Binance Square
Samim Khamoush
Binance Square
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#BinanceTournament Participarea la turneu mi-a oferit o oportunitate interesantă de a mă angaja în tranzacționarea futures într-un mediu competitiv și structurat. Realizarea tranzacțiilor de succes și valorificarea mișcărilor pieței au adăugat entuziasm. #BinanceTournament
Participarea la turneu mi-a oferit o oportunitate interesantă de a mă angaja în tranzacționarea futures într-un mediu competitiv și structurat. Realizarea tranzacțiilor de succes și valorificarea mișcărilor pieței au adăugat entuziasm.
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Samim Khamoush
Real-World Examples: UNI (Uniswap) and dYdX Token Airdrops The UNI token airdrop in 2020, which rewarded early Uniswap users, demonstrated the power of airdrops in driving user engagement and value creation. Similarly, the anticipated dYdX token airdrop in 2021 created excitement within the community and highlighted the potential impact of effective airdrop strategies on project success. #AirdropGuide
Real-World Examples: UNI (Uniswap) and dYdX Token Airdrops

The UNI token airdrop in 2020, which rewarded early Uniswap users, demonstrated the power of airdrops in driving user engagement and value creation. Similarly, the anticipated dYdX token airdrop in 2021 created excitement within the community and highlighted the potential impact of effective airdrop strategies on project success.
Use Airdrop Aggregator Websites: Several websites aggregate airdrop opportunities, making it easier to find and participate in them. Some popular airdrop aggregator websites include,, and #airdropGuide #AirdropGuide
Use Airdrop Aggregator Websites: Several websites aggregate airdrop opportunities, making it easier to find and participate in them. Some popular airdrop aggregator websites include,, and

#airdropGuide #AirdropGuide
popular airdrops: Uniswap (UNI): Uniswap, a decentralized exchange, distributed UNI tokens to users who had interacted with the platform before a certain date. SushiSwap (SUSHI): SushiSwap, another decentralized exchange, airdropped SUSHI tokens to users who had provided liquidity to the platform. Solana (SOL): Solana, a blockchain platform, airdropped SOL tokens to early adopters and developers. #AirdropGuide
popular airdrops:

Uniswap (UNI): Uniswap, a decentralized exchange, distributed UNI tokens to users who had interacted with the platform before a certain date.
SushiSwap (SUSHI): SushiSwap, another decentralized exchange, airdropped SUSHI tokens to users who had provided liquidity to the platform.
Solana (SOL): Solana, a blockchain platform, airdropped SOL tokens to early adopters and developers.

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Binance Square Official
Postează un#AirdropGuidepentru a câștiga până la 500 FDUSD!
Alăturați-vă campaniei #AirdropGuide pentru a avea șansa de a câștiga până la 500 FDUSD! Împărtășiți-vă cunoștințele despre ce sunt cripto-airdrops-urile și cum funcționează acestea. Includeți informații despre diferite tipuri de airdrops, exemple și strategii eficiente pentru a le găsi și a participa la ele.
Perioada campaniei: 2024-06-14 00:00 - 2024-06-19 23:59 (UTC)
Să participe: 
Postați o explicație despre transferurile de aer cripto și cum funcționează acestea folosind hashtagul #AirdropGuide pe Binance Square. 
Explicație despre ce este un airdrop cripto;

Informații despre diferite tipuri de airdrops (de exemplu, recompense, drop drops etc.);
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Cine deține cei mai mulți Bitcoin?

Satoshi Nakamoto deține cel mai mult bitcoin, cu aproximativ 1,1 milioane BTC. Satoshi nu doar a inventat, ci și a dat startul Bitcoin, fiind primul miner care a creat blocuri de tranzacții. Se estimează că Satoshi a extras peste 22.000 de blocuri începând cu 3 ianuarie 2009 și a primit peste un milion de bitcoin în recompense cumulate pentru muncă.

Câți Bitcoin are Satoshi?

Drept urmare, se estimează că Satoshi are peste 1,1 milioane de BTC, evaluate la aproximativ 47 de miliarde de dolari în februarie 2024. Acest bitcoin nu este stocat într-o singură adresă, ci răspândit pe aproximativ 22.000 de adrese. Nimic din el nu a fost niciodată cheltuit în afară de câteva tranzacții de testare. Satoshi a părăsit proiectul în 2010 și nu s-a mai auzit de atunci.

Balenele Bitcoin individuale

Tyler și Cameron Winklevoss: În urma acordului lor din 2008 cu Mark Zuckerberg pentru acțiuni Facebook și numerar în valoare de 65 de milioane de dolari, cei doi au înființat o companie de investiții. Câțiva ani mai târziu, aveau să anunțe că au cumpărat bitcoin în valoare de aproximativ 11 milioane de dolari la un cost mediu de 10 dolari pe monedă. Se estimează că gemenii Winklevoss dețin ~ 70.000 BTC.

