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Compus (COMPUSD) extinde perioada de retracere Analiza pieței: retragerea optimistă este încă în desfășurare Un vârf demn de remarcat a fost stabilit la nivelul de 81,20 USD, la sfârșitul lunii februarie 2024. Acest lucru a condus la o scădere pronunțată, prețul compusului întâmpinând o rezistență substanțială la nivelul de 45,50 USD. Niveluri cheie compuse Niveluri de cerere: 45,50 USD, 34,80 USD Niveluri de aprovizionare: 68,80 USD, 81,20 USD #compus
Compus (COMPUSD) extinde perioada de retracere

Analiza pieței: retragerea optimistă este încă în desfășurare
Un vârf demn de remarcat a fost stabilit la nivelul de 81,20 USD, la sfârșitul lunii februarie 2024.

Acest lucru a condus la o scădere pronunțată, prețul compusului întâmpinând o rezistență substanțială la nivelul de 45,50 USD.

Niveluri cheie compuse
Niveluri de cerere: 45,50 USD, 34,80 USD
Niveluri de aprovizionare: 68,80 USD, 81,20 USD

Terraform Labs and Do Kwon have reached a "settlement in principle" with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding a fraud case, according to a court filing ¹. Here are the details of the case: - Terraform Labs and its co-founder Do Kwon were charged with fraud by the SEC in February 2023. - The SEC alleged that Terraform and Kwon raised billions of dollars from investors by offering and selling an inter-connected suite of crypto asset securities without proper registration. - The case went to trial in March 2024, and a jury found Terraform and Kwon liable for fraud. - The SEC sought a $5.3 billion penalty, but the parties reached a settlement in principle before the trial concluded. - The terms of the settlement are not yet public, but the parties have until June 12 to file the required documents in support of the settlement. - Do Kwon is currently out on bail in Montenegro, awaiting extradition to either the U.S. or South Korea. He also faces criminal charges in both countries. #Lunc2TheMoonSoon
Terraform Labs and Do Kwon have reached a "settlement in principle" with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding a fraud case, according to a court filing ¹. Here are the details of the case:
- Terraform Labs and its co-founder Do Kwon were charged with fraud by the SEC in February 2023.
- The SEC alleged that Terraform and Kwon raised billions of dollars from investors by offering and selling an inter-connected suite of crypto asset securities without proper registration.
- The case went to trial in March 2024, and a jury found Terraform and Kwon liable for fraud.
- The SEC sought a $5.3 billion penalty, but the parties reached a settlement in principle before the trial concluded.
- The terms of the settlement are not yet public, but the parties have until June 12 to file the required documents in support of the settlement.
- Do Kwon is currently out on bail in Montenegro, awaiting extradition to either the U.S. or South Korea. He also faces criminal charges in both countries.
Vedeți originalul
Iată o versiune actualizată: _Imputerizarea comercianților începători: o misiune altruistă_ În lumea tranzacționării cu criptomonede, cunoașterea este putere. Cu toate acestea, mulți începători sunt lăsați să navigheze singuri în peisajul complex, fără îndrumare sau sprijin. Aici intervine comunitatea noastră – un grup de 25 de comercianți cu experiență pe Binance Exchange dedicati împărtășirii expertizei și resurselor noastre cu cei care abia încep. _Îndrumare gratuită pentru toți_ Misiunea noastră este clară: să oferim comercianților începători cunoștințele și abilitățile de care au nevoie pentru a reuși. Nu vorbim doar despre sfaturi și trucuri; oferim asistență cuprinzătoare, inclusiv: - Webinarii și ateliere de lucru privind analiza tehnică, managementul riscurilor și înțelegerea pieței - Mentorizare individuală de la comercianți cu experiență - Provocări de tranzacționare simulate pentru a exersa și a îmbunătăți abilitățile - Sesiuni de întrebări și răspunsuri și forumuri de discuții pentru asistență continuă - Acces la resurse valoroase, inclusiv cărți, articole și instrumente - Dezvoltarea strategiei comerciale si analiza pietei _Identificarea comercianților geniali_ Dar asta nu este tot. De asemenea, suntem în căutarea unor talente excepționale – comercianți geniali care au ceea ce este necesar pentru a se alătura programului nostru exclusiv de Club Trading. Cu Club Investment, vom oferi fondurile necesare pentru ca acești indivizi talentați să facă tranzacții, permițându-le să-și dezvolte abilitățile și să-și construiască o carieră de succes în comerț. _Beneficiile Club Trading_ În calitate de membru al programului nostru Club Trading, vă veți bucura de: - Acces la un pool de investiții comun pentru a maximiza potențialul de tranzacționare - Strategii de tranzacționare în colaborare și schimb de idei - Îndrumare continuă și îndrumare din partea comercianților cu experiență - Acces prioritar la noi resurse și instrumente - O comunitate de susținere de comercianți cu idei similare _Alătură-te mișcării_ Dacă ești un comerciant începător care caută îndrumare și sprijin, sau un comerciant talentat care dorește să-ți ducă abilitățile la nivelul următor, alătură-te comunității noastre astăzi. Împreună, putem construi un viitor mai luminos pentru tranzacționarea cu criptomonede, în care toată lumea are oportunitatea de a prospera.
Iată o versiune actualizată:

_Imputerizarea comercianților începători: o misiune altruistă_

În lumea tranzacționării cu criptomonede, cunoașterea este putere. Cu toate acestea, mulți începători sunt lăsați să navigheze singuri în peisajul complex, fără îndrumare sau sprijin. Aici intervine comunitatea noastră – un grup de 25 de comercianți cu experiență pe Binance Exchange dedicati împărtășirii expertizei și resurselor noastre cu cei care abia încep.

_Îndrumare gratuită pentru toți_

Misiunea noastră este clară: să oferim comercianților începători cunoștințele și abilitățile de care au nevoie pentru a reuși. Nu vorbim doar despre sfaturi și trucuri; oferim asistență cuprinzătoare, inclusiv:

- Webinarii și ateliere de lucru privind analiza tehnică, managementul riscurilor și înțelegerea pieței
- Mentorizare individuală de la comercianți cu experiență
- Provocări de tranzacționare simulate pentru a exersa și a îmbunătăți abilitățile
- Sesiuni de întrebări și răspunsuri și forumuri de discuții pentru asistență continuă
- Acces la resurse valoroase, inclusiv cărți, articole și instrumente
- Dezvoltarea strategiei comerciale si analiza pietei

_Identificarea comercianților geniali_

Dar asta nu este tot. De asemenea, suntem în căutarea unor talente excepționale – comercianți geniali care au ceea ce este necesar pentru a se alătura programului nostru exclusiv de Club Trading. Cu Club Investment, vom oferi fondurile necesare pentru ca acești indivizi talentați să facă tranzacții, permițându-le să-și dezvolte abilitățile și să-și construiască o carieră de succes în comerț.

_Beneficiile Club Trading_

În calitate de membru al programului nostru Club Trading, vă veți bucura de:

- Acces la un pool de investiții comun pentru a maximiza potențialul de tranzacționare
- Strategii de tranzacționare în colaborare și schimb de idei
- Îndrumare continuă și îndrumare din partea comercianților cu experiență
- Acces prioritar la noi resurse și instrumente
- O comunitate de susținere de comercianți cu idei similare

