Una gran publicación que vale la pena leer, sobre todo por los consejos que da!!!
✨️Călătoria mea pe Binance și sfaturi pentru toți începătorii✨️
#Binance250MUsers Călătoria mea cu Binance a început în 2023, când am fost pentru prima dată introdus în lumea criptomonedelor de către prietenul meu. Fascinat de potențialul finanțelor descentralizate, am decis să explorez piața crypto și am descoperit că Binance este o platformă populară și prietenoasă cu utilizatorii. La început, am început cu investiții mici, concentrându-mă în principal pe învățarea conceptelor de bază ale tranzacționării criptomonedelor.📚 Primul meu schimb este un mic profit pe PEPE și BNB. M-a încurajat să mă aprofundeze în piața crypto. Continu să utilizez Binance pentru a explora Launchpool-ul Binance, Learn and Earn, Megadrop, tranzacționarea Futures și să învăț despre beneficiile de a deține active crypto pe termen lung și de a câștiga venituri pasive.
De la adversitate la leadership: călătoria mea la Binance și lupta pentru o comunitate sigură 🤝🐯🧡
🔸 Am început pe Binance la sfârșitul anului 2022. 🔸 Am încercat anterior să investesc în acțiuni în 2018.
🔸 Dar s-a dovedit că am intrat într-un broker de escrocherie și mi-am pierdut banii 💔 (Asta m-a făcut să abandonez investițiile online pentru câțiva ani)
🔸În 2022, căutând o alternativă de economisire într-un context de devalorizare rapidă a monedei noastre argentiniene 🇦🇷 , am descoperit USDT și am intrat în lumea criptomonedelor.
🔍 Apoi, am învățat despre blockchain și Bitcoin ( $BTC ). Analizând diverse platforme de schimb, mi-am dat seama că cea mai completă a fost Binance .
De acuerdo a diferentes opiniones he leido, se especula que la tendencia para el año 2025, sea una temporada alcista para las altcoins, mientras que se especula que el precio del bitcoin se mantenga entre 90 a 94 mil dólares.
En mi opinión estimo que el precio de Bitcoin corrija aun mas hasta descender hasta los 74 mil dólares. En cuanto a las altcoins, no odas tendrán un buen crecimiento, por lo que recomiendo analizar bien en cual moneda se va a invertir para evitar perder dinero por culpa del Fomo.
Din septembrie mi-am vândut activele cripto pentru a investi în 2 proiecte restaurabile... Adevăratul meu miracol de Crăciun este că, la primirea dividendelor, îmi pot recupera din nou jetoanele folosite 😁
Știu că voi avea mult mai mult din investiția pe care am făcut-o și sper să arăt rezultatele investițiilor mele!!! doar atunci va pot recomanda
Tal como lo he venido diciendo, el precio de las criptomonedas iban a estar consolidando de precio en estos días de navidad pero antes de tiempo hay un efecto rebote hacia su carrera alcista.
Hay monedas que aun ofrecen una oportunidad de invertir antes que suban de precio.
Piața se corectează și este un moment ideal pentru a cumpăra înainte de o nouă creștere a prețului.
Dacă moneda dvs. preferată este $BTC , atunci așteptați scăderea spre 93 de mii de dolari pentru a cumpăra, deoarece apoi va reveni la peste 100 de mii.
Saludos queridos lectores... los invito a sumergirse en el mundo crypto y educarse financieramente para que puedan gestionar por su cuenta su propio capital.
Es grato ver los logros que he tenido al ingresar a mi #2024withBinance y quisiera compartirlo con uds aqui Mi resumen 2024
uds también pueden ingresar a la sección y ver sus logros... y si desean, pueden compartirlo en los comentarios.
El precio del bitcoin está realizando una corrección en su precio luego de estar sobre los $ 101K. Por lo que se puede apreciar en la gráfica, el precio puede llegar a los 95K o 96K, antes de retomar su carrera alcista y llegar a cerrar el año en los 104-110 mil dólares.
Este 2024 ha sido un año de sorpresas en el mundo crypto, donde los que pudieron aprovechar la temporada alcista, hicieron dinero y los que no hicieron una buena gestión de capital perdieron dinero.
Haciendo balance, quizas vendí a precios que pude haber aprovechado más pero me queda la satisfacción de haber sacado parte de mis criptos para invertirlo en 2 proyectos rentables.
Hace dias publiqué un analisis del precio de $ETH y cuando estaba en $3800 les dije que haría una corrección para luego llegar a $4000...pues mantengo ese analisis de precios por lo que aproveché de comprar ahorita para vender mas adelante. #ETHOnTheRise #eth #tradingcrypto #binance
❤🔥DIN : Unlocking AI's Potential through Decentralization and Rewards 🎁
DIN (Decentralized Information Network) is a platform where users can share their data for AI and get rewarded 🎁 in return. It ensures security and transparency of data through blockchain technology. Users get rewarded in tokens or cryptocurrencies for their contribution.
DINs combine blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to unlock advanced data intelligence capabilities. By leveraging the strengths of both fields, DINs enhance data accessibility, security, and utility in AI-driven processes. Here's how they achieve this:
1. Data Ownership and Control DINs enable users to maintain control over their data through blockchain-based mechanisms. Instead of centralized entities owning and monetizing data, users can securely share their data for AI training and applications while retaining ownership. Smart contracts ensure transparent and fair usage of this data. Example: Users on a healthcare DIN can share anonymized medical records for AI-driven research while retaining full control over their data.