Tim Draper: Titanul VC este interesat de Bitcoin de ceva vreme; atât de mult încât a făcut o achiziție inițială de 40.000 BTC la bursa Mt Gox.

Din păcate, toate cele 40.000 de monede au fost pierdute în hack și falimentul ulterior. Cu toate acestea, în 2014, domnul Draper a achiziționat 29.656 BTC pentru 18,7 milioane USD la un cost de aproximativ 632 USD per monedă.

Michael Saylor: Fondatorul și președintele Microstrategy a dezvăluit într-un tweet din octombrie 2020 că deținea personal 17.732 BTC. Este rezonabil să presupunem că de atunci a achiziționat mai mult – fiind un Bitcoin Bull atât de public

Microstrategie 214.246
Blackrock 266.102
Tonuri de gri 318.452

Amintiți-vă, băieți, să urmăriți, să dați like și să distribuiți
$Pepe $Solana $BTC $ETH $BTC
Market Updates: Cryptocurrency markets are known for their volatility, with prices fluctuating rapidly based on various factors such as market sentiment, regulatory news, technological developments, and macroeconomic trends. Staying informed about market trends and price movements is crucial for investors and enthusiasts in the crypto industry. Recent Market Trends: In recent weeks, the cryptocurrency market has experienced significant volatility. Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency, reached an all-time high of over $60,000 in April 2021 before facing a sharp correction. This correction was triggered by various factors, including regulatory concerns in China, environmental debates surrounding Bitcoin mining, and overall market sentiment.
Market Updates:

Cryptocurrency markets are known for their volatility, with prices fluctuating rapidly based on various factors such as market sentiment, regulatory news, technological developments, and macroeconomic trends. Staying informed about market trends and price movements is crucial for investors and enthusiasts in the crypto industry.

Recent Market Trends:

In recent weeks, the cryptocurrency market has experienced significant volatility. Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency, reached an all-time high of over $60,000 in April 2021 before facing a sharp correction. This correction was triggered by various factors, including regulatory concerns in China, environmental debates surrounding Bitcoin mining, and overall market sentiment.
Market Updates: Cryptocurrency markets are known for their volatility, with prices fluctuating rapidly based on various factors such as market sentiment, regulatory news, technological developments, and macroeconomic trends. Staying informed about market trends and price movements is crucial for investors and enthusiasts in the crypto industry. Recent Market Trends: In recent weeks, the cryptocurrency market has experienced significant volatility. Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency, reached an all-time high of over $60,000 in April 2021 before facing a sharp correction. This correction was triggered by various factors, including regulatory concerns in China, environmental debates surrounding Bitcoin mining, and overall market sentiment.
Market Updates:

Cryptocurrency markets are known for their volatility, with prices fluctuating rapidly based on various factors such as market sentiment, regulatory news, technological developments, and macroeconomic trends. Staying informed about market trends and price movements is crucial for investors and enthusiasts in the crypto industry.

Recent Market Trends:

In recent weeks, the cryptocurrency market has experienced significant volatility. Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency, reached an all-time high of over $60,000 in April 2021 before facing a sharp correction. This correction was triggered by various factors, including regulatory concerns in China, environmental debates surrounding Bitcoin mining, and overall market sentiment.
USDT Crypto Code BPGNUYYIX1 #cryptobox #usdt #usdtgiveaway #airdrop #Giveway #earn #redpacket #Binance
USDT Crypto Code


