Binance Square
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🚀 Jour 1 : Crypto Countdown 2024 🚀 Les 5 Erreurs Fatales des Débutants en Crypto (et comment les éviter) 🙅‍♂️💥 1️⃣ FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) 😱 ⚠️ Erreur : Acheter impulsivement sur un "tuyau" ✅ Solution : Recherchez, analysez, puis investissez 2️⃣ Négliger la sécurité 🔓 ⚠️ Erreur : Stocker toutes ses cryptos sur un exchange ✅ Solution : Utilisez un wallet personnel (hot ou cold) 3️⃣ Ignorer les fondamentaux 📚 ⚠️ Erreur : Investir sans comprendre le projet ✅ Solution : DYOR (Do Your Own Research) avant d'investir 4️⃣ All-in sur une seule crypto 🎰 ⚠️ Erreur : Mettre tous ses œufs dans le même panier ✅ Solution : Diversifiez votre portefeuille 5️⃣ Trader avec émotion 🎢 ⚠️ Erreur : Paniquer lors des baisses, s'emballer lors des hausses ✅ Solution : Définissez une stratégie et tenez-vous y 💡 Pro-tip : Commencez petit, apprenez constamment, et n'investissez que ce que vous pouvez vous permettre de perdre. ❓ Quelle erreur avez-vous commise en tant que débutant ? Partagez votre expérience ! 🔔 Restez à l'écoute pour le Jour 2 demain : "NFTs : Au-delà de l'Art Digital" ! #CryptoCountdown2024 #CryptoNewbie #CryptoTips #BinanceAcademy
🚀 Jour 1 : Crypto Countdown 2024 🚀

Les 5 Erreurs Fatales des Débutants en Crypto (et comment les éviter) 🙅‍♂️💥

1️⃣ FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) 😱
⚠️ Erreur : Acheter impulsivement sur un "tuyau"
✅ Solution : Recherchez, analysez, puis investissez

2️⃣ Négliger la sécurité 🔓
⚠️ Erreur : Stocker toutes ses cryptos sur un exchange
✅ Solution : Utilisez un wallet personnel (hot ou cold)

3️⃣ Ignorer les fondamentaux 📚
⚠️ Erreur : Investir sans comprendre le projet
✅ Solution : DYOR (Do Your Own Research) avant d'investir

4️⃣ All-in sur une seule crypto 🎰
⚠️ Erreur : Mettre tous ses œufs dans le même panier
✅ Solution : Diversifiez votre portefeuille

5️⃣ Trader avec émotion 🎢
⚠️ Erreur : Paniquer lors des baisses, s'emballer lors des hausses
✅ Solution : Définissez une stratégie et tenez-vous y

💡 Pro-tip : Commencez petit, apprenez constamment, et n'investissez que ce que vous pouvez vous permettre de perdre.

❓ Quelle erreur avez-vous commise en tant que débutant ? Partagez votre expérience !

🔔 Restez à l'écoute pour le Jour 2 demain : "NFTs : Au-delà de l'Art Digital" !

#CryptoCountdown2024 #CryptoNewbie #CryptoTips #BinanceAcademy
🚀 Annonce Spéciale : 10 Jours, 10 Sujets Crypto Essentiels ! 🧠 Chers passionnés de crypto, Attachez vos ceintures ! Nous lançons une série éducative explosive : "Crypto Countdown 2024" ! 🎉 Pendant 10 jours consécutifs, plongez avec nous dans les sujets brûlants qui façonnent l'avenir des cryptomonnaies et du Web3. Au programme : 1️⃣ Erreurs de débutants à éviter 2️⃣ NFTs au-delà de l'art 3️⃣ Crypto et fiscalité 2024 4️⃣ Impact du Halving Bitcoin 5️⃣ Web3 et identité digitale 6️⃣ Meilleurs wallets crypto 7️⃣ Crypto-gaming tendances 8️⃣ Projets blockchain écologiques 9️⃣ DeFi vs CeFi 🔟 Tout sur les stablecoins 🗓️ Rendez-vous chaque jour à 18h pour un nouveau post riche en infos ! 💡 Pourquoi suivre cette série ? • Restez informé des dernières tendances • Approfondissez vos connaissances • Préparez-vous pour l'avenir du monde crypto 👥 Invitez vos amis à nous rejoindre pour cette aventure éducative ! ❓ Quel sujet vous excite le plus ? Dites-le nous en commentaire ! #CryptoCountdown2024 #CryptoEducation #Web3 #BinanceMasterclass
🚀 Annonce Spéciale : 10 Jours, 10 Sujets Crypto Essentiels ! 🧠

