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Lista de monede din lista Binance Alertă crucială Binance: Monitorizarea monedelor și posibilele delistări** 🚨 Evidențiați o actualizare cheie de la Binance căreia toți comercianții ar trebui să îi acorde atenție. Binance a etichetat recent **32 de monede** cu o „etichetă de monitorizare”, ceea ce indică faptul că aceste active sunt supuse controlului și pot prezenta un risc mai mare. Dacă în prezent dețineți sau tranzacționați oricare dintre aceste monede, acum este momentul să fiți alert și informat. Monedele care au fost semnalate sub „eticheta de monitorizare” includ: **$EPX, $SNT, $FTT, $GFT , $LINA, $SUN, $ZEC, $MBL, $LOOM, $HARD, $BETA, $IRIS, $WRX, $BAL, $REN, $UNFI, $KP3R, $FIRO, $ARK, $CREAM, $ JASMY, $ELF, $OAX, $CTXC, $AKRO, $VGX, $OOKI, $CVP, $AMB, $FOR, $REEF și $CVX.**🔍 **Ce înseamnă eticheta de monitorizare?** Când Binance plasează o „etichetă de monitorizare” pe o monedă, înseamnă de obicei că activul este evaluat îndeaproape pentru a se asigura că îndeplinește standardele de listare ale platformei. Dacă aceste monede nu îndeplinesc criteriile necesare, ar putea fi eliminate din listă.⚠️ **De ce ar trebui să îți pese?**1. **Volatilitate crescută**: Piața acestor monede ar putea deveni mai volatilă pe măsură ce comercianții reacţionează la știri. Este important să fiți atenți la potențialele fluctuații de preț.2. **Posibilă eliminare**: Eliminarea unei monede vă poate afecta capacitatea de a o tranzacționa pe Binance. Rămâneți la curent cu anunțurile Binance pentru orice modificări.3. **Verificarea portofoliului**: dacă dețineți oricare dintre aceste active, luați în considerare reevaluarea portofoliului pentru a gestiona eficient riscul. Fiți la curent și tranzacționați cu înțelepciune! 🛡#BinanceNews#CryptoUpdate#DelistingRisk