_Alătură-te mișcării_

Dacă ești un comerciant începător care caută îndrumare și sprijin, sau un comerciant talentat care dorește să-ți ducă abilitățile la nivelul următor, alătură-te comunității noastre astăzi. Împreună, putem construi un viitor mai luminos pentru tranzacționarea cu criptomonede, în care toată lumea are oportunitatea de a prospera.
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How to make mony with binance send gift and receive more gifts from binance 1N65TD13 claim your 🎁 Dogecoin (DOGE) has been gaining attention lately, and the rumors of an ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) plan have contributed to the hype. Here are some reasons why Dogecoin's price might surge if an ETF is approved: 1. *Increased liquidity*: An ETF would provide a more straightforward way for investors to buy and sell Dogecoin, increasing liquidity and potentially driving up demand. 2. *Institutional investment*: An ETF would allow institutional investors, such as hedge funds and asset managers, to invest in Dogecoin, bringing in new capital and driving up the price. 3. *Mainstream adoption*: An ETF would further legitimize Dogecoin and cryptocurrencies in general, potentially leading to more widespread adoption and interest from individual investors. 4. *Compliance and regulation*: An approved ETF would indicate that Dogecoin meets regulatory standards, boosting confidence in the asset. 5. *Marketing and awareness*: The ETF approval process would generate significant media attention, raising awareness about Dogecoin and attracting new investors. However, it's important to remember that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate rapidly. Additionally, there are no guarantees that an ETF will be approved or that it will lead to a price surge. Keep in mind that investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks, and it's essential to do your research and consider your risk tolerance before investing. Do you have any other questions about Dogecoin or cryptocurrency ETFs?
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Dogecoin (DOGE) has been gaining attention lately, and the rumors of an ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) plan have contributed to the hype. Here are some reasons why Dogecoin's price might surge if an ETF is approved:

1. *Increased liquidity*: An ETF would provide a more straightforward way for investors to buy and sell Dogecoin, increasing liquidity and potentially driving up demand.
2. *Institutional investment*: An ETF would allow institutional investors, such as hedge funds and asset managers, to invest in Dogecoin, bringing in new capital and driving up the price.
3. *Mainstream adoption*: An ETF would further legitimize Dogecoin and cryptocurrencies in general, potentially leading to more widespread adoption and interest from individual investors.
4. *Compliance and regulation*: An approved ETF would indicate that Dogecoin meets regulatory standards, boosting confidence in the asset.
5. *Marketing and awareness*: The ETF approval process would generate significant media attention, raising awareness about Dogecoin and attracting new investors.

However, it's important to remember that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate rapidly. Additionally, there are no guarantees that an ETF will be approved or that it will lead to a price surge.

Keep in mind that investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks, and it's essential to do your research and consider your risk tolerance before investing.

Do you have any other questions about Dogecoin or cryptocurrency ETFs?
#ETHETFsApproved If an Ethereum ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) is approved, it could potentially lead to a significant increase in the price of Ethereum (ETH). Here's why: 1. *Institutional investment*: An ETF would allow institutional investors, such as pension funds, hedge funds, and asset managers, to invest in Ethereum, which could lead to a significant influx of capital. 2. *Increased liquidity*: An ETF would provide a more straightforward way for investors to buy and sell Ethereum, increasing liquidity and potentially driving up demand. 3. *Mainstream adoption*: An ETF would further legitimize Ethereum and cryptocurrencies in general, potentially leading to more widespread adoption and interest from individual investors. 4. *Compliance and regulation*: An approved ETF would indicate that Ethereum meets regulatory standards, which could boost confidence in the asset. However, it's important to note that the impact on Ethereum's price would depend on various factors, such as: 1. *Market conditions*: The overall market sentiment and conditions at the time of approval. 2. *Competition*: The presence of other cryptocurrency ETFs or investment products. 3. *Regulatory environment*: The regulatory landscape and potential changes in laws or regulations. If an Ethereum ETF is approved, the price of ETH could potentially skyrocket, but it's crucial to remember that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate rapidly.
#ETHETFsApproved If an Ethereum ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) is approved, it could potentially lead to a significant increase in the price of Ethereum (ETH). Here's why:

1. *Institutional investment*: An ETF would allow institutional investors, such as pension funds, hedge funds, and asset managers, to invest in Ethereum, which could lead to a significant influx of capital.
2. *Increased liquidity*: An ETF would provide a more straightforward way for investors to buy and sell Ethereum, increasing liquidity and potentially driving up demand.
3. *Mainstream adoption*: An ETF would further legitimize Ethereum and cryptocurrencies in general, potentially leading to more widespread adoption and interest from individual investors.
4. *Compliance and regulation*: An approved ETF would indicate that Ethereum meets regulatory standards, which could boost confidence in the asset.