Chers passionnés de crypto,

Attachez vos ceintures ! Nous lançons une série éducative explosive : "Crypto Countdown 2024" ! 🎉

Pendant 10 jours consécutifs, plongez avec nous dans les sujets brûlants qui façonnent l'avenir des cryptomonnaies et du Web3.

Au programme :

1️⃣ Erreurs de débutants à éviter
2️⃣ NFTs au-delà de l'art
3️⃣ Crypto et fiscalité 2024
4️⃣ Impact du Halving Bitcoin
5️⃣ Web3 et identité digitale
6️⃣ Meilleurs wallets crypto
7️⃣ Crypto-gaming tendances
8️⃣ Projets blockchain écologiques
9️⃣ DeFi vs CeFi
🔟 Tout sur les stablecoins

🗓️ Rendez-vous chaque jour à 18h pour un nouveau post riche en infos !

💡 Pourquoi suivre cette série ?
• Restez informé des dernières tendances
• Approfondissez vos connaissances
• Préparez-vous pour l'avenir du monde crypto

👥 Invitez vos amis à nous rejoindre pour cette aventure éducative !

❓ Quel sujet vous excite le plus ? Dites-le nous en commentaire !

#CryptoCountdown2024 #CryptoEducation #Web3 #BinanceMasterclass
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𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗲́ 𝗽𝗮𝗿 𝗹𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗰𝗿𝘆𝗽𝘁𝗼𝗺 𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗲𝘁 𝗲𝗻 𝗾𝘂𝗲̂𝘁𝗲 𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘂𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗲́𝘀? IO Launchpool pe Binance ar putea fi oportunitatea perfectă de a vă scufunda în lumea captivantă a investițiilor în cripto active. bnb-et-des-fdusd-6556e3b5aae54c76adb0fd267b105a15?ref=65638540 Acest tutorial vă va ghida pas cu pas prin pașii cheie ai IO Launchpool, permițându-vă să înțelegeți cum funcționează, beneficiile sale și cum să participați activ. Dar înainte de a începe, să aflăm împreună ce face IO atât de special. IO.NET (IO) se remarcă ca o platformă blockchain descentralizată revoluționară dedicată inteligenței artificiale. Scopul său principal este de a oferi o infrastructură cloud robustă și scalabilă pentru a găzdui și a rula aplicații AI în mod sigur și eficient. Ceea ce face IO 𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲 constă în combinația sa inovatoare a mai multor tehnologii de ultimă oră: * Rețea blockchain descentralizată: IO garantează transparența, securitatea și imuabilitatea datelor și tranzacțiilor. * Proof of Stake (PoS): Utilizatorii sunt recompensați pentru contribuția lor la menținerea rețelei, încurajând astfel participarea activă, descentralizată. * Contracte inteligente: acordurile automate și autonome permit executarea transparentă și fiabilă a aplicațiilor AI. În rezumat, IO.NET (IO) este poziționat ca un jucător important în spațiul blockchain AI, oferind dezvoltatorilor și utilizatorilor un mediu puternic și flexibil pentru a crea, implementa și opera aplicații AI de generația următoare.
𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗲́ 𝗽𝗮𝗿 𝗹𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗰𝗿𝘆𝗽𝘁𝗼𝗺 𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗲𝘁 𝗲𝗻 𝗾𝘂𝗲̂𝘁𝗲 𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘂𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗲́𝘀?

