🔥 ALERTĂ GRATUITĂ LINEA TOKENS! Revendicați-vă recompensa Early Bird 🔥
Linea Airdrop este LIVE! Luați-vă geanta GRATUITĂ cu aceste jetoane blockchain cu potențial ridicat susținute de giganți precum ConsenSys și MetaMask.
De ce Linea?
* Finanțare de 750 de milioane de dolari: încrederea investitorilor la maxim! * Ethereum de generație următoare: supraalimentează tranzacțiile cu tehnologia zkEVM. ⚡ * Avantaj pentru adoptarea timpurie: fiți printre primii care dețin și potențial profit.
* Spune-le prietenilor tăi, răspândiți vestea! * Urmărește Linea și interacționează cu comunitatea lor.
Fii parte din viitorul blockchain-ului cu Linea! Nu lăsa această rachetă să plece fără tine! #Linea#Airdrop#FreeTokens#Crypto#Blockchain#Ethereum#Web3#BinanceTurns7
Ajută-l pe PHASPORAS KIAZ să construiască o școală cripto
Împuternicirea viselor: construirea unei mici școli criptografice cu PHASPORAS KIAZ În lumea criptomonedelor, în continuă evoluție, educația joacă un rol esențial în abilitarea indivizilor să navigheze cu succes în acest peisaj dinamic. PHASPORAS KIAZ, un avocat pasionat al educației cripto, face un pas îndrăzneț, imaginând o mică școală criptografică. Această inițiativă își propune să educe pasionații pentru a-și câștiga existența din cripto prin diverse proiecte. Aici, explorăm modul în care oamenii pot contribui cu sfaturi despre Binance pentru a ajuta la transformarea acestui vis în realitate.
Total Crypto Market 24H Liquidation (23.07.2024, 20:58 UTC+10) 🔴DURĂ: 87,39 milioane USD 🟢Short: 38,01 milioane USD Un total de 52.210 de comercianți au fost lichidați, rezultând lichidări totale în valoare de 125,39 milioane USD. În special, cel mai mare ordin de lichidare unic, evaluat la 1,93 milioane USD, a avut loc pe Binance pentru #ETH/USDC.
Banii sunt atât de distribuiți în cripto acum. doar câteva monede au performanțe bune, inclusiv $ BTC În fiecare minut, o monedă nouă vine pe piață. Comercianții rotesc banii de la o monedă la alta și îi pierd. Nu se întâmplă nimic interesant, nu vin bani noi. cripto își pierde farmecul încet.
ALERTĂ DE ȘTIRI DE FRÂNARE 🚨🚨🚨 🚨⏰"Hillary Clinton emite un avertisment puternic: Boicotați criptomonedele! Bitcoin ar putea amenința stabilitatea națională!" Hillary Clinton și-a exprimat îngrijorări semnificative, sugerând că Bitcoin ar putea submina stabilitatea națională. Ea avertizează că creșterea acestei monede digitale ar putea destabiliza nu numai hegemonia globală a dolarului american, ci și un risc mai larg pentru stabilitate nationala. Preocupările lui Clinton se învârt în jurul ideii că Bitcoin ar putea perturba stabilitatea națională. Ea crede că influența sa crescândă ar putea provoca poziția dolarului american ca monedă de rezervă a lumii și ar putea afecta sistemul financiar global. Ea a subliniat, de asemenea, potențialele ramificații globale, menționând că efectele Bitcoin ar putea începe în țări mai mici și se pot extinde treptat la națiunile mai mari. Ce părere aveți despre comentariile lui Hillary Clinton? Ar putea Bitcoin să devină cu adevărat o amenințare la adresa stabilității naționale? #avertizare! #Scrie2Câștigă!#altcoins#BinanceTurns7
🇮🇳 India lasă neschimbată taxa criptografică în timpul prezentării bugetului
Taxa India Crypto, neschimbată, din bugetul Indiei 2024-25 a stârnit discuții între experții din industrie și investitori cu privire la efectele sale potențiale asupra traiectoriei criptomonedei în țară. Iată cele mai recente.
Povestea șocantă a lui Song Kang, care a pierdut 100.000 USD în înșelătoria Crypto Romance👀
A pierdut 100.000 de dolari într-un Crypto Romance, Prietena ei Tinder i-a luat toate Crypto-ul Song Kang avea inima zdrobită. Iubita lui de doi ani îl înșelase și se simțea pierdut și singur. Căutând o distragere a atenției și poate un nou început, s-a înscris la Tinder. Nu după mult timp, s-a potrivit cu Park Yu-Ri. Avea ochi strălucitori și un zâmbet cald, iar profilul ei spunea că îi place cripto, la fel ca Song kang. Au început să vorbească, iar curiozitatea lui Yu-Ri cu privire la strategiile sale de tranzacționare l-a făcut să se simtă apreciat și înțeles.