However, it's important to note that the impact on Ethereum's price would depend on various factors, such as:

1. *Market conditions*: The overall market sentiment and conditions at the time of approval.
2. *Competition*: The presence of other cryptocurrency ETFs or investment products.
3. *Regulatory environment*: The regulatory landscape and potential changes in laws or regulations.

If an Ethereum ETF is approved, the price of ETH could potentially skyrocket, but it's crucial to remember that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate rapidly.
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 All time happy happy ,mony is No problem with Binance Trading with cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, involves buying and selling digital assets on online exchanges or platforms. Here are some key aspects of trading cryptocurrencies: 1. *Exchanges*: Online platforms where users can buy and sell cryptocurrencies, such as Binance, Coinbase, or Kraken. 2. *Trading pairs*: Cryptocurrencies are traded in pairs, e.g., BTC/USDT (Bitcoin vs. Tether) or ETH/BTC (Ethereum vs. Bitcoin). 3. *Order types*: Users can place different types of orders, such as: - *Market order*: Buy or sell at the current market price. - *Limit order*: Buy or sell at a specified price. - *Stop-loss order*: Sell when the price falls below a set level. 4. *Leverage*: Some exchanges offer leverage, allowing users to borrow funds to increase their trading position. 5. *Technical analysis*: Traders use charts and indicators to predict price movements and make informed decisions. 6. *Risk management*: It's essential to set stop-loss orders and limit positions to minimize potential losses. 7. *Market volatility*: Cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate rapidly, making trading risky. 8. *Fees*: Exchanges charge fees for trading, withdrawals, and other services. Some popular trading strategies include: 1. *Day trading*: Buying and selling within a single trading day. 2. *Swing trading*: Holding positions for a shorter period, aiming to profit from medium-term price movements. 3. *Long-term investing*: Holding cryptocurrencies for an extended period, hoping for long-term growth. Remember, trading carries risks, and it's essential to educate yourself and set clear goals before entering the cryptocurrency market. Do you have any specific questions about trading cryptocurrencies?
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 All time happy happy ,mony is No problem with Binance

Trading with cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, involves buying and selling digital assets on online exchanges or platforms. Here are some key aspects of trading cryptocurrencies:

1. *Exchanges*: Online platforms where users can buy and sell cryptocurrencies, such as Binance, Coinbase, or Kraken.
2. *Trading pairs*: Cryptocurrencies are traded in pairs, e.g., BTC/USDT (Bitcoin vs. Tether) or ETH/BTC (Ethereum vs. Bitcoin).
3. *Order types*: Users can place different types of orders, such as:
- *Market order*: Buy or sell at the current market price.
- *Limit order*: Buy or sell at a specified price.
- *Stop-loss order*: Sell when the price falls below a set level.
4. *Leverage*: Some exchanges offer leverage, allowing users to borrow funds to increase their trading position.
5. *Technical analysis*: Traders use charts and indicators to predict price movements and make informed decisions.
6. *Risk management*: It's essential to set stop-loss orders and limit positions to minimize potential losses.
7. *Market volatility*: Cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate rapidly, making trading risky.
8. *Fees*: Exchanges charge fees for trading, withdrawals, and other services.

Some popular trading strategies include:

1. *Day trading*: Buying and selling within a single trading day.
2. *Swing trading*: Holding positions for a shorter period, aiming to profit from medium-term price movements.
3. *Long-term investing*: Holding cryptocurrencies for an extended period, hoping for long-term growth.

Remember, trading carries risks, and it's essential to educate yourself and set clear goals before entering the cryptocurrency market.