2. Data Integrity and Trust Blockchain provides immutable records, ensuring data integrity and authenticity. AI systems rely on accurate and tamper-proof data for effective learning and decision-making. DINs ensure that data used by AI models is verifiable, reducing biases and errors. Example: Supply chain DINs use blockchain to track product origins and integrate AI to predict demand or optimize logistics.
3. Incentivized Data Sharing DINs often incorporate tokenomics to incentivize data sharing. Contributors are rewarded for providing valuable datasets, ensuring a steady flow of high-quality data for AI models. Example: A decentralized social media platform could reward users with tokens for contributing to datasets used to improve AI algorithms.
4. Privacy-Preserving AI Using techniques like zero-knowledge proofs and federated learning, DINs empower AI to analyze encrypted or distributed datasets without compromising user privacy. Blockchain ensures that privacy policies and agreements are enforced transparently. Example: AI-powered credit scoring models in financial DINs can access transaction histories without revealing sensitive personal information.
5. Decentralized AI Models DINs support decentralized AI, where models are trained and deployed across distributed networks. This eliminates dependency on centralized entities and reduces the risk of single points of failure. Example: A DIN can host a decentralized AI-powered recommendation system for e-commerce platforms, allowing multiple stakeholders to collaborate securely.
6. Interoperability and Data Exchange DINs facilitate seamless data exchange across diverse industries and platforms, providing AI with richer datasets to improve accuracy and efficiency. Blockchain’s interoperability protocols allow multiple networks to share data securely. Example: Autonomous vehicles can utilize a DIN to share real-time traffic data, enhancing AI-driven navigation systems.
7. Auditability and Accountability Blockchain’s transparency ensures that AI decisions can be audited and traced back to their data sources. This is critical for industries with strict compliance requirements. Example: AI models in healthcare DINs can provide explainable diagnoses, with blockchain recording how and why decisions were made.
🕵♀️🔥👀 DINs make AI smarter and more reliable by combining blockchain's security, transparency, and decentralization with AI's ability to process data. This partnership helps improve industries like finance, healthcare, and supply chains while solving issues such as data privacy, ownership, and accuracy. @DIN Data Intelligence Network #DIN #GODINDataForAI #binanceweb3airdrop
♻️ You have 3 ways to make profits with DIN : 🔸 Help process information while getting rewards . 🔸 Adding points in Binance Web3 Wallet in collaboration with DIN . 🔸 Participating in the Binance Square campaign in collaboration with DIN . If you are interested, I recommend reading the entire article 📖 ... let's start by first understanding what the project consists of.
Data Processing + AI + Blockchain = DIN This combination leverages technology to improve data processing. Contribution = Getting rewards The smart contract determines the rewards for all participants taking into account the value contribution Higher quality of contribution will be a better reward DIN is designed to empower everyone to cook data for Al and get paid
Many Binance users had their first contact with DIN thanks to the collaboration with 🔶 Binance Web 3 Wallet .
More than 127,000 Binance users are participating and earning points .
• How to participate? : 🔸 Go to wallet
🔸Go to Web 3
🔸Select ( Join Now )
• All content in this article is for educational purposes 📖 .• The information in this article was obtained from Din's official website 🌐. This article is sponsored by : 🔸@DIN Data Intelligence Network 🔸@Binance Square Official 🔸@币安广场
If you also want to participate, use the event # : 🔸 #DIN 🔸 #GODINDataForAI 🔸 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop • At no time is investment recommended .• He advised to participate in the free activities .
🌐 DIN Architecture : Basically consisting of 3 main phases regarding data processing : 🔸 Data Collectors 📊 🔸 Data Validators 📊 🔸 Data Vectorizers 📊 Participants will be rewarded according to their contribution to the network.
📊 Data Collectors : The collected information is divided into 2 forms : 🔸 On-chain Data : TransactionsWallet addressesSmart contracts 🔸 Off-chain Data : Market sentimentsregulatory changesSocial media trends
This strategy empowers a broad spectrum of users, from casual enthusiasts to professional analysts, across sectors like crypto, medical, academic, and industrial.
• To add data is through : 🔸 Analytics 🔸 xData This ensures access to actionable information.
📊 Data Validators : To improve the accuracy of the and reduce the risks of data manipulation, (SUM) is used. S : SharedU : UpdatableM : Models
📊 Data Vectorizers : To improve the accuracy and scalability of the models, a vector conversion is performed. 🔸This means that : Raw data is transformed into a structured format that AI models can process efficiently
🖼️ In this image you can see the entire DIN protocol :
🔸 Data Collection: Collectors gather on-chain and off-chain data from diverse sources. 🔸 Validation Routing: Data is forwarded to selected validators based on their locally deployed models . 🔸 Verification: Validators employ computational resources to predict and ascertain data accuracy. 🔸 Privacy Processing (Dataset): Validated data undergoes privacy enhancement via the ZK processor. 🔸 Model Update: The relevant model is refined with the latest data and updated across validators. 🔸 Vector Conversion: Computation nodes transform the validated data into vectors. 🔸 Privacy Processing (Vector): Vectors are processed through the ZK processor for privacy. 🔸 Data Finalization: The finalized dataset and vectors are stored on IPFS, making them accessible to third parties.
🔸Thank you very much for all the support. I hope this article has been useful. 🤝🐯🧡 🔸 If you have any suggestions, you can leave them in the comments. 🗨️