‼️🔴 Breaking News Alert 🔴‼️ 🚨 Attention Alert Attention 🚨 🔴🚨 UK vs Bitcoin Fight 🔴🚨 Read 👇🏼👇🏻 Will the UK Dump Bitcoin Following Germany’s Footstep Move? Another BTC Dip Coming Up? Germany’s Bitcoin Sell-Off: - Germany recently sold off a significant amount of Bitcoin, causing a notable market dip. This has raised concerns that the UK might follow suit. UK’s Bitcoin Holdings: - The UK government holds around 61,245 Bitcoins, valued at over $4 billion. - These assets were acquired through legal actions, including a major case against money launderer Jian Wen. Potential UK Sell-Off: - New Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachael Reeves, faces pressure to fund her economic plans. - Selling the UK's Bitcoin holdings could provide a quick financial boost but might lead to market volatility. Market Impact: - If the UK decides to sell, it could result in a substantial dip in Bitcoin prices, similar to the 15% drop following Germany’s sell-off. Regulatory Easing: - Relaxing crypto regulations could attract investments and mitigate the negative effects of a BTC sell-off. - Holding onto Bitcoin or acquiring more could be a strategic move, considering its potential as an inflation hedge. Current Bitcoin Trends: - Bitcoin has shown resilience, recovering to above $65,000 despite recent dips. - The market remains volatile, with trading volumes rising significantly. Watchful Eyes: - Market analysts and crypto enthusiasts are closely watching Reeves' decision. - The UK's stance on crypto could significantly impact the broader market. Follow for more updates and info. Like and Share. Thanks. Coins to buy. #Dyor2024 $VANRY
‼️🔴News Alert 🔴‼️ 🚨Attention Alert Attention 🚨 ‼️🔴 LUNC, LUNA USTC and Chapter 11🔴‼️ Read 👇🏻 Terra Sets Deadline for Crypto Loss Claims Amid Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Terraform Labs (TFL) has provided an important update for the Terra community regarding the filing of crypto loss claims in its Chapter 11 bankruptcy case. Here are the key highlights: Claim Filing Deadline: The deadline for filing crypto loss claims is August 21 at 5:00 pm ET. Only claims against TFL arising before January 21, 2024, and against TLL before July 1, 2024, are eligible. Late claims will not be considered for voting in the bankruptcy plan. Recovery Prospects: The announcement is seen as a positive move for the Terra ecosystem, with expectations of a potential recovery in the prices of LUNA, LUNC, and USTC. TFL plans to reopen the shuttle bridge for redeeming wrapped assets on Terra Classic and burn tokens held in TFL and LFG wallets. Market Impact: Despite the announcement, LUNA's price fell by 2% to $0.4231, LUNC dropped by 4% to $0.0000845, and USTC declined by 3% to $0.01927 in the last 24 hours. However, trading volumes have increased, indicating growing interest from traders. Follow for more updates and info. Like and Share. Thank you. Coins to buy. #Dyor2024 $LUNC
‼️🔴Cea mai mare știre de ultimă oră ‼️🔴 🚨Atenție Alertă Atenție 🚨 ‼️🔴 Germania și acum guvernul SUA. Dumping Bitcoin🔴‼️ Citește 👇🏻 Guvernul SUA aruncă Bitcoin din nou Cea mai recentă tranzacție a guvernului SUA, care implică 58,472 BTC evaluați la 3,96 milioane USD, a declanșat noi temeri de vânzări. Potrivit Arkham Intelligence, Bitcoin a fost transferat într-un portofel identificat ca „34tXj..HUXfd” și ulterior mutat în Coinbase Prime. În ciuda acestui fapt, guvernul SUA deține încă o rezervă substanțială de 213.239K BTC, evaluată la aproximativ 14.43 miliarde USD. Aceste vânzări în curs de către organismele guvernamentale au intensificat preocupările în rândul investitorilor, putând influența tendința prețurilor Bitcoin. Răspunsul pieței și catalizatorii optimi În ciuda vânzării, prețul Bitcoin a crescut cu peste 1%, depășind pragul de 68.200 USD, volumul tranzacționării fiind în creștere cu 84%, până la 43,79 miliarde USD. În plus, BTC Futures Open Interest a crescut cu 2% în ultimele 24 de ore, subliniind încrederea puternică a pieței. Catalizatorii cheie optimi includ: Discursul lui Donald Trump la Conferința Bitcoin 2024: Declarațiile anticipate pot întări sentimentul pieței, introducând potențial Bitcoin ca rezervă strategică. Identificați fluxurile de ETF Bitcoin: interesul puternic al investitorilor este evident, întărind încrederea în valoarea pe termen lung a Bitcoin. Sentimentul investitorilor și perspectivele de viitor Acțiunile guvernului SUA contribuie la anxietatea pieței, inversând potențial tendința optimistă recentă. Cu toate acestea, factori pozitivi semnificativi, cum ar fi susținerea lui Trump și intrările puternice de ETF, ar putea contrabalansa impactul negativ. Pe măsură ce piața navighează în această dinamică, investitorii sunt sfătuiți să rămână vigilenți. Monitorizarea atât a activităților de vânzări de vânzare, cât și a evoluțiilor pozitive va fi crucială în modelarea traiectoriei Bitcoin în următoarele luni. Urmăriți pentru mai multe actualizări și informații. Like și Distribuie. Multumesc. Monede de cumpărat.#Dyor2024 $VANRY
