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Bitcoin Gurukul
𝐌𝐚𝐣𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐎𝐟 IANUARIE 🔓🔓

$DYDX : 108 milioane USD (1 ianuarie)
#SUI: 57 milioane USD (3 ianuarie)
#GMT: 32 milioane USD (9 ianuarie)

USD APT: 248 milioane USD (12 ianuarie)
#SEI: 72 milioane USD (15 ianuarie)
#APE: 26 milioane USD (17 ianuarie)

$ACE : 46 milioane USD (18 ianuarie)
#AXS: 31 milioane USD (18 ianuarie)

$INJ : 135 milioane USD (21 ianuarie)
#ML: 21 milioane USD (21 ianuarie)
#RON: 75 milioane USD (27 ianuarie)
#AXL: 30 milioane USD (27 ianuarie)
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Bitcoin Gurukul
🗓️Calendarul Crypto ianuarie 2024
Marcați-vă evenimentele Crypto!

~10 ianuarie: #BTC  Aprobare spot ETF
2 ian : $BAKE - $BICA Launchpad
3 ian: $RON - Play-to-Airdrop ($PIXEL)
3 ian : $GMT - Lansare oficială „Gas Hero”.
4 ianuarie: $AI - Începe tranzacționarea Binance
5 ian: $ALEX - $ORDG Launchpad

8 ian: $JOE - $MOE TGE
9 ian: Coinbase - Eliminați $BSV
10 ianuarie: StarkNet - Mainnet V0.13.0
11 ianuarie: S.U.A. - IPC (dec.)
12 ian: $APT - $245 Deblocare

15 ian : $FET - Upgrade rețea principală
15 ian : $ENJ - Încep recompensele pentru guvernare
17 ianuarie: $ETH - Dencun (Goerli)
17 ian: Coinbase - Audiere de concediere
18 ian : $FIRO - Lansarea Lelantus Spark
21 ianuarie: $INJ - 130 milioane USD Deblocare

22 ian : $MINA - Testnet se încheie
23 ian: $AVAX - Tranziție portofel web
25 ian : $FLUX - Upgrade rețea principală
29 ian: Evergrande - Audierea de lichidare
29 ian: Google - Permiteți anunțuri cripto (ETF).

30 ian: S.U.A. - Decizia privind rata dobânzii Fed
30 ian : $XLM - Vot pentru reteaua principală Protocol 20
31 ian : $ETC - Upgrade de rețea în spirală

🪂 Potențial Airdrop
$STRK - Mainnet V0.13.0
$BLAST - Testnet + Developer Airdrop
$FT - Friend.Tech V2
$ZRO - LayerZero V2
$NAMADA - Testnet stimulat
$JUP - TGE (Airdrop)
$MANTA - Campania se termină

🌟Alte evenimente nedatate
$SEI - Mainnet V2
$ALPACA - „Războiul Nemuritor” Alpha
$SHRAP - Acces anticipat
$WAVES - Val 2.0
Lansare $ACS - V2
$FXS - Lanț Frax și Airdrop
$INJ - Mainnet
$IMX - zkEVM Mainnet

🚨Potențiale riscuri negative
$BTC - Bitcoin ETF „Vând știrile”
$CEL - Distribuția creditorilor
Evergrande - Audierea de lichidare
Coinbase - Audierea de concediere

* * *

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➬ Urmărește-mă la @Bitcoin Gurukul pentru mai multe!

🔗Partajarea este binevenită, ar fi apreciat doar un semn din cap către sursă.

