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Grăbește-te Băieți Airdrop gratuit Omin se va încheia în curând #newlaunch#CryptocurrencyAlert#etf#BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving
hi everyone hurry up guys clam your omni reward in free free free just click the link and open browser and just put eth address and clam your Omni 800 coins rewards hurry up don't miss this opportunity 👇👇❤️ #etf #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #Memecoins
#WIF #sui #SHIB $BTC $ETH $BNB #APT #FET please must read it humble request 🙏😞😞 hi everyone 💕 I'm writing this Post to be aware of the people how to avoid this scam and save your money, 2 days ago I saw a Ad on Facebook and joining group related to crypto free signal etc.
After joining the group I saw multiple screenshots on daily basis future spot and trust wallets finally I decided and prepare myself for trade using his signals and I transfer whole assest 600$🥺 through bep20 to trustwallet after sharing successful my assets in trust wallets.
I am waiting for his signal when he text and guide me for the signal after follow his guidance and I trade in trustWallet ( )which coin he told me he guide through proper and told t.p target I did trade and wait for profit after 1 day I see all targets hits but today when I want swap coin in to bnb they show me error
he didn't respond now I lost all my money 😭 my all dreams are crash, so my advice to each and every one don,t believe on this world people are very cruel 💔😭 don't be greedy