🚨 BREAKING NEWS and ALERT🚨 ⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔ 🔴 BINANCE BANS OVER 668,060 ACCOUNTS 🔴 In a decisive move aimed at safeguarding the integrity of its platform, Binance has taken action against over 668,060 accounts involved in exploiting promotional activities intended for retail traders and investors. This proactive step comes after identifying misuse of mega drops, where certain users manipulated the system by creating multiple accounts to unfairly accumulate tokens and consolidate rewards into single accounts to evade detection. Binance, known for its robust monitoring capabilities, has detected and swiftly acted upon these manipulative practices. To reinforce fairness and security, Binance has implemented enhanced monitoring systems designed to detect and prevent such misuse effectively. Immediate account terminations have been enforced for those found exploiting platform features, ensuring that the community ecosystem remains resilient against fraudulent activities. Furthermore, Binance encourages transparency and community involvement by offering incentives for verified reports of account misuse. This initiative underscores Binance's commitment to fostering a trustworthy and equitable cryptocurrency environment for all users. By cracking down on these practices, Binance aims to uphold the integrity of its promotions and protect the interests of genuine traders and investors. This enforcement reflects Binance's proactive stance in maintaining a level playing field, reinforcing trust among its user base, and promoting responsible engagement within the cryptocurrency space. As the industry continues to evolve, Binance remains dedicated to implementing stringent measures that uphold fairness, transparency, and security across its platform. #Write2Earn! #BinanceTournament #BANNED #BinanceTournament
$BTC #MyHaters keep my words, soon $BTC hit 75k and will up more as well. Now it's totally Bullish time, if it comes down it should be for short time. But it will rise more for sure. $BTC /USDT is trading at $67,830, up 0.72%. The 24-hour high is $68,000, and the low is $65,777, with a trading volume of 20,119.02 BTC and 1.35B USDT. For a long trade, consider entering around the support level of $65,777 with a target of $68,000. For a short trade, consider entering around the resistance level of $68,000 with a target of $65,777. Monitor closely as BTC is showing significant volatility. #BTC☀ #Bitcoin❗ #BinanceTournament
#MyHaters where are you guys.. come and see another 💯 Analysis Prediction for $SOL Really you guys just talk foolish people who's know nothing. Still $SOL will go up more and soon it hit 193 and Even more. $SOL /USDT is trading at $183.08, up 5.31%. The 24-hour high is $184.87, and the low is $170.27, with a trading volume of 3.36M SOL and 589.31M USDT. For a long trade, consider entering around the support level of $170.27 with a target of $184.87. For a short trade, consider entering around the resistance level of $184.87 with a target of $170.27. Given the recent price increase, closely monitoring market trends is recommended. #SolanaUSTD #Write2Earn! #BinanceTournament
EVERYONE ALERT 🚨‼️🚨 !🛑!🛑!🛑!🛑!🛑!🛑!🛑!🛑!🛑 If you're looking to make significant gains with a small amount of capital, consider these strategies: Select the Right Coin: Focus on popular, strong-performing coins rather than obscure ones. Target coins that have seen less than a 7% increase, which allows you to align with market leaders and ride the wave of their success. Short-Term Trading: Treat your trades like guerrilla warfare—move in quickly and exit just as fast. Avoid prolonged holds and keep your trading cycle short to capitalize on immediate opportunities. Follow the Trend: Don’t be swayed by high or low prices; instead, adhere to the current market trend. Avoid buying out of fear or selling prematurely, and let the trend guide your decisions. Manage Your Position: Start with a small position, around 20% to 30% of your capital. If the market conditions are favorable, gradually increase your position. Think of it like a pyramid, where your base is larger and your top is narrower. Use Moving Averages: The 10-day moving average is crucial for trading decisions. If the price retraces to this average but does not fall below it, it’s an opportune moment to make your move. Review and Learn: Keep detailed records of your trades and analyze any losses. Identify mistakes like entering the market too early, being overly nervous, holding positions too long, or having too large a position. Use these insights to refine your strategy and improve over time. #Write2Earn! #BinanceTournament #MtGoxJulyRepayments #BinanceTurns7 #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July