Mulțumesc pentru citit 🫡

Credit: Stratul G
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De ce este Arbitrum Mooning și ARB Price Prediction.
În articolul de astăzi, ne vom concentra asupra de ce tehnologia de pe #Arbitrum este atât de excepțională și de ce se construiesc atât de multe proiecte pe baza ei. Se poate aștepta ca Arbitrum să aibă un viitor cu adevărat mare în față și ne vom uita la principalele motive pentru care acesta este cazul.
Arbitrum este o tehnologie blockchain concepută pentru a îmbunătăți scalabilitatea și eficiența #Ethereum , o platformă de top pentru contractele inteligente. Arbitrum își atinge obiectivele printr-o tehnică numită „rollups”, care permite ca tranzacțiile să fie procesate în afara blockchain-ului principal Ethereum („off-chain”) și apoi trimite doar date rezumate înapoi în rețeaua principală („on-chain”).
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Solans #sol
Solans #sol
Iată de ce Solana (SOL) a scăzut sub 100 USD
Creșterea fulgerătoare a Solanei din ultimele luni s-a lovit joi, scăzând cu 8%, pe măsură ce prețul a scăzut sub 100 de dolari. Această prăbușire este o reamintire clară a volatilității pieței cripto și a fost parțial alimentată de obținerea de profit de la unele dintre cele mai mari balene ale Solana.
O singură balenă, identificată de Lookonchain, a aruncat 303.756 SOL (38,2 milioane USD) pe Binance, declanșând probabil un val de vânzări. Nici aceasta nu a fost prima dată când această balenă a avut, deoarece datele arată că această balenă are o istorie de tranzacții strategice cu SOL, obținând profituri considerabile pe parcurs.
Crypto Insiders
Înțelegerea lumânărilor - Cum să vă creșteți acuratețea tranzacționării - Tutorial practic
Tranzacționarea intraday este o metodă de investiție în criptomonede în care comerciantul cumpără și vinde criptomonede în aceeași zi, fără poziții deschise rămase până la sfârșitul zilei. Prin urmare, comercianții în cursul zilei încearcă fie să cumpere o criptomonedă la un preț scăzut și să o vândă mai mult, fie să vândă în scurtă o criptomonedă la un preț ridicat și să o cumpere mai puțin în aceeași zi. Acest lucru necesită o bună înțelegere a pieței și informații relevante care îi pot ajuta să ia deciziile corecte. Pe piața criptomonedei, prețul unei criptomonede este determinat de cererea și oferta sa, printre alți factori.
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Performanța record a Solanei ar putea să-și ridice prețul la 200 de dolari?
Un nou reper a fost atins de Solana în luna decembrie, deoarece criptomoneda își menține modelul de creștere fără precedent pe tot parcursul acestui an. Din cauza creșterii de aproape două ori a prețului pe care Solana a înregistrat-o de la începutul lunii, popularitatea sa în rândul consumatorilor a crescut. Pe aceeași linie ca și acest model, blockchain-ul Solana a înregistrat o creștere uimitoare a cantității de implicare a utilizatorilor pe parcursul acestei luni.
Deși mai rămâne o săptămână de lună, nivelul de activitate lunar al adreselor Solanei a depășit cel mai înalt punct anterior în acest an, atingând un nou reper de peste 16,45 milioane în decembrie. Asta în ciuda faptului că mai rămâne o săptămână din lună.
10 Altcoins care te-ar putea face bogat în 2024
Explorați dincolo de Bitcoin, aceste 10 Altcoins sunt setate să ofere câștiguri potențiale, diversificându-vă portofoliul.
În timp ce ne pregătim pentru potențialul alergare de tauri din 2024, peisajul criptomonedei este plin de pietre ascunse care așteaptă să erupă. În timp ce jucători consacrați precum Bitcoin și Ethereum își dețin tronurile, altcoins mai mici dețin și potențialul de creștere explozivă. Uită de „pariuri sigure” – haideți să explorăm 10 monede alternative sub radar pregătite pentru o creștere uluitoare de 1000 de ori în anul care vine!
This Solana Trader Turns 3 SOL into $250,000 in Less than 24 Hours. Here’s how
The crypto world witnessed a remarkable feat recently, as an investor transformed a modest $242 investment into a staggering $250,000 in less than 24 hours.
This impressive return on investment, achieved through skillful maneuvering in the newly launched Solana-based meme coin MELON, shows the power of the crypto market and why meme coins should not be overlooked.
This remarkable achievement was shared by Lookonchain (@lookonchain), a blockchain analytics platform on X. Lookonchain traced the investment back to its origin, when the investor acquired 38.5 million MELON tokens.
The investor traded in 3 SOL for these tokens, planting the seeds for what would become a harvest worth hundreds of thousands of dollars within a few hours.
A Remarkable Series of Events
Unlike a trader who missed a $70 million opportunity with Shiba Inu (SHIB), this investor walked away with an insane profit. The investor made the purchases in two transactions.
He purchased 21,538,158 MELON with 1.5 SOL in the first transaction and 16,951,948 additional MELON with another 1.5 SOL in the second. With a well-stocked portfolio of MELON, the investor patiently awaited the opportune moment to reap the rewards.
As the market began to move in MELON’s favor, the investor began a series of calculated transactions. The first phase, commencing at 9 AM and extending until noon, witnessed the sale of 22.5 million MELON tokens, bringing 1,562 SOL ($143,000). Despite the massive profit he had just acquired, the investor was not done.
He began a second round at 9 PM, selling an additional 16 million MELON, earning $107,000. After these transactions, the investor locked the final profit in two secure wallets, holding a profit of $107,000, and 16 million MELON. If MELON surges again, this investor could become a millionaire.
This investor’s identity is unknown, and many in the community believe he is a developer of the MELON tokens. However, if these transactions were made by an investor without insider knowledge, the crypto community would have much to learn from his methods.
This story is reminiscent of another investor who recently turned 1.5 SOL to $1.55 million in 16 days. The trader also bought into a new meme coin. If meme coins can keep up these amazing performances, they could be the best trading option for the coming bull run.
This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader.
#Solana #SOL $SOL
Litecoin: Why the FUD around LTC may not be all bad for investors
LTC may rebound far higher than $72 in the coming days.

