#TBCI #COMPU COMPU „putere de calcul”, moneda de platformă a „Tiandao Guild” care este recunoscută la nivel global ca având cel mai mare potențial... este pe cale să facă furori pe piața primară! ✊✊✊✊✊În curând TBCI va fi o senzație în toată lumea! 👊👊👊👊👊
Turingbitchain@TuringBitchain_[TBCKYC TuringBitChain,the mainnet is planned to launch on February 12th 2024. Website: turingbitchain.io Node Email: tbcnode@gmail.com Whitepaper: drive.google.com/file/ d/1sUHjRI... bitcointalk: bitcointalk.org/ index.php?topi... Algorithm:Sha256 Mining TBC requires KYC certification: Proof of being a mining enterprise that complies with local laws and regulations; Legal person passport authentication, authorized signature and official seal; Review of company water and electricity bill documents; 4 We will disclose the regions where all miners belong, please know and agree. Remark: Please send KYC information to the official email.Mining requires payment of node software usage fees.