IO Launchpool pe Binance ar putea fi oportunitatea perfectă de a vă scufunda în lumea captivantă a investițiilor în cripto active. bnb-et-des-fdusd-6556e3b5aae54c76adb0fd267b105a15?ref=65638540

Acest tutorial vă va ghida pas cu pas prin pașii cheie ai IO Launchpool, permițându-vă să înțelegeți cum funcționează, beneficiile sale și cum să participați activ.

Dar înainte de a începe, să aflăm împreună ce face IO atât de special.
IO.NET (IO) se remarcă ca o platformă blockchain descentralizată revoluționară dedicată inteligenței artificiale. Scopul său principal este de a oferi o infrastructură cloud robustă și scalabilă pentru a găzdui și a rula aplicații AI în mod sigur și eficient.
Ceea ce face IO 𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲 constă în combinația sa inovatoare a mai multor tehnologii de ultimă oră:
* Rețea blockchain descentralizată: IO garantează transparența, securitatea și imuabilitatea datelor și tranzacțiilor.
* Proof of Stake (PoS): Utilizatorii sunt recompensați pentru contribuția lor la menținerea rețelei, încurajând astfel participarea activă, descentralizată.
* Contracte inteligente: acordurile automate și autonome permit executarea transparentă și fiabilă a aplicațiilor AI.
În rezumat, IO.NET (IO) este poziționat ca un jucător important în spațiul blockchain AI, oferind dezvoltatorilor și utilizatorilor un mediu puternic și flexibil pentru a crea, implementa și opera aplicații AI de generația următoare.
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$AEVO Frumoasa prezentare, foarte instructiva.
Frumoasa prezentare, foarte instructiva.
Grupul de lansare Binance 48: AEVO DEX
Mâine, 8 martie 2024, ora 7:00 a.m. Vietnam, vă rugăm să acordați atenție FARM $AEVO în secțiunea LAUNCH POOL pentru a obține profit maxim.
AEVO este un DEX derivate, pur și simplu, permite tranzacționarea spot și în marjă fără KYC. Utilizați portofelul TRUST și CoinBase pentru a accesa! Există 80% care corespund la 36.000.000 de jetoane $AEVO împărțite în Pool $BNB, 9000.000 de jetoane $AEVO împărțite în Pool $FDUSD. Unii membri noi l-au întrebat pe KLINK:
- Ar trebui să cumpăr BNB la fermă sau nu?
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Ce este un DAO și cum funcționează?Introducere: DAO înseamnă Organizație Autonomă Descentralizată și este unul dintre cele mai inovatoare și interesante concepte din spațiul web3. Dar ce este exact un DAO și cum funcționează? În această postare, voi explica elementele de bază ale DAO-urilor, cum funcționează acestea și câteva exemple de DAO-uri la care vă puteți alătura sau crea.Răspuns: O DAO, sau organizație autonomă descentralizată, este o entitate condusă de comunitate care operează pe tehnologia blockchain, unde deciziile și finanțele sunt determinate prin consensul comunității. Spre deosebire de organizațiile tradiționale, DAO funcționează fără structuri ierarhice, promovând un proces decizional mai democratic.

Ce este un DAO și cum funcționează?

Introducere: DAO înseamnă Organizație Autonomă Descentralizată și este unul dintre cele mai inovatoare și interesante concepte din spațiul web3. Dar ce este exact un DAO și cum funcționează? În această postare, voi explica elementele de bază ale DAO-urilor, cum funcționează acestea și câteva exemple de DAO-uri la care vă puteți alătura sau crea.Răspuns: O DAO, sau organizație autonomă descentralizată, este o entitate condusă de comunitate care operează pe tehnologia blockchain, unde deciziile și finanțele sunt determinate prin consensul comunității. Spre deosebire de organizațiile tradiționale, DAO funcționează fără structuri ierarhice, promovând un proces decizional mai democratic.