#cryptobox #usdt #usdtgiveaway #airdrop #Giveway #earn #redpacket #Binance
Samim Khamoush
Join our challenge on Binance Square today and stand a chance to earn a share of the $1,000 FDUSD prize pool in token vouchers rewards, as well as exclusive traffic-boosting perks on Binance Square!
Don't Miss Out! Earn Your Share of $10,000 with Binance Academy's Quiz Challenge! 🔥 👉 Binance Academy is thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for all verified users to participate in our latest activity and win up to $10,000 in BNB token vouchers! 👉 Activity Period: From March 25th, 2024, 12:00 (UTC) to April 7th, 2024, 12:00 (UTC) 📢 Promotion A: Existing Users Share $3,000! During the activity period, existing verified users can grab their piece of the pie by completing the following tasks: 👉 Log in to your Binance account and kick off the BNB Chain Developer Specialization. 👉 Successfully complete the first two courses: "Blockchain Basics" and "BNB Chain". Upon completion, all qualified participants will receive an equal share of the $3,000 in BNB token vouchers! 📢 Promotion B: New Users Share $7,000! New verified users have a chance to snag a share of the dynamic rewards pool by following these steps: 👉 Sign up for a Binance account and complete the KYC verification process. 👉 Log in to your Binance account and dive into the BNB Chain Developer Specialization. 👉 Complete the first two courses: "Blockchain Basics" and "BNB Chain". Upon finishing these tasks, new users will equally split the unlocked rewards pool, totaling $7,000! 🚀 Join the Quiz Challenge Now and Secure Your Share of the $10,000 Prize Pool! 🚀 Hurry, seize this incredible opportunity to boost your knowledge and earn rewards with Binance Academy! Don't miss out – start your journey today! $BNB #TrendingTopic #HotTrends #BinanceAdventure #academybinance #reward
Don't Miss Out! Earn Your Share of $10,000 with Binance Academy's Quiz Challenge! 🔥
👉 Binance Academy is thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for all verified users to participate in our latest activity and win up to $10,000 in BNB token vouchers!
👉 Activity Period: From March 25th, 2024, 12:00 (UTC) to April 7th, 2024, 12:00 (UTC)
📢 Promotion A: Existing Users Share $3,000!
During the activity period, existing verified users can grab their piece of the pie by completing the following tasks:
👉 Log in to your Binance account and kick off the BNB Chain Developer Specialization.
👉 Successfully complete the first two courses: "Blockchain Basics" and "BNB Chain".
Upon completion, all qualified participants will receive an equal share of the $3,000 in BNB token vouchers!
📢 Promotion B: New Users Share $7,000!
New verified users have a chance to snag a share of the dynamic rewards pool by following these steps:
👉 Sign up for a Binance account and complete the KYC verification process.
👉 Log in to your Binance account and dive into the BNB Chain Developer Specialization.
👉 Complete the first two courses: "Blockchain Basics" and "BNB Chain".
Upon finishing these tasks, new users will equally split the unlocked rewards pool, totaling $7,000!
🚀 Join the Quiz Challenge Now and Secure Your Share of the $10,000 Prize Pool! 🚀
Hurry, seize this incredible opportunity to boost your knowledge and earn rewards with Binance Academy! Don't miss out – start your journey today! $BNB
#TrendingTopic #HotTrends #BinanceAdventure #academybinance #reward
#HotTrendsJoin our challenge on Binance Square today and stand a chance to earn a share of the $1,000 FDUSD prize pool in token vouchers rewards, as well as exclusive traffic-boosting perks on Binance Square! #HotTrends


Join our challenge on Binance Square today and stand a chance to earn a share of the $1,000 FDUSD prize pool in token vouchers rewards, as well as exclusive traffic-boosting perks on Binance Square!
Binance and Pixels are teaming up this Ramadan to bring you an exciting opportunity. Share a post using the hashtag#BinancePIXELon Binance Square for a chance to share PIXEL$ tokens worth 1,000$ , before 23:59 GST, 29 March 2024. Next, join us @pixels_online for a special Suhoor session on Binance Live, on March 28. Remember to save the date in your calendar: #HotTrends #HotTrands #pixel
Binance and Pixels are teaming up this Ramadan to bring you an exciting opportunity. Share a post using the hashtag#BinancePIXELon Binance Square for a chance to share PIXEL$ tokens worth 1,000$ , before 23:59 GST, 29 March 2024.
Next, join us @pixels_online for a special Suhoor session on Binance Live, on March 28. Remember to save the date in your calendar:
#HotTrends #HotTrands #pixel
BNB Drops Below 580 USDT with a Narrowed 1.17% Increase in 24 HoursOn Mar 28, 2024, 22:12 PM(UTC). According to Binance Market Data, BNB has dropped below 580 USDT and is now trading at 579.900024 USDT, with a narrowed 1.17% increase in 24 hours. Publish qualified content pieces (i.e., short posts, long articles or polls) that include the #Write2Earn hashtag and at least 200 characters. #wirte2Earn #Write2Earn #AEVOExcitement #sanor016CommUNITY #sanor016CommUNIY

BNB Drops Below 580 USDT with a Narrowed 1.17% Increase in 24 Hours

On Mar 28, 2024, 22:12 PM(UTC). According to Binance Market Data, BNB has dropped below 580 USDT and is now trading at 579.900024 USDT, with a narrowed 1.17% increase in 24 hours.
Publish qualified content pieces (i.e., short posts, long articles or polls) that include the #Write2Earn hashtag and at least 200 characters.
#wirte2Earn #Write2Earn #AEVOExcitement #sanor016CommUNITY #sanor016CommUNIY
Bitcoin Halving countdown: Binance live link; Watch live stream Halving Horizons Episode 1: Introduction to Bitcoin Halving on binance live
Bitcoin Halving countdown:
Binance live link;
Watch live stream Halving Horizons Episode 1: Introduction to Bitcoin Halving on binance live
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