Do you have any specific questions about trading cryptocurrencies?
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wProducts Solutions Developers Network Ecosystem About 2024 Ⓒ Wormhole. All Rights Reserved. 10 Apr 2024 • 3 min read What is Wormhole? Share: Wormhole is the leading interoperability platform powering multichain applications and bridges at scale. The platform is designed to connect different blockchains, allowing for the secure and efficient transfer of data and assets. Individual blockchains like Ethereum and Solana are not inherently compatible with each other. Imagine Wormhole as a series of highways connecting cities, where each city represents a distinct blockchain ecosystem. How did Wormhole get started? In 2020, Wormhole introduced the first-ever general messaging protocol, with the original goal of connecting Ethereum and Solana. At the time, Wormhole was the only way to transfer assets between Ethereum and Solana at scale. By facilitating interoperability between the two chains, Wormhole played a key role in growing the Solana ecosystem — even co-hosting the first-ever Solana Hackathon in October 2020, called the Solana Wormhole hackathon. Who uses Wormhole? Since those early days of connecting Solana and Ethereum in 2020, Wormhole has become the leading interoperability platform. Wormhole's modular suite of open source, permissionless protocols and tools are being used by the multichain builders of over 200 applications and more than 1 million unique wallets to move various types of data across 30+ blockchains. The platform has handled over 1 billion multichain messages for applications and is trusted by teams like AMD, Uniswap, Circle, Lido, Synthetix, Pyth, Pancakeswap, Jupiter, Backpack, and more. In 2023, the Uniswap Foundation’s Bridge Assessment Committee conducted a third-party multi-month study that resulted in a report showing Wormhole rated #1 and the only unconditionally approved interoperability protocol for use by the Uniswap DAO, a study based primarily on security and decentralization practices. Who maintains Wormhole? The Wormhole platform is being developed by a decentralized set of teams that contribute to security, engineering, research, product development, ecosystem growth, and community. These teams include Wormhole Foundation, xLabs, Wormhole Labs, and Asymmetric Research, as well as other contributors like Wormhole China, Superteam, ZK engineering teams like Lurk, Zpoken, and Succinct, among others. What technology powers Wormhole? In the traditional blockchain development paradigm, applications are often confined to their native ecosystems, limiting their functionality and interaction capabilities. Wormhole breaks down these boundaries, offering developers a solution for creating applications that operate seamlessly across multiple blockchains. These solutions are primarily facilitated by Wormhole's foundational Messaging protocol, which allows for the secure transfer of arbitrary data between blockchains. Wormhole prioritizes the safety and integrity of cross-chain communications and multichain development by leveraging proven technology and decentralized validation via the Guardians, a decentralized network of 19 validator nodes that ensures message integrity and security. Every aspect of Wormhole is fully open source and can be viewed in the Wormhole Foundation Github. Anyone interested in seeing a visual representation of multichain activity being enabled by Wormhole is encouraged to visit Wormholescan. How is Wormhole evolving? Wormhole is committed to building a future-proof, decentralized ecosystem. Its mission extends to enhancing the multichain developer experience through improved software development kits (SDKs), tooling, and documentation, alongside pioneering new messaging pathways with zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs for trustless authentication. Introducing the Wormhole token (W) has further decentralizes governance and enhances utility, marking a new chapter in Wormhole's journey as it continues to lead at the forefront of Web3's infrastructure. How To Get Involved With Wormhole The Wormhole ecosystem is a vibrant, fast-growing community of builders and users that is shaping the future of Web3. Anyone around the world interested in contributing to Wormhole as an advocate using skills like technology, creative content, translations, events, community moderation is invited to join the Wormhole Fellowship program. To learn more about Wormhole, visit the Wormhole website, Twitter, Discord, or blog. About Wormhole Wormhole is the leading interoperability platform that powers multichain applications and bridges at scale. Wormhole provides developers access to liquidity and users on over 30 of the leading blockchain networks, enabling use cases that span DeFi, NFTs, governance, and more. The wider Wormhole network is trusted and used by teams like Circle and Uniswap. To date, the platform has facilitated the transfer of over 40 billion dollars through over 1 billion cross-chain messages. To learn more about Wormhole, visit the Wormhole website, Twitter, Discord, or blog.


2024 Ⓒ Wormhole. All Rights Reserved.
10 Apr 2024

3 min read
What is Wormhole?