THATS $1,170,000 WORTH BTC

#BTC #Nakamoto #NewYear2024 #Anniversary
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Bullish ↗️⬆️ To the moon 🚀
Bearish ↘️⬇️ all the way down
13 voturi • Votarea s-a încheiat
$SOL How to Create and Monetize NFTs with Moralis NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique and verifiable digital assets that represent various forms of art, collectibles, gaming, and more. NFTs are one of the hottest trends in the web3 space, as they enable creators to own and sell their work without intermediaries, and collectors to discover and trade rare and valuable items. But how do you create and monetize NFTs? And what tools and platforms do you need to do so? In this post, I will show you how to create and monetize NFTs with Moralis, the ultimate web3 development platform. Moralis provides the tools and infrastructure for building scalable and secure web3 applications, such as NFT marketplaces, games, and social networks. With Moralis, you can create and mint NFTs in minutes, without writing any code. Moralis also allows you to store your NFTs on IPFS, a decentralized file system that ensures your NFTs are always accessible and immutable. Moralis also provides powerful APIs for querying and displaying NFT data, such as metadata, ownership, history, and price. To monetize your NFTs, you can use Moralis to integrate with various web3 platforms and protocols, such as OpenSea, Uniswap, and Polygon. Moralis also supports multiple blockchains, such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Solana, so you can reach a wider audience and market for your NFTs. To get started with creating and monetizing NFTs with Moralis, you can follow tutorials, or check out videos on moralis website. You can also join the Moralis community on the forum or Discord to get help and feedback from other web3 developers and enthusiasts. Moralis is the best way to create and monetize NFTs in the web3 space. With Moralis, you can focus on your creativity and vision, and let Moralis handle the rest. Try Moralis today and unleash your web3 potential. #Moralis #Binance #Web3PlatformSuccess #NFT #NFA!!
$SOL How to Create and Monetize NFTs with Moralis

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique and verifiable digital assets that represent various forms of art, collectibles, gaming, and more. NFTs are one of the hottest trends in the web3 space, as they enable creators to own and sell their work without intermediaries, and collectors to discover and trade rare and valuable items.

But how do you create and monetize NFTs? And what tools and platforms do you need to do so?

In this post, I will show you how to create and monetize NFTs with Moralis, the ultimate web3 development platform. Moralis provides the tools and infrastructure for building scalable and secure web3 applications, such as NFT marketplaces, games, and social networks.

With Moralis, you can create and mint NFTs in minutes, without writing any code. Moralis also allows you to store your NFTs on IPFS, a decentralized file system that ensures your NFTs are always accessible and immutable. Moralis also provides powerful APIs for querying and displaying NFT data, such as metadata, ownership, history, and price.

To monetize your NFTs, you can use Moralis to integrate with various web3 platforms and protocols, such as OpenSea, Uniswap, and Polygon. Moralis also supports multiple blockchains, such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Solana, so you can reach a wider audience and market for your NFTs.

To get started with creating and monetizing NFTs with Moralis, you can follow tutorials, or check out videos on moralis website. You can also join the Moralis community on the forum or Discord to get help and feedback from other web3 developers and enthusiasts.

Moralis is the best way to create and monetize NFTs in the web3 space. With Moralis, you can focus on your creativity and vision, and let Moralis handle the rest. Try Moralis today and unleash your web3 potential.

#Moralis #Binance #Web3PlatformSuccess #NFT #NFA!!
Binance Academy
5 Tips to Secure Your Cryptocurrency Holdings
Key Takeaways

Keep your seed phrase offline to safeguard against digital theft.

Be vigilant against spoofed influencer social media accounts by verifying profile authenticity.

Avoid accessing your crypto wallet or making transactions over public WiFi.

Be cautious of livestream videos promising crypto giveaways. Check the channel's legitimacy and promotion style.

Be vigilant against AI-generated deepfake scams by paying attention to inconsistencies in video and audio.

As cryptocurrencies increasingly enter the mainstream, concerns about their security have become more pressing. Every year, cybercriminals steal staggering amounts of digital assets. Staying vigilant is key to protecting your cryptocurrency investments in this dynamic environment. This article will outline the top five security best practices to help you shield your digital assets from various threats.

How Can I Secure My Cryptocurrency Holdings?