Long-term holders have hesitated from liquidating their LTC positions.

Litecoin [LTC] is one of the major altcoins experiencing intense negative sentiment, according to data from Santiment. AMBCrypto checked the crypto analysis tool and found out that the coin’s Weighted Sentiment was down to -2.415.

Weighted Sentiment measures the unique social volume concerning the perception the market has about a project.

So, the decline in the metric implies that the broader market was not bullish on LTC. It might seem like the market is right to lower their expectations for LTC.

Source: Santiment

This is because the coin has been consolidating between $70 and $73 for the last few days.

While the sentiment tilts toward Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt [FUD], it could also be the catalyst that triggers a bounce for LTC. This is because, historically, extreme negative sentiment is a sign of a bullish recovery.

In an interesting twist, Litecoin’s bullish trait was not only shown in its short-term projection, but there was a glaring sign shown by the Liveliness.

Liveliness decreases as long-term holders accumulate to HODL. HODL is an acronym for Hold On to Dear Life, and it implies that investors buy tokens to keep for a long period.

If the Liveliness decreases, then it means long-term holders are liquidating their position. At press time, Litecoin’s Liveliness was 0.70, indicating that accumulation was more present than distribution was.

Source: Glassnode

AMBCrypto also checked the technical part of LTC if accumulation outpaced distribution.

According to the Accumulation/Distribution (A/D) indicator, there were more buy orders than sell ones for the coin. This implies that LTC has the potential to rise much more than $72 in the short term.

The 4-hour LTC/USD chart also considered the Relative Strength Index (RSI).

At the time of writing,  the RSI was 56.55. This was a sign that LTC had exited its overbought state and may head southward. Should buying pressure increase for the coin, then a move in the $80 direction may now be invalidated.

Source: TradingView

Another metric to consider is the funding rate. Funding rates represent the difference between the spot price of a cryptocurrency and the perpetual futures market price.

If the funding rate is positive, it means traders are bullish on the price action. On the other hand, a negative funding rate suggests a bearish sentiment.

At press time, LTC’s funding rate was 0.023%. This reading suggests that there are more bullish positions open in the market than shorts.

The rebound prospect was also supported by social dominance. Social dominance compares the discussion around an asset with others in the top 100.

Source: Santiment

Is your portfolio green? Check the Litecoin Profit Calculator

Litecoins’ social dominance at the time of writing had dropped to 0.515%. This implies that there was not a lot of hype around the coin.

In terms of the price action, it means LTC was nowhere near its local top. Therefore, there is a high likelihood of an upside.
Shiba Inu’s Lead Developer Contemplates 99.9% Token Supply Burn
It would take a well-planned and massive withdrawal of tokens from circulation.

In theory, SHIB tokens might become more valuable due to their increased scarcity.

Shytoshi Kusama, the chief developer of the Shiba Inu (SHIB) cryptocurrency project, recently issued a remark that has the whole community buzzing. Kusama has brought up the prospect of limiting the amount of Shiba Inu in circulation to as little as 0.1 percent of its present volume. Many people, including investors and fans of the cryptocurrency, are talking and speculating about this statement.

The current circulating quantity of SHIB is 580 trillion, and if this idea were to be implemented, it would cause a significant change. Kusama made the comment in reaction to a sardonic offer by an opponent to destroy 99.9% of SHIB tokens, maybe with the money from Shibarium service fees. 

Tough Task

A large portion of the Shiba Inu community has responded favorably to Kusama’s audacious claim. Many SHIB enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the possible burning of enormous quantities of tokens. Many members of the community share this optimistic outlook and would love to see the value of SHIB rise after drastic supply cuts.