Lista de monede din lista Binance

Alertă crucială Binance: Monitorizarea monedelor și posibilele delistări** 🚨
Evidențiați o actualizare cheie de la Binance căreia toți comercianții ar trebui să îi acorde atenție. Binance a etichetat recent **32 de monede** cu o „etichetă de monitorizare”, ceea ce indică faptul că aceste active sunt supuse controlului și pot prezenta un risc mai mare. Dacă în prezent dețineți sau tranzacționați oricare dintre aceste monede, acum este momentul să fiți alert și informat. Monedele care au fost semnalate sub „eticheta de monitorizare” includ: **$EPX, $SNT, $FTT, $GFT , $LINA, $SUN, $ZEC, $MBL, $LOOM, $HARD, $BETA, $IRIS, $WRX, $BAL, $REN, $UNFI, $KP3R, $FIRO, $ARK, $CREAM, $ JASMY, $ELF, $OAX, $CTXC, $AKRO, $VGX, $OOKI, $CVP, $AMB, $FOR, $REEF și $CVX.**🔍 **Ce înseamnă eticheta de monitorizare?** Când Binance plasează o „etichetă de monitorizare” pe o monedă, înseamnă de obicei că activul este evaluat îndeaproape pentru a se asigura că îndeplinește standardele de listare ale platformei. Dacă aceste monede nu îndeplinesc criteriile necesare, ar putea fi eliminate din listă.⚠️ **De ce ar trebui să îți pese?**1. **Volatilitate crescută**: Piața acestor monede ar putea deveni mai volatilă pe măsură ce comercianții reacţionează la știri. Este important să fiți atenți la potențialele fluctuații de preț.2. **Posibilă eliminare**: Eliminarea unei monede vă poate afecta capacitatea de a o tranzacționa pe Binance. Rămâneți la curent cu anunțurile Binance pentru orice modificări.3. **Verificarea portofoliului**: dacă dețineți oricare dintre aceste active, luați în considerare reevaluarea portofoliului pentru a gestiona eficient riscul. Fiți la curent și tranzacționați cu înțelepciune! 🛡#BinanceNews#CryptoUpdate#DelistingRisk
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Dacă nu puteți petrece cel puțin 4 ore pe zi pe cripto, nu cumpărați nicio altă monedă decât Bitcoin și ETH 70% pentru#btcși 30% pentru ETH. Nu ai încredere în nimeni. Pentru că atunci când îți pui încrederea, vei fi, de asemenea, predispus la speranță, dezamăgire și corectarea erorilor. Învață automat și asumă-ți responsabilitatea pentru toate acțiunile tale de cumpărare și vânzare. Iată cum puteți obține experiența de batere automată!
Dacă nu puteți petrece cel puțin 4 ore pe zi pe cripto, nu cumpărați nicio altă monedă decât Bitcoin și ETH 70% pentru#btcși 30% pentru ETH.
Nu ai încredere în nimeni. Pentru că atunci când îți pui încrederea, vei fi, de asemenea, predispus la speranță, dezamăgire și corectarea erorilor.
Învață automat și asumă-ți responsabilitatea pentru toate acțiunile tale de cumpărare și vânzare.
Iată cum puteți obține experiența de batere automată!
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Moneda meme bazată pe Ethereum NEIRO vede o creștere semnificativăPotrivit lui Odaily, datele de la Dexscreener dezvăluie că moneda meme bazată pe Ethereum NEIRO a depășit pentru scurt timp 0,13 USDT și se tranzacționează în prezent la 0,1296 USDT. Moneda a înregistrat o creștere de 184% pe 24 de ore.

Moneda meme bazată pe Ethereum NEIRO vede o creștere semnificativă

Potrivit lui Odaily, datele de la Dexscreener dezvăluie că moneda meme bazată pe Ethereum NEIRO a depășit pentru scurt timp 0,13 USDT și se tranzacționează în prezent la 0,1296 USDT. Moneda a înregistrat o creștere de 184% pe 24 de ore.
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Alertă de predicție de preț PEPE pentru Bullrun 2025 În 2025 Bullrun prețul estimat al pepe va fi de 0,0005$ per monedă Care este de 15 ori de aici.
Alertă de predicție de preț PEPE pentru Bullrun 2025

În 2025 Bullrun prețul estimat al pepe va fi de 0,0005$ per monedă
Care este de 15 ori de aici.
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Phoenix ($PHB ) se confruntă cu provocări în a-și menține impulsul pieței, apropiindu-se treptat de nivelul crucial de suport de 1,55 USD pe fondul presiunilor persistente de urs. Cu toate acestea, se anticipează o potențială inversare pe termen scurt, poziționând Phoenix să preia conducerea în următorul ciclu de urcare. În mod remarcabil, Phoenix a demonstrat anterior o creștere impresionantă, cu un câștig remarcabil de 460% în raliul recent. #ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 #BinanceHODLerBANANA #BinanceTurns7 #PHBUSTD
Phoenix ($PHB ) se confruntă cu provocări în a-și menține impulsul pieței, apropiindu-se treptat de nivelul crucial de suport de 1,55 USD pe fondul presiunilor persistente de urs. Cu toate acestea, se anticipează o potențială inversare pe termen scurt, poziționând Phoenix să preia conducerea în următorul ciclu de urcare. În mod remarcabil, Phoenix a demonstrat anterior o creștere impresionantă, cu un câștig remarcabil de 460% în raliul recent.

#ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 #BinanceHODLerBANANA #BinanceTurns7 #PHBUSTD
#PHB $PHB PHB Today's market analysis: At the 1-hour level, the market is clearly in a short position. At the 2/4-hour level, the market is in a bullish pattern. Today's focus is on the price around 1.8252, and the lower targets are around 1.8133, 1.7535 and 1.6914. If the market rebounds, the upper targets can focus on the prices around 1.9137, 1.9448 and 1.9651. Short-term leverage traders should pay attention to strict discipline when watching the market and are strictly prohibited from placing orders at will. Need to analyze the copycat point for follow-up communication 𡝗 search 👉 public account: Encrypted Riding the Wind The long-short dividing line allows you to judge the direction, the resistance level and pressure level are for you to judge the reduction of positions and moving profit-taking. Those who can give you a one-sided market probably have relatives in Wall Street. Pay attention to the market to make orders (BTC ETH). The software is dead, but people are flexible. Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my personal profile or pinned articles #PHBUSDT #PHB.智能策略库 #PHB.24小时交易策略 #PHB.每日智能策略 PHBUSDT Perp 1.6932 -4.36% Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs. 1k Views 3 Likes 0 Quotes 0 Shares 1 Replies Most Relevant Most Recent Feed-Creator-5389bc219 Dayı #phb hedefin nedir uzun vade
#PHB $PHB PHB Today's market analysis:
At the 1-hour level, the market is clearly in a short position.
At the 2/4-hour level, the market is in a bullish pattern.
Today's focus is on the price around 1.8252, and the lower targets are around 1.8133, 1.7535 and 1.6914.
If the market rebounds, the upper targets can focus on the prices around 1.9137, 1.9448 and 1.9651.
Short-term leverage traders should pay attention to strict discipline when watching the market and are strictly prohibited from placing orders at will. Need to analyze the copycat point for follow-up communication 𡝗 search 👉 public account: Encrypted Riding the Wind
The long-short dividing line allows you to judge the direction, the resistance level and pressure level are for you to judge the reduction of positions and moving profit-taking. Those who can give you a one-sided market probably have relatives in Wall Street. Pay attention to the market to make orders (BTC ETH). The software is dead, but people are flexible.
Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my personal profile or pinned articles #PHBUSDT #PHB.智能策略库 #PHB.24小时交易策略 #PHB.每日智能策略
Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
1 Replies
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Dayı #phb hedefin nedir uzun vade
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Breaking News Alert 🚨 Experts at Token2049 in Dubai have made predictions for the top 10 coins: 1) BTC expected to reach $80,000 in May. 2) ETH projected to hit $4,500 by May-June. 3) BNB forecasted at $650 in May-June. 4) SOL anticipated to reach $350 in May-June. 5) DOT predicted to reach $45 by June. 6) Matic expected at $3.5 by June-July. 7) ADA forecasted at $1.9 by May-June. 8) NEAR projected to hit $15 by May-June. 9) AGIX anticipated at $3.5 by June. 10) DOGE expected to reach $0.45 by June-July. #bitcoinhalving #Megadrop #Token2049 #BullorBear #Memecoins
Breaking News Alert 🚨 Experts at Token2049 in Dubai have made predictions for the top 10 coins:
1) BTC expected to reach $80,000 in May.
2) ETH projected to hit $4,500 by May-June.
3) BNB forecasted at $650 in May-June.
4) SOL anticipated to reach $350 in May-June.
5) DOT predicted to reach $45 by June.
6) Matic expected at $3.5 by June-July.
7) ADA forecasted at $1.9 by May-June.
8) NEAR projected to hit $15 by May-June.
9) AGIX anticipated at $3.5 by June.
10) DOGE expected to reach $0.45 by June-July.