Wormhole is the leading interoperability platform powering multichain applications and bridges at scale. The platform is designed to connect different blockchains, allowing for the secure and efficient transfer of data and assets. Individual blockchains like Ethereum and Solana are not inherently compatible with each other. Imagine Wormhole as a series of highways connecting cities, where each city represents a distinct blockchain ecosystem.
How did Wormhole get started?
In 2020, Wormhole introduced the first-ever general messaging protocol, with the original goal of connecting Ethereum and Solana. At the time, Wormhole was the only way to transfer assets between Ethereum and Solana at scale. By facilitating interoperability between the two chains, Wormhole played a key role in growing the Solana ecosystem — even co-hosting the first-ever Solana Hackathon in October 2020, called the Solana Wormhole hackathon.
Who uses Wormhole?
Since those early days of connecting Solana and Ethereum in 2020, Wormhole has become the leading interoperability platform. Wormhole's modular suite of open source, permissionless protocols and tools are being used by the multichain builders of over 200 applications and more than 1 million unique wallets to move various types of data across 30+ blockchains. The platform has handled over 1 billion multichain messages for applications and is trusted by teams like AMD, Uniswap, Circle, Lido, Synthetix, Pyth, Pancakeswap, Jupiter, Backpack, and more. In 2023, the Uniswap Foundation’s Bridge Assessment Committee conducted a third-party multi-month study that resulted in a report showing Wormhole rated #1 and the only unconditionally approved interoperability protocol for use by the Uniswap DAO, a study based primarily on security and decentralization practices.
Who maintains Wormhole?
The Wormhole platform is being developed by a decentralized set of teams that contribute to security, engineering, research, product development, ecosystem growth, and community. These teams include Wormhole Foundation, xLabs, Wormhole Labs, and Asymmetric Research, as well as other contributors like Wormhole China, Superteam, ZK engineering teams like Lurk, Zpoken, and Succinct, among others.
What technology powers Wormhole?
In the traditional blockchain development paradigm, applications are often confined to their native ecosystems, limiting their functionality and interaction capabilities. Wormhole breaks down these boundaries, offering developers a solution for creating applications that operate seamlessly across multiple blockchains. These solutions are primarily facilitated by Wormhole's foundational Messaging protocol, which allows for the secure transfer of arbitrary data between blockchains.
Wormhole prioritizes the safety and integrity of cross-chain communications and multichain development by leveraging proven technology and decentralized validation via the Guardians, a decentralized network of 19 validator nodes that ensures message integrity and security. Every aspect of Wormhole is fully open source and can be viewed in the Wormhole Foundation Github. Anyone interested in seeing a visual representation of multichain activity being enabled by Wormhole is encouraged to visit Wormholescan.
How is Wormhole evolving?
Wormhole is committed to building a future-proof, decentralized ecosystem. Its mission extends to enhancing the multichain developer experience through improved software development kits (SDKs), tooling, and documentation, alongside pioneering new messaging pathways with zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs for trustless authentication. Introducing the Wormhole token (W) has further decentralizes governance and enhances utility, marking a new chapter in Wormhole's journey as it continues to lead at the forefront of Web3's infrastructure.
How To Get Involved With Wormhole
The Wormhole ecosystem is a vibrant, fast-growing community of builders and users that is shaping the future of Web3. Anyone around the world interested in contributing to Wormhole as an advocate using skills like technology, creative content, translations, events, community moderation is invited to join the Wormhole Fellowship program.
To learn more about Wormhole, visit the Wormhole website, Twitter, Discord, or blog.

About Wormhole
Wormhole is the leading interoperability platform that powers multichain applications and bridges at scale. Wormhole provides developers access to liquidity and users on over 30 of the leading blockchain networks, enabling use cases that span DeFi, NFTs, governance, and more.
The wider Wormhole network is trusted and used by teams like Circle and Uniswap. To date, the platform has facilitated the transfer of over 40 billion dollars through over 1 billion cross-chain messages. To learn more about Wormhole, visit the Wormhole website, Twitter, Discord, or blog.
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