To secure your crypto holdings, you must always be vigilant as to what scammers can do and be proactive with your protective measures. Below are some steps you can take to secure your digital assets.

1. Secure Your Seed Phrase

Your seed phrase (also known as recovery phrase) is the gateway to your wallet and cryptocurrency holdings. It's a sequence of 12 to 24 words that serves as your wallet master key in case you lose access to your wallet or need to migrate to a new device. Below are some tips on how to secure your seed phrase.

Store your seed phrase offline

The moment you get your seed phrase, avoid saving it in local folders or cloud storage. Storing the phrase online may expose it to potential hacks. The safest approach is to store them offline.

One way to do this is by investing in a hardware wallet that can generate your seed phrase and store it offline. Another option is to back up your seed phrase physically inside a vault or safe. You could use a paper backup, but it’s safer to use a metal plate with the seed phrase engraved.

Split your seed phrase

If you want to enhance the security of your seed phrase further, you may split it into multiple parts and store them in different secure locations. Keep copies of your seed phrase in various physical places, such as bank vaults, safety deposit boxes, or trusted individuals. Ideally, no one but you should have access to all parts of your seed phrase.

2. Beware of Social Media Account Spoofing

Social media platforms have become breeding grounds for cryptocurrency scams, with scammers creating fake accounts that closely mimic well-known exchanges or celebrities. Below is a reminder from the real Vitalik Buterin, warning users about the thousands of fake profiles out there pretending to be him.

These malicious parties try to dupe and scam users by mimicking or spoofing well-known accounts. Here are some steps to protect yourself from social media account spoofing.

Check for verification signs: Look for blue check marks or verification symbols on profiles. However, be aware that these can be faked or bought. 

Check the handle: The handles are usually a giveaway for fake profiles. Savvy scammers will try to keep the names as similar to the original ones as possible. For example, “@Vita1ikButerin” instead of “@VitalikButerin”.

Scroll: Scroll through the profile and try to see some historical posts. This should give you an idea about the profile’s authenticity.

3. Avoid public WiFi

Public WiFi networks are notorious for lacking security and susceptibility to cyberattacks. Accessing your cryptocurrency wallet or conducting transactions while connected to public WiFi can put your assets at risk.

Public WiFi networks are vulnerable to a range of cyber threats, including:

Evil twin attacks: Hackers set up malicious hotspots with trustworthy names (e.g., "Guest WiFi Hotel") to intercept your data when you connect.

Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks: Malicious actors can intercept data transmitted between a WiFi router and a user's device, potentially accessing sensitive information like login credentials.

Password cracking attacks: Scammers use software to attempt numerous username and password combinations to unlock a router's management interface.

Avoid using public WiFi networks when accessing cryptocurrency accounts or executing transactions. For more information, please check Why Public WiFi Is Insecure.

4. Watch out for fraudulent livestream videos

Scammers have turned to platforms like YouTube and Twitch to spread cryptocurrency fraud. Typically, scammers use stolen video content to run fake livestreams that promote fake giveaways. In some cases, they will use hacked YouTube accounts with millions of followers and try to convince users to join their giveaways by sending some cryptocurrency to specific addresses.

For example, you could come across a video of Elon Musk, Cathie Wood, and Jack Dorsey discussing crypto and blockchain technology. However, scammers may use a legit video to promote their fake or stolen channel and a fraudulent giveaway.

Make sure you do your due diligence before engaging with any live video, especially those related to cryptocurrency giveaways. In the vast majority of cases, the giveaways will ask you to send money first before receiving anything back. But you will lose your money if you do that.

Verify the legitimacy of the channel by considering factors such as the number of videos, the presence of verification badges, and the channel's creation date. But be careful and make sure to check multiple data points because hacked accounts may seem legit at first and even have millions of subscribers.

In addition, you can check the official social media accounts of the people involved in the video. If the promotion is legit, you should be able to find some information from multiple reliable sources.