#bitcoinhalving #Megadrop #Token2049 #BullorBear #Memecoins
#xrp SHOULD YOU BUY XRP? ( flashlight 🔦 ) xrp fell from 0.546 to 0.449 DIDN'T get a big hit unlike some coin IT has high resistance however XRP hasn't fly when every coin experience bullish 🐂 #xrp DIDN'T even start it's engine 🚂 #btc and lots of crypto currency breaks all time high XRP didn't even went half way, of it's all time high should you buy XRP ? my answer is Yes but with a long term in mind why ? BECAUSE of their case, only if they win XRP will fly 💸 We don't know when , THERE are lots of new on XRP another question is XRP worth it yes , right now XRP have direct links with so many banks it's a cross border crypto most people who don't trust exchange will stick to XRP AND ETF, it look as if XRP WILL replace paper money while BTC is like digital God MOST countries will stick to XRP , since they don't want to deal with dollar and America control ETF but with XRP you still get your money in banks 🏦 without Swiss code most countries will USE XRP in the nearest future #bitcoinhalving #Megadrop #Token2049 #BullorBear #Memecoins
( flashlight 🔦 )
xrp fell from 0.546 to 0.449
DIDN'T get a big hit unlike some coin
IT has high resistance
XRP hasn't fly when every coin experience bullish 🐂 #xrp
DIDN'T even start it's engine 🚂
#btc and lots of crypto currency breaks all time high
XRP didn't even went half way, of it's all time high
should you buy XRP ?
my answer is
Yes but with a long term in mind
why ?
BECAUSE of their case, only if they win XRP will fly 💸
We don't know when , THERE are lots of new on XRP
another question is XRP worth it
yes , right now XRP have direct links with so many banks
it's a cross border crypto
most people who don't trust exchange will stick to XRP
AND ETF, it look as if XRP
WILL replace paper money
while BTC is like digital God
MOST countries will stick to XRP , since they don't want to deal with dollar and America control ETF but with XRP you still get your money in banks 🏦 without Swiss code
most countries will USE XRP in the nearest future

#bitcoinhalving #Megadrop #Token2049 #BullorBear #Memecoins
Historical Bitcoin's Dramatic Seen: - 2015 =$BTC reached $280 - 2016 = Surged to $670 - 2017 = Skyrocketed to $2590 - 2018 = Climbed to $6390 - 2019 = Peaked at $7790 - 2020 = Hit $8720 - 2021 = Massive jump to $49690 - 2022 = Dropped slightly to $38520 - 2023 = Decreased to $27270 - 2024 = Soared to $69350 - 2025 = Drop your guess in the comments #BinanceLaunchpool #cpi #bitcoinhalving #Memecoins #write2earn🌐
Historical Bitcoin's Dramatic Seen:

- 2015 =$BTC reached $280
- 2016 = Surged to $670
- 2017 = Skyrocketed to $2590
- 2018 = Climbed to $6390
- 2019 = Peaked at $7790
- 2020 = Hit $8720
- 2021 = Massive jump to $49690
- 2022 = Dropped slightly to $38520
- 2023 = Decreased to $27270
- 2024 = Soared to $69350
- 2025 = Drop your guess in the comments

#BinanceLaunchpool #cpi #bitcoinhalving #Memecoins #write2earn🌐
$ENA It has been online for 6 hours and has not dropped. The price has been stable at around 0.65U. The leading stablecoin in this bull market has basically stabilized. 💥I got more than 10,000 coins in the last round of airdrops, and I made a small profit of 8,000U today. 🎉If you missed the first round of airdrops, you can try the second round. There are only 6 days. If the price remains stable, it is no problem to make tens of thousands of U in 6 days #Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #ENA #Write2Earrn
$ENA It has been online for 6 hours and has not dropped. The price has been stable at around 0.65U. The leading stablecoin in this bull market has basically stabilized.
💥I got more than 10,000 coins in the last round of airdrops, and I made a small profit of 8,000U today.
🎉If you missed the first round of airdrops, you can try the second round. There are only 6 days. If the price remains stable, it is no problem to make tens of thousands of U in 6 days

#Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #ENA #Write2Earrn
Best Crypto Coins For Upcoming bull run
Best Crypto Coins For Upcoming bull run
Alert: 100,000 Bitcoin Cash (BCH) worth $59,472,665 has been transferred from an unknown wallet to another unknown wallet.
Alert: 100,000 Bitcoin Cash (BCH) worth $59,472,665 has been transferred from an unknown wallet to another unknown wallet.
Pepe Coin Prediction 29 March 2024 uk and canada According to our $Pepe Coin price prediction, **PEPE** is expected to reach a price of **$0.000010** by **April 3, 2024**¹. This would represent a **30.29% price increase** for PEPE in the next 5 days. The current market sentiment is **bullish**, with a **Fear & Greed Index score of 79 (Extreme Greed)**¹. Keep an eye on the market trends, and remember that cryptocurrency prices can be highly volatile! 🚀📉 #Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #Write2Earrn #PEPEGrowth
Pepe Coin Prediction 29 March 2024 uk and canada
According to our $Pepe Coin price prediction, **PEPE** is expected to reach a price of **$0.000010** by **April 3, 2024**¹. This would represent a **30.29% price increase** for PEPE in the next 5 days. The current market sentiment is **bullish**, with a **Fear & Greed Index score of 79 (Extreme Greed)**¹. Keep an eye on the market trends, and remember that cryptocurrency prices can be highly volatile! 🚀📉

#Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #Write2Earrn #PEPEGrowth
If you invest 💵 $300 in PEPE at 💵 $0.00000785 per token and it later rises to 💵 $0.005 per token, here's your potential earnings: 🚨🚨 👉- Number of PEPE tokens purchased: 💵 $300 / $0.00000785 per token ≈ 38,217,391 tokens - Profit = ($0.005 per token - $0.00000785 per token) * 38,217,391 tokens ≈ $189,861.42
If you invest 💵 $300 in PEPE at 💵 $0.00000785 per token and it later rises to 💵 $0.005 per token, here's your potential earnings: 🚨🚨
👉- Number of PEPE tokens purchased: 💵 $300 / $0.00000785 per token ≈ 38,217,391 tokens
- Profit = ($0.005 per token - $0.00000785 per token) * 38,217,391 tokens ≈ $189,861.42
Is Shiba Inu Going To $1 ??Let's settle the debate once and for all! 🐕💰 .... Lately, the internet has been buzzing with predictions about the future of Shiba Inu cryptocurrency. Some foresee it skyrocketing to $1, while others speculate values like $0.1, $0.001, or even worthlessness. These speculations paint a colorful picture, but they also leave many feeling bewildered. .... But should we dismiss these predictions outright? Perhaps that would be ignoring the lessons of history. Think back to 2011, when Bitcoin debuted at $2, and some dared to predict it reaching $10,000. They faced skepticism and ridicule, yet history proved them right. .... Sure, the idea of SHIB hitting $1 might seem far-fetched. Factors like total supply and burning rates are real constraints. It might take years, maybe even beyond our lifetimes. But remember, the future holds infinite possibilities. .... In a world of constant change, predicting the future is a fool's errand. New technologies emerge unpredictably, shaping markets in unforeseen ways. We can analyze, speculate, but deeming something impossible is premature. .... Let's embrace the uncertainty and marvel at the potential ahead. Maybe SHIB will reach heights beyond imagination, or face challenges before shining brightly. Regardless, the journey is what makes investing enchanting—it's full of surprises and unknowns. #HotTrends #ETH #BOME #BTC #Shiba 🐕

Is Shiba Inu Going To $1 ??

