Binance Square
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Georgiann Vesey TrUq
#solana #sol $SOL
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ai atâția bani de pierdut, frate
ai atâția bani de pierdut, frate
Conținutul citat a fost eliminat
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părăsiți piața, închideți totul și folosiți doar 5% din portofoliu cu un levier mai mic, cum ar fi 15x până la 25x
părăsiți piața, închideți totul și folosiți doar 5% din portofoliu cu un levier mai mic, cum ar fi 15x până la 25x
Piața se recuperează acum sau nu, așa că ce ar trebui să fac, să închid sau să păstrez??
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nu doar criptomonede, ci și pe piața de capital
nu doar criptomonede, ci și pe piața de capital
X mucaN
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cumpără avax
Waris Mubeen
Salut băieți Ce mai faceți

Ce monedă ar trebui să cumpăr pentru a obține profit, aveți sugestii?
Vreau să o fac 100$
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fals frate fals blum niciodată nu va lansa token-ul lor
fals frate fals blum niciodată nu va lansa token-ul lor
Cum să te Califici pentru Airdrop-ul $BLUM
Airdrop-ul $BLUM este conceput pentru a recompensa membrii activi ai comunității care contribuie semnificativ la platformă. Dacă ești dornic să îți asiguri eligibilitatea, urmează acești pași esențiali pentru a îndeplini criteriile programului și a-ți spori șansele de selecție:
1. Participă la Jocul Drop
Implicarea activă în Jocul Drop îți demonstrează dedicarea față de platformă. Investind timp în această activitate, îți arăți angajamentul și îți întărești poziția ca potențial beneficiar al airdrop-ului.
2. Finalizează Sarcinile Atribuite
Îmbunătățește-ți eligibilitatea finalizând sarcinile atribuite pe platformă. Îndeplinirea constantă a acestor activități reflectă abordarea ta proactivă și efortul susținut, care sunt factori cheie în procesul de selecție.
3. Menține o Serie de Verificări Zilnice
Consistența contează. Stabilește o serie regulată de verificări zilnice pentru a evidenția loialitatea și participarea ta continuă pe platformă. Această implicare constantă îți crește semnificativ șansele de a te califica pentru airdrop.
4. Extinde-ți Rețeaua de Frens (Până la 5)
Construirea de conexiuni sociale este esențială pentru comunitatea $BLUM. Prin conectarea cu până la cinci prieteni (denumiți „frens”), îți demonstrezi implicarea activă în promovarea relațiilor în cadrul ecosistemului.
5. Leagă un Portofel TON Activ
Asigură-te că portofelul tău TON este conectat la platformă și arată activitate on-chain, cum ar fi tranzacții sau interacțiuni. Acest lucru validează implicarea ta cu tehnologia blockchain și întărește rolul tău în ecosistemul platformei.
Procesul de Selecție
Odată ce îndeplinești criteriile de eligibilitate, platforma va selecta aleatoriu 100.000 de utilizatori din pool-ul calificat. Acest proces asigură corectitudine și transparență, recompensând utilizatorii care contribuie activ prin participare, conexiuni sociale și blockchain.
Acționează Astăzi
Nu rata oportunitatea de a-ți asigura airdrop-ul $BLUM. Începe prin a te angaja în activitățile platformei, construind conexiuni și demonstrând efort constant pentru a te poziționa.
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Știri de ultimă oră
Știri de ultimă oră
Binance Square Official
Binance Square Noul Centru de activități
Acesta este un anunț general. Este posibil ca produsele și serviciile menționate aici să nu fie disponibile în regiunea dvs. 
Colegii Binanciani, 
Suntem încântați să prezentăm lansarea unui nou Centru de activități în aplicația Binance, unde utilizatorii pot câștiga puncte realizând zilnic sarcini simple. Pur și simplu mergeți la Creator Center și faceți clic pe pictograma Check In. 
Perioada de activitate: 2024-10-14 10:00 (UTC) până la 2024-11-14 10:00 (UTC)
Cum să participi
Notă: Centrul de activități este disponibil numai în aplicația Binance. 
Promoția A: finalizați sarcinile zilnice pentru a câștiga puncte
$Hey there guys hope you doing okay so guy i guys i brought two diffrent gaming token which will you have to play the game as much as you can to collect token both project get hyped both gaming project has good developer behind there project 1.Bloodloop You have mint daily energy to collect the battle pass remember guys you have to mint energy for 7 days after you will get the battle after you have to connect yoy wallet you have binance web3 waller , trust wallet , metamask , whatever you have connect the bloodloop to your wallet . as much you play as much you collect BSL Token soo guys you have collect token of blood loop This is my refferal code create a a account my referal code 2. Param So guys this gaming project also hyped also you have to play this this project has different kind activity but its you have collect your points by completing your task there 10 Task which you have complete also connect your twitter account to this account after you connected you have to do 1 thing that you have to follow as well as these two account too like share comment quote with this to tags and you have to give comments @Paramlaboratory $Param Want to earn Param Points for social media support? Here’s how: 1. Tweet using $PARAM or @ParamLaboratory. 2. Like, retweet, quote tweet, or comment on posts that mention $PARAM or @ParamLaboratory. Points will be automatically awarded each week based on the activity from your connected Twitter account. Sooo hurry up guys you have create a account with my referal code because this is my referal code #Weregonnamakesomemoney
$Hey there guys hope you doing okay so guy i guys i brought two diffrent gaming token which will you have to play the game as much as you can to collect token both project get hyped both gaming project has good developer behind there project