Though difficult, Kusama certainly countered that it is not impossible to accomplish such a feat. But getting to that level of dramatic decrease isn’t easy. It would take a well-planned and massive withdrawal of tokens from circulation to burn up 99.9 percent of SHIB’s supply. Token burns have been executed by the SHIB development team before, although on a lesser scale.

In theory, SHIB tokens might become more valuable due to their increased scarcity as a result of a lower supply. According to CoinMarketCap, at the time of writing, SHIB is trading at $0.00001103, up 1.17% in the last 24 hours.

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Turkey Taps Specialist for Central Bank’s Crypto Policy Committee
Binance News
Phoenix Group Invests in Lyvely to Strengthen Technology and Web3 Portfolio
According to Foresight News, Phoenix Group has made a strategic investment in social networking and content monetization platform Lyvely to strengthen its technology and Web3 investment portfolio. Lyvely plans to develop a seamlessly integrated token into its platform, allowing anyone to profit from online content or services.
Crypto Tiger Global
Solana (SOL) Price Prediction
Solana is not exactly a new cryptocurrency, but it has only gained traction and widespread popularity in the last few years. Its astronomical rise upwards has attracted the attention of many investors, helping them discover the project’s high usability and incredible functionality. With so many people jumping in on the Solana foundation hype, many of them are left wondering whether the coin is a good long-term investment or if they should dump whatever coins they have bought before it plunges any deeper.Unfortunately, we cannot give you financial advice and won’t be able to tell you what to do with your coins — that is something you should decide for yourself. However, Solana is a really interesting project, and we’d like to examine the potential it may have in the near future.Without further ado, let’s take a look at our Solana price prediction!Solana Statistics :Solana Price: $93.9Solana Price Change 24h: 9.36%Solana Price Change 7d: 34.41%Solana Market cap: $13,454,634,610.64Solana Circulating Supply: 416,863,670 SOLSolana Trading Volume: $1,510,243,008.74Solana All time high: $260.06Solana All time low: $0.51Solana Price Prediction 7d: $88.03 --5.6Solana Fear-Greed Index: 70 GreedSolana Sentiment: BullishSolana Volatility: 11.09%Solana Green Days: 16/30 (53%)Solana 50-Day SMA: $58.35Solana 200-Day SMA: $30.83Solana 14-Day RSI: 67.69Our real-time SOL to USD price update shows the current Solana price as $93.9 USD.According to our Solana price prediction, SOL price is expected to have a -4.43% decrease and drop as low as by December 23, 2023.Our analysis of the technical indicators suggests that the current market feeling is Bullish Bearish 10%, with a Fear & Greed Index score of 70 (Greed).Over the last 30 days, Solana has had 16/30 (53%) green days and 11.09% price volatility.Solana (SOL) Technical OverviewWhen discussing future trading opportunities of digital assets, it is essential to pay attention to market sentiments. #sol #SolanaGems #Solana.blockchain #solanaphone
Binance Square Official
Weekly Trending Topic Challenge: Win Binance Swag Now!
Starting November 13, we will select 3 users each week to win different Binance merchandise for simply posting trending topic content on Binance Square!
Activity Period: Every Monday from 07:00 (UTC) to 07:00 (UTC) the following Monday, until January 1 2024 at 23:59 (UTC).

How to Get Started?
Simply publish an article on Binance Square following our daily trending topics and content guidelines detailed in this form, and submit the URL.
Unlimited Entries: Multiple submissions are allowed, but each eligible user is only entitled to 1 reward per week.Content Requirements: Articles must be at least 300 words, include the trending hashtag and a relevant image. Short posts or videos are not eligible.Timely Submissions: Articles must be submitted within the active period for each specific trending topic, which resets daily from Mon-Fri at 07:00 (UTC).Engagement Matters: Your content must gather at least 5 interactions (including likes, comments, or shares) to be qualified.

Let your creativity shine – we're eagerly awaiting your entries! Check out the daily trending topics, and submit your content here.

