are confused... why?
lets get money together...
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