Let's settle the debate once and for all! 🐕💰
Lately, the internet has been buzzing with predictions about the future of Shiba Inu cryptocurrency. Some foresee it skyrocketing to $1, while others speculate values like $0.1, $0.001, or even worthlessness. These speculations paint a colorful picture, but they also leave many feeling bewildered.
But should we dismiss these predictions outright? Perhaps that would be ignoring the lessons of history. Think back to 2011, when Bitcoin debuted at $2, and some dared to predict it reaching $10,000. They faced skepticism and ridicule, yet history proved them right.
Sure, the idea of SHIB hitting $1 might seem far-fetched. Factors like total supply and burning rates are real constraints. It might take years, maybe even beyond our lifetimes. But remember, the future holds infinite possibilities.
In a world of constant change, predicting the future is a fool's errand. New technologies emerge unpredictably, shaping markets in unforeseen ways. We can analyze, speculate, but deeming something impossible is premature.
Let's embrace the uncertainty and marvel at the potential ahead. Maybe SHIB will reach heights beyond imagination, or face challenges before shining brightly. Regardless, the journey is what makes investing enchanting—it's full of surprises and unknowns.
#HotTrends #ETH #BOME #BTC #Shiba 🐕
Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Wins Lawsuit Against YouTube Over Bitcoin ScamAccording to PANews, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has won the latest round of a legal battle against YouTube, involving the use of manipulated videos featuring Wozniak's likeness, which were used in a 2020 Bitcoin scam. The recent ruling by an appellate court overturns a lower court's decision that had previously absolved YouTube of any responsibility. The appellate court in San Jose ruled that YouTube cannot rely on controversial communications regulations to avoid liability for its fraudulent actions, which involved using Wozniak's fame and manipulating videos to deceive people. The latest ruling will allow Wozniak to continue his lawsuit against the YouTube platform and may pave the way for amendments to federal law. Currently, federal law protects video streaming platforms like YouTube from any liability for videos posted on their platforms. In June 2021, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak sued YouTube over Bitcoin scam videos. #HotTrends #Write2Erarn #SLERF #ETHFI⁩ #BOME

Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Wins Lawsuit Against YouTube Over Bitcoin Scam

According to PANews, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has won the latest round of a legal battle against YouTube, involving the use of manipulated videos featuring Wozniak's likeness, which were used in a 2020 Bitcoin scam. The recent ruling by an appellate court overturns a lower court's decision that had previously absolved YouTube of any responsibility.
The appellate court in San Jose ruled that YouTube cannot rely on controversial communications regulations to avoid liability for its fraudulent actions, which involved using Wozniak's fame and manipulating videos to deceive people. The latest ruling will allow Wozniak to continue his lawsuit against the YouTube platform and may pave the way for amendments to federal law. Currently, federal law protects video streaming platforms like YouTube from any liability for videos posted on their platforms.
In June 2021, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak sued YouTube over Bitcoin scam videos.
#HotTrends #Write2Erarn #SLERF #ETHFI⁩ #BOME
US Bitcoin ETFs Reach $150 Billion in Cumulative Trading VolumeAccording to PANews, the cumulative trading volume of US Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) surpassed $150 billion on Tuesday, less than 10 weeks before the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is expected to approve ETFs from companies like BlackRock, Fidelity, and Bitwise. Data from The Block's dashboard shows that since the total trading volume of spot Bitcoin ETFs first reached the $100 billion milestone on March 8th, the cumulative trading volume has increased by $50 billion, reaching $151.4 billion by the end of Tuesday. On Tuesday, the spot trading volume of Bitcoin ETFs was $5.6 billion, with BlackRock's IBIT accounting for $2.5 billion, followed by Grayscale's GBTC and Fidelity's FBTC at $1.5 billion and $962 million, respectively. #HotTrends #SLERF #ETHFI⁩ #BOME #write2earn….

US Bitcoin ETFs Reach $150 Billion in Cumulative Trading Volume

According to PANews, the cumulative trading volume of US Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) surpassed $150 billion on Tuesday, less than 10 weeks before the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is expected to approve ETFs from companies like BlackRock, Fidelity, and Bitwise.
Data from The Block's dashboard shows that since the total trading volume of spot Bitcoin ETFs first reached the $100 billion milestone on March 8th, the cumulative trading volume has increased by $50 billion, reaching $151.4 billion by the end of Tuesday.
On Tuesday, the spot trading volume of Bitcoin ETFs was $5.6 billion, with BlackRock's IBIT accounting for $2.5 billion, followed by Grayscale's GBTC and Fidelity's FBTC at $1.5 billion and $962 million, respectively.
#HotTrends #SLERF #ETHFI⁩ #BOME #write2earn….
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