Terms and Conditions:
This campaign may not be available in your region.Submissions will be evaluated by a panel from the Binance Square team, based on topic relevancy, article formatting, research quality, factual sourcing, and originality to ensure authenticity. Articles must also align with campaign rules.Winners will be announced via the [Binance Square Official Account]( before next Friday.Winners will receive a random Binance merchandise as their reward. Winners of this week will be notified via [Square Assistant]( push before next Friday.Binance reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this campaign, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments.Binance reserves the right to disqualify any account acting against the [Binance Square Community Guidelines]( or [Terms and Conditions](
Binance Square Official
Share Your #BinanceTournament Experience on Binance Square to Grab a Share of 5,000 USDT!
Activity Period: 2023-11-27 00:00 to 2023-12-24 23:59 (UTC)
Join the Futures Grand Tournament and compete for 2 Million USDT in prizes! Share your tournament insights on Binance Square and get a chance to win from an EXCLUSIVE 5,000 USDT prize pool.
How to Win?
Simply create an original content piece related to your tournament experience or insights on Binance Square during the Campaign Period, and mention “#BinanceTournament ".Make sure each of your posts/articles receives at least three interactions (likes, comments, or shares).
Remember, share your posts to draw more interactions from your friends and other Binance Square community members. The more interactions you gather, the higher your chances of winning!

Promotion A: Community Engagement Pool (3,000 USDT in token voucher)
All users who create an eligible content piece during the Activity Period will qualify for an equal share of the 3,000 USDT rewards pool.

Promotion B: Top Contents Pool (2,000 USDT in token voucher)
The top 10 posts with the #BinanceTournament hashtag having the highest 'like👍' reactions (other emojis reactions will not be counted) will be rewarded as follows:

Terms & Conditions
This activity may not be available in your region. Only #BinanceTournament related content pieces (including posts and articles) that include the #BinanceTournament hashtag and receive at least 3 engagements (i.e., the total number of emojis, comments, or shares) during the Activity Period, will qualify as eligible content pieces. Any cases of hashtag abuse will lead to exclusion from the campaign.Only original, new content qualifies. Previous submissions are ineligible.You can create multiple content and potentially win in both promotions. However, each user is only entitled to 1 reward in promotion B.
Winners will be notified via a push notification under Creator Center > [Square Assistant]( within 15 working days after the activity ends. The USDT token voucher rewards will be distributed within 15 working days after the activity ends. Users may check their rewards via Profile > [Rewards Hub]( The validity period for the token voucher is set at seven days from the day of distribution. [Learn how to redeem a voucher]( reserves the right to disqualify any account acting against the [Binance Square Community Guidelines]( or [Terms and Conditions]( reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this activity, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments. Binance reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.This Campaign and the Futures Grand Tournament is only available to users who are eligible for Binance Futures trading and may not be available or may be restricted in certain jurisdictions or regions or to certain users, depending on legal and regulatory requirements. 
Trading Heights
🚀 Crypto Success Unveiled: $68 to $178,986 in 4 Days! 🌟💰

📈 Incredible Gains: My Follower Witness the journey of a crypto wallet turning $68 into a mind-blowing $178,986 within just 4 days, riding the meme coin wave with a staggering 268,897% increase! 🌊

🔍 How It Happened:
- Coin of Choice: $SOL Meme coin $ANALOS
- Insider Info: Secured an early position with a $68 investment
- Profit: $178,986.54

💎 Strategic Moves:
- Holding: 155M $ANALOS from the first purchase
- Selling: Strategically sold at x1200-x1300 during parabolic growth
- Current Holdings: Still holding 124M tokens (≈80%)

🔧 Tools of the Trade:
- Wallet Dive: Explored wallets using @solscanofficial from 5th position
- Transaction Insight: Analyzed history with @dexscreener

🤝 Partnership News:
- Recent Development: @analos_coin_ announced partnership with Got-bit
- Potential Impact: Speculations of leading $ANALOS to $2B market cap

🤖 Whale Strategies:
- Early Buys: Smart wallets use sniper bots, like BONKbot for SOL network shitcoins

📊 Market Impact:
- Early Call: @analos_coin_ skyrocketed from $4M to $100M market cap in just 4 days!

👆 Stay Ahead:
- Bookmark This Thread: For valuable insights and stay ahead in the crypto game!