5. Beware of AI Deepfake Scams

Deepfake technology uses artificial intelligence (AI) to create fake videos that look real. It combines existing images and videos to make it seem like people are doing or saying things they never did. As you can imagine, scammers have started using deepfake to create highly intricate scams.

Hackers use deepfake to pose as someone else or pretend to be experts. Hackers often trick their victims with fake contests or investment opportunities, rushing them with deadlines.

So, what can you do to protect yourself from these deepfake scams?

Pay attention to the face: At the end of the day, deepfake stitches together numerous images to create the content. Pay attention to blinking patterns and lip-syncs.

Inconsistent audio: Robotic-sounding voices or unusual fluctuations may indicate a deepfake. Make sure you are closely listening for any inconsistencies in audio quality.

Questions: When interacting with a suspected deepfake, make sure you ask many questions that only the real person will know. Make sure you have some background information to continually cross-reference for validation.

Closing Thoughts

Protecting your cryptocurrency assets is your responsibility. In this article, we have detailed five best practices to keep your coins safe:

Secure your seed phrase.

Beware of social media account spoofing.

Avoid public WiFi.

Be wary of fake livestream videos.

Beware of deepfakes.

As time progresses, scammers become more sophisticated, devising intricate schemes. At the end of the day, knowledge and vigilance are your strongest allies. Stay informed, stay secure, and protect your digital wealth.

Further Reading

5 Ways to Improve Your Binance Account Security

How to Spot Scams in Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Pyramid and Ponzi Schemes

Common Scams on Mobile Devices

Disclaimer: This content is presented to you on an “as is” basis for general information and educational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind. It should not be construed as financial, legal or other professional advice, nor is it intended to recommend the purchase of any specific product or service. You should seek your own advice from appropriate professional advisors. Where the article is contributed by a third party contributor, please note that those views expressed belong to the third party contributor, and do not necessarily reflect those of Binance Academy. Please read our full disclaimer here for further details. Digital asset prices can be volatile. The value of your investment may go down or up and you may not get back the amount invested. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions and Binance Academy is not liable for any losses you may incur. This material should not be construed as financial, legal or other professional advice. For more information, see our Terms of Use and Risk Warning.
I am passionate about web3, the decentralized and open web that empowers users to own and control their own data, identity, and assets. Web3 is not just a technology, but a vision of a more democratic, transparent, and collaborative online world. That's why I am excited to be part of Binance Square, the social platform that connects me with the latest trends and opportunities in web3. Binance Square allows me to create and consume content on various topics related to web3, such as blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, DAOs, and more. I can also interact with other content creators and followers, and exchange ideas and feedback. But Binance Square is more than just a social platform. It is also a way for me to contribute to the development and adoption of web3. By creating and sharing content on Binance Square, I can educate and inspire others about the benefits and potential of web3. I can also monetize my content and earn rewards in crypto, which helps me support the web3 ecosystem and projects. Binance Square is the ultimate destination for web3 enthusiasts like me. It is where I can express my passion, learn new things, and make a difference. I invite you to join me on Binance Square and discover the amazing world of web3. #BTC #Web3PlatformSuccess #MetaverseAI
I am passionate about web3, the decentralized and open web that empowers users to own and control their own data, identity, and assets. Web3 is not just a technology, but a vision of a more democratic, transparent, and collaborative online world.

That's why I am excited to be part of Binance Square, the social platform that connects me with the latest trends and opportunities in web3. Binance Square allows me to create and consume content on various topics related to web3, such as blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, DAOs, and more. I can also interact with other content creators and followers, and exchange ideas and feedback.

But Binance Square is more than just a social platform. It is also a way for me to contribute to the development and adoption of web3. By creating and sharing content on Binance Square, I can educate and inspire others about the benefits and potential of web3. I can also monetize my content and earn rewards in crypto, which helps me support the web3 ecosystem and projects.

Binance Square is the ultimate destination for web3 enthusiasts like me. It is where I can express my passion, learn new things, and make a difference. I invite you to join me on Binance Square and discover the amazing world of web3.
#BTC #Web3PlatformSuccess #MetaverseAI
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