Earning $100 daily from Binance or any cryptocurrency exchange involves significant risk and requires knowledge and experience in trading. Here are some tips if you're considering trading on Binance: 1. Educate Yourself: Understand how cryptocurrency markets work, including technical analysis, market trends, and risk management strategies. 2. Start Small: Begin with a small amount of capital that you can afford to lose, especially if you're new to trading. 3. Research: Conduct thorough research
The famous CEO said, “We are on the verge of a 2021-like Mega Bull in Bitcoin.” Bitcoin surpassed $67,000 for the first time in more than a month, fueling speculation that a second Trump presidency could soon send $BTC to record highs. Bitcoin's nearly 6% rise to $67,434 on Friday also helped the values of smaller tokens like #Solana , #Dogecoin and #Avalanche rise more than 3%. Bitcoin hit an all-time high of almost $74,000 in March on optimism about demand for U.S. ETFs, which are allowed to hold tokens directly for the first time. The increasing likelihood of Republican candidate #DonaldTrump becoming president is pushing Bitcoin and the rest of the cryptocurrency market higher, according to Stephane Ouellette, CEO of FRNT Financial. This is because a second Trump administration, if re-elected, would create a much more favorable regulatory environment for the crypto industry. “We are on the verge of another bull market cycle similar to the one in 2021,” Ouellette said. Bitcoin reached its previous all-time high in late 2021. According to Ouellette, the selection of JD Vance as the Republican vice presidential candidate is also a boost for crypto. Vance's ties to Silicon Valley and pro-crypto views could positively influence policy if Republicans retake the White House from President #JoeBiden in November. “While there is a premium for options exposed to the election, that premium is relatively low as Trump is currently the heavy favorite to win,” said FalconX Head of Markets Ravi Doshi. “This could of course change dramatically if Biden drops out of the race.”
A plan if you executed it perfectly you can earn 10 Millions. 🚨 🚨 A Strategic Plan to Potentially Make $10 Million Step 1: Build Your Principal Work diligently for two months to grow your principal to around $10,000. This initial effort sets the foundation for your investment strategy. Step 2: Strategic Coin Purchases Invest in new and trending coins when Bitcoin's weekly line is above the MA20. Focus on coins that are popular and have strong narratives, similar to how APT performed before its rise. Coins like OP can take off with even a slight increase in Bitcoin's value. Ensure your choices have market heat and compelling stories. Step 3: Manage Risks with Stop-Losses Implement stop-losses when Bitcoin falls below the MA20. During these periods, continue working to increase your principal. Allow yourself two or three failures with a $20,000 deposit, investing $10,000 each time. This gives you multiple chances to succeed. Step 4: Capitalize on Gains Aim for a 4-5x return on coins like APT and sell at those points. Continuously execute this strategy, remembering that with small funds, you must invest in new and promising coins, avoiding ETH and BTC due to their slower growth. Transitioning from a bear to a bull market, achieving 5x returns three times can multiply your investment by approximately 125x over one to three years. Step 5: Evaluate and Adapt If you fail three times, recognize your limitations. Shift focus to your career and personal development. By the time you’re around 30, if a bear market like 2022 occurs, consider trying this strategy again with $20,000. Key Takeaway: Patience and DisciplinePatience is crucial. Enter the market when conditions are right, stop-loss as necessary, and remain patient. If unsure, seek guidance and learn continuously. Avoiding contracts and speculative investments without understanding can help you avoid unnecessary losses. Stay informed and ask questions to enhance your investment knowledge and skills.
$APE $APE is looking bullish today., moving ahead after confirming the 0.6$ mark. Upon its upward climb, the next target will be 1.4$. If it loses momentum, 0.52$ will be the next support. Expecting $BTC to stay bullish too. Previously, we've seen a 120% profit on it.