You have mint daily energy to collect the battle pass remember guys you have to mint energy for 7 days after you will get the battle after you have to connect yoy wallet you have binance web3 waller , trust wallet , metamask , whatever you have connect the bloodloop to your wallet . as much you play as much you collect BSL Token soo guys you have collect token of blood loop

This is my refferal code create a a account my referal code

2. Param

So guys this gaming project also hyped also you have to play this this project has different kind activity but its you have collect your points by completing your task there 10 Task which you have complete also connect your twitter account to this account after you connected you have to do 1 thing that you have to follow as well as these two account too like share comment quote with this to tags and you have to give comments @Paramlaboratory $Param Want to earn Param Points for social media support? Here’s how:

1. Tweet using $PARAM or @ParamLaboratory.

2. Like, retweet, quote tweet, or comment on posts that mention $PARAM or @ParamLaboratory.

Points will be automatically awarded each week based on the activity from your connected Twitter account.

Sooo hurry up guys you have create a account with my referal code because this is my referal code

Hey there .... The bloodloop has launch the tokens so guy you have to mint the energy to collect BLS coin so guys hurry up guys only you have to mint the energy every single day if you collected 7 days mint you will get ROYAL PASS to collect the BLS Coin because this bloodlopp has lot of potential So here's my referal link use my referal link to get BLS coin Remmeber guy you you have to mint energy everysingle day till 7days LETS MAKE MONEY 🤑🤑🤑🤑
Hey there .... The bloodloop has launch the tokens so guy you have to mint the energy to collect BLS coin so guys hurry up guys only you have to mint the energy every single day if you collected 7 days mint you will get ROYAL PASS to collect the BLS Coin because this bloodlopp has lot of potential

So here's my referal link

use my referal link to get BLS coin

Remmeber guy you you have to mint energy everysingle day till 7days LETS MAKE MONEY 🤑🤑🤑🤑
Aisian_Boy Follow $GRASS airdrop confirmed for March 2024 🪂 Cost: $0✅ Potential Profit: $550 - $15,000✅ Time: 5 minutes✅ Snapshot not taken yet ✅ Deadline: March 8, 2024 - Let Us put in the time and get this done before the deadline getgrass_io is making waves as a decentralized web scraping network, with a primary focus on transforming public web data into AI datasets. Backed by an impressive $4.5 million raised over recent years, including support from Polychain and other major venture capitalists, Grass is gearing up for its Testnet Beta stage, set to conclude in March. Here's your comprehensive guide from XMUCAN to get started 🔥Step 1: Registration 1. Head over to For Grass Registration (You Can Support Us By Using our Referral Code, Thank You ❤️) 2. Fill in your email, create a username, and set and confirm your password. 3. Agree to the terms, complete the captcha, enter referral code ZqoNJ8D3TxEJ5Gz, and click Register 🔥Step 2: Dashboard Connection 1. Open , Grass Dashboard 2. Click on "Connect" in the top right corner. 3. Install the extension and sign up using the same credentials from Step 1 🔥Step 3: Finalizing Connection 1. Return to [Grass Dashboard]( 2. If your connected device isn't visible, click "Refresh." 3. Once connected successfully, you'll spot the "Connected" button along with your Uptime. 🔥Step 4: Boost Your Airdrop Tokens** 1. More uptime equals more airdrop tokens! Speedy internet connection means a higher daily token count. 2. Maximize your earnings by connecting extra networks. Click "Add network" and even customize network names. Don't miss out on this opportunity – the faster you get started, the more tokens you'll be harvesting daily. Happy farming! 🌱💰 If you are reading this , hope you have participated in $NIBI ,we previously shared , it has a lot of potential. We are dropping $0 cost Airdrop with $0.5 - $10,000 potential. F


$GRASS airdrop confirmed for March 2024 🪂

Cost: $0✅

Potential Profit: $550 - $15,000✅

Time: 5 minutes✅

Snapshot not taken yet ✅

Deadline: March 8, 2024 - Let Us put in the time and get this done before the deadline

getgrass_io is making waves as a decentralized web scraping network, with a primary focus on transforming public web data into AI datasets.

Backed by an impressive $4.5 million raised over recent years, including support from Polychain and other major venture capitalists, Grass is gearing up for its Testnet Beta stage, set to conclude in March.

Here's your comprehensive guide from XMUCAN to get started

🔥Step 1: Registration
1. Head over to
For Grass Registration
(You Can Support Us By Using our Referral Code, Thank You ❤️)

2. Fill in your email, create a username, and set and confirm your password.
3. Agree to the terms, complete the captcha, enter referral code ZqoNJ8D3TxEJ5Gz, and click Register

🔥Step 2: Dashboard Connection
1. Open , Grass Dashboard

2. Click on "Connect" in the top right corner.
3. Install the extension and sign up using the same credentials from Step 1

🔥Step 3: Finalizing Connection
1. Return to [Grass Dashboard](
2. If your connected device isn't visible, click "Refresh."
3. Once connected successfully, you'll spot the "Connected" button along with your Uptime.

🔥Step 4: Boost Your Airdrop Tokens**
1. More uptime equals more airdrop tokens! Speedy internet connection means a higher daily token count.
2. Maximize your earnings by connecting extra networks. Click "Add network" and even customize network names.

Don't miss out on this opportunity – the faster you get started, the more tokens you'll be harvesting daily. Happy farming! 🌱💰

If you are reading this , hope you have participated in $NIBI ,we previously shared , it has a lot of potential.

We are dropping $0 cost Airdrop with $0.5 - $10,000 potential.

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