Tip the Creator
Introduction Since its creation in 2009, Bitcoin has continued to grow and captured the attention of people around the globe. However, with its rise to prominence, several myths and misconceptions have emerged. In this article, we'll debunk the top 15 myths surrounding Bitcoin, shedding light on the reality behind each one. Myth 1: Bitcoin Is Anonymous and Perfect for Criminals Contrary to popular belief, Bitcoin transactions are pseudonymous but not entirely anonymous. Most Bitcoin wallet addresses don’t have a name attached to them, but all transactions are recorded on the blockchain, which works as a transparent, public ledger. This transparency makes it challenging for criminals to operate without leaving a trace. Law enforcement agencies actively use blockchain analytics to track illicit activities, resulting in numerous successful prosecutions. Myth 2: Bitcoin Is a Ponzi Scheme Bitcoin is often labeled as a Ponzi scheme, but this assertion is misleading. A Ponzi scheme involves using funds from new investors to pay existing ones, with the operator pocketing the bulk of the collected funds. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a decentralized digital currency with genuine utility. While occasional fraudulent projects exist in every financial sector, applying the Ponzi label to the entire cryptocurrency industry is a mistake that oversimplifies a complex reality. Myth 3: Bitcoin Is Bad for the Environment The misconception that Bitcoin is inherently bad for the environment stems from its energy-intensive mining process. However, the comparison of Bitcoin's energy consumption to traditional financial systems or household appliances is often distorted. Blockchain networks consume less energy than most traditional financial systems, and the use of renewable energy sources for mining is on the rise. #BTC!💰 #BTC #BTCDecision2023 #BTCMystery #MyThought
Since its creation in 2009, Bitcoin has continued to grow and captured the attention of people around the globe. However, with its rise to prominence, several myths and misconceptions have emerged. In this article, we'll debunk the top 15 myths surrounding Bitcoin, shedding light on the reality behind each one.
Myth 1: Bitcoin Is Anonymous and Perfect for Criminals
Contrary to popular belief, Bitcoin transactions are pseudonymous but not entirely anonymous. Most Bitcoin wallet addresses don’t have a name attached to them, but all transactions are recorded on the blockchain, which works as a transparent, public ledger. This transparency makes it challenging for criminals to operate without leaving a trace. Law enforcement agencies actively use blockchain analytics to track illicit activities, resulting in numerous successful prosecutions.
Myth 2: Bitcoin Is a Ponzi Scheme
Bitcoin is often labeled as a Ponzi scheme, but this assertion is misleading. A Ponzi scheme involves using funds from new investors to pay existing ones, with the operator pocketing the bulk of the collected funds. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a decentralized digital currency with genuine utility. While occasional fraudulent projects exist in every financial sector, applying the Ponzi label to the entire cryptocurrency industry is a mistake that oversimplifies a complex reality.
Myth 3: Bitcoin Is Bad for the Environment
The misconception that Bitcoin is inherently bad for the environment stems from its energy-intensive mining process. However, the comparison of Bitcoin's energy consumption to traditional financial systems or household appliances is often distorted. Blockchain networks consume less energy than most traditional financial systems, and the use of renewable energy sources for mining is on the rise.

#BTC!💰 #BTC #BTCDecision2023 #BTCMystery #MyThought
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Binance Square Official
Binance Square Feature Update – December 13, 2023
Hi Binancians,
The latest updates to Binance Square are available in app version 2.75. We encourage you to update your app for an improved and more efficient browsing experience. Here is a detailed overview of our new features:
Reply with PicturesYou can now upload pictures when replying to, or participating in discussions under each post on Binance Square.Anti-Scam Related OptimizationBinance Square has implemented anti-scam measures for safer community interaction:Simplified Reporting Flow: Easily report scams or spams using the 3-dot menu beside posts/replies. We will notify you after our review.Note: This feature is currently available only on the website; support for the app is coming soon.Reply Restrictions: To maintain quality interactions, users without wallet assets can only reply thrice every 7 days on Binance Square.Bio Update Limit: Each user can only update their bio once per calendar year.Market News & Community Discussion on Trading PageOn the 'Square' tab under each trading page, you can find token-related news and official updates in the 'Market', alongside KOL opinions and trader insights under "Community". Feel free to engage in informative token discussions with the Binance Square community.Note: This feature is currently available only in-app, support for website is coming soon.Post Creation on Lite AppClick '+' on the 'Square' tab at the bottom right corner in the Binance Lite app to share your thoughts with the community.Show Post Count on Profile PageThe total number of posts by each creator will be displayed on their profile page.Search creators and content on WebIf you're looking for specific content or creators, simply enter keywords or the creator's name in the search bar on the Binance website.Creator Recommendations Based on Friends' FollowingThe system will automatically suggest creators to follow based on the preferences of your friends, enriching the social networking experience within the community.Web UI EnhancementThe Binance Square web interface now features a smoother user experience with the addition of a fixed navigation bar on the left side of the home page. This provides quick access to notifications, trending articles, settings, post buttons, and